Housing in World of Warcraft

After, reading the article how do you feel about it? Does it go above and beyond when compared to other mmo with housing? Sure, right now it’s all words but they do have meanings to them.

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We will have to wait and see. We always do lol.

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Not enough info to get truly outraged yet!

Give it time OP.

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Nothing came across like ‘OMG this will be so epic’, the best I can say is they stated housing would not be limited like in FFXIV, which is a positive.

Otherwise, too little information was provided, though what was provided does not appear to be above and beyond much of anything else I’m used to in other MMOs.

Link to article? Assuming you can link on this forum.

I admitedly had high expectations.

I had my hopes up that we’d eventually get a plot in every zone or the ability to have an instanced off island to ourselves.

But what has been announced so far looks good.

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I am not too happy about having to live in Durotar and I will have to pvp Gallywix’s old place in Azshara. But then I could just crash at my Alliance character’s place. :thinking:

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I am mixed. I was hoping for more initial choice than Alliance area or Horde area. At the very least I would have liked a neutral area so that you did not need to use an alt to buy a house if your guild is cross faction.

I would have preferred something like ESO or EQ2 though. Personal instanced housing with entrances all over. I want a house in my racial homeland. Not the homeland of the Humans or the Orcs.

Above and beyond? Eh. Decent? Certainly. Not enough info for anything concrete yet, though.

But I can certainly say it’ll be better than FFXIV’s. Then again, not a very high bar.

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That too, yeah. Sucks that we’ll apparently have our factions shoved down our throats (again, man, I really wish we could break away from them for a while), buuuut, maybe we’ll get the option to set up somewhere else. I can only hope.


Try Silvermoon if you’d prefer something less dusty.

Room service is something else!


OK that greatly diminishes my excitement.

They learned nothing from Garrisons. Harsh climate with squatter settlement architecture. Again.

There is a chance housing is going to fail on Horde side. I don’t see most people having much enthusiasm to decorate a stick and mud hut.

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It’s a good start, but it is just a start. I’ll wait and see though. Maybe they’ll surprise me.

Same. I play mostly Horde characters, but have never been a fan of the dirt, dust, and rock aesthetic.

I understand their reasoning, but still a little disappointed though.

That would have nice.

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FFXIV perspective, looks like our system but less annoying; however, I would note that I highly doubt they can achieve the social element in their wards unless there are a lot of reasons to be in those spaces (which will mean it will drain the main parts of the game, if people care about that).

Personally I think it would be far more interesting to ensure that dedicated / private wards (neighborhood sections) are a thing (with ease of access / sharing), but to also add a lot of cool locations. Because as an owner of a large house on the largest server in FFXIV, I can count on both hands over many years how many times social interactions happened without intentionality.

You can’t count intentionality because if I want that then I will get it no matter, and I think that is where DEDICATED wards is an awesome thing, but only for those who are doing that. By dedicated I mean a group of people purposefully organizing a ward together to make it social, where a bunch of RP players are setting up shops, inns, (clubs… lol), etc. Wards with that dedicated intentionality is cool, but you really only need a small small handful for that… the vast majority of FFXIV’s are dead (like super dead). I bet WoW’s will be the same.

So I hope they understand that they can help support the social element, and perhaps encourage players to hang out in those wonderfully dedicated popular spaces, but also… just give us some cool stuff and not overly fixate on that.

The neighborhood system, if it isn’t using phasing, can also be quite annoying as certain plots will be very sought after (and target of RMT / drama), and so regular joes are going to be stuck in the least interesting spots.

So in general it looks quite promising and I hope they can deliver, but I really hope they will reconsider that position on “many locations” because as a long time player of a system they have, in action already, it’s not really that social except for when players specifically set it up that way (aka, the few dedicate wards).

Additionally if you put homes in populated areas, like say Stormwind, you could phase the house in a space where features are outside of it. So you would leave to access the bank, AH, etc. This would encourage you to live in both spaces. Also some features could be added to the ‘open’ space, so you upgrade the area as a content but they are added in a shared space. Furthering a lack of damage to the general world. Although, I hope Blizzard also can see some people may WANT to not have to deal with that (like in neighborhoods you will see other people’s ugly designs lol), so they might say “its not that social if we add a location to Grizzly Hills” and a player is like “yeh, I know… I want that”. And Blizzard did say they want to let players play the way they want, eh? Like Delves.

So again I really hope they don’t feel beholden to that social pillar because I think they might be a bit too sold on the power of neighborhoods, and even when they do work (which will be very specific situations) not everyone even wants that.

Also hope it doesn’t go the same way as their Garrisons. Again from a FFXIV perspective, coming at the content late, it’s actually quite cool and I wish they hadn’t of dropped it (like class halls), and it certainly beats our islands.

For killing the main world, and also since I brought up garrisons, I believe two elements should be carefully noted though… First if they can give it a hearthstone that is bidirectional I think that’ll help a lot. When people go to their Garrison they have to then burn time returning to where they were at, this encourages people just to not travel and set up camp. If the stone was bidirectional I believe they would have had a lot less of a damage to their open worlds as players could have returned to activities with ease (bidirectional meaning if you’re in your Garrison you return to where you cast it to get there). The other item being avoid baby sitting mechanics, or at least requiring those baby sitting mechanics to be always done at location (ESPECIALLY if you don’t have ease of travel), because I feel like I constantly want to return to my Garrison but luckily due to the gold nerf and power nerf I can ignore it… I can imagine when Garrisons were new you were chained to the Garrison.

You can live in the Alliance housing zone if you prefer.

You’d just need an Alliance toon to purchase a house there.

And they did say that we’d get more housing zones.

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They said in the past that Durotar and Elwynn are just to START with, they’re gonna trickle more things eventually.

I’m hoping we will have options if we get put in a public neighborhood with… undesireable neighbors.

I’m in a private solo guild, so unless I can create one for my own guild, that option may be out.

We shall see; it’s still too early to tell.

They better let us move our houses then

Yes, but they also said that they want to limit them because they feel making players too spread out would limit their pillars of what they are going for, so someone is gonna miss out.

Also, what happens if your guild neighborhood is in one of the boring faction areas and they open up an interesting area. Will they let us have more than one place, or are we just stuck wherever our friends are but a theme we do not like. That we need more info for, though.

There should at least have been a third, neutral area. It is gonna suck for cross faction friends who might want an area together to have to make alts of whatever faction loses the vote of Alliance or Horde.