Housing in World of Warcraft

I am not a fan. Also not a fan of garrison. It’s like a Dress Up game and dress up your house game like a Barbie game. I don’t like it.

It’s a way for Blizzard to monetize it like sell furnitures on Cash Shop. I don’t like a Reward to replace Mount. Imagine, instead of grinding for your Siesbarg mount, the game now wants you grind it for a beautiful water bed.

I would say NO.

Wall of text, sorry - I love everything about this. Big W Blizz so far. I wasn’t expecting this route at all, but this is the best possible route they could have gone with neighborhoods instead of instanced houses like ESO/BDO imo. Plus, none of the bad features of FFXIV (losing house if inactive, bidding and limited spots, etc.) So far so good.

  • I’ve seen it mentioned and it’s a good point, I wonder how they’ll choose to navigate the possibility for someone to have a house in an inactive neighborhood. People who maybe unsub indefinitely, or just end up not wanting to participate in it. I wonder how easy it’ll be to move to a new, more lively neighborhood? I like the concept of neighborhoods because I love seeing others creativity, I love visiting people’s homes in other games with housing to get decor inspo or to hang out. Huge potential here, and so far it sounds fantastic! And since they’re also adding a private option, then that’s good for people who don’t want the social aspect of a neighborhood.

  • Although I’m not a fan of the starter zones, I think they’re fine as is. I think it makes sense why they were selected for the starters, and it’s what I expected. But, the potential for new zones to be added is awesome too, and I can’t wait for that to be explored. I’ll be inside decorating anyway so I’m not overly concerned about the backdrop at launch, though if we get the feature to decorate the outside/yard (which I hope that’s a potential feature), then I can’t wait for the possible new zones! I want to live in a pretty Nelf forest, even if I’m horde.

  • I LOVE that it doesn’t seem faction locked. If I get an Alli house on an Alli toon, I can use it on my horde toon and vice versa. Same with decor. That was my biggest concern, since I do primarily play horde bc of my friends but I think I’d be more of a fan of Alli architecture/decor options. We’ll see tho, there’s definitely some cool Horde things too! There’s so much potential with this, I really can’t wait!!

  • One thing tho, I do hope it’s flexible in how we can place objects/customize. I want to be able to float/suspend things if need be, and rotate objects without being grid locked, etc. It’s too early to tell, but I do wonder how large the plots will be and what the cap will be for objects in houses. I hope it’s generous/makes sense for the size, because with housing in games I love to go all out and stuff it to the max if I can. Concept art looked promising. Also, if we can save layouts for those who might decorate seasonally/frequently change things. It’d be nice to save a layout as a template that you can load/switch around. But we’ll see. I’m happy with anything at this point and am already pleasantly surprised so, I won’t be super picky. Beggars can’t be choosers, I’m just glad I can do this at all in a game I never expected to adopt this feature.

I’m also not mad about the cash shop thing. They said it’d be similar to how it currently is with mounts/mogs, and imo the best stuff like that is never on the cash shop anyway and pretty limited so. I don’t think it’s much of an L as people are saying, and not surprising that decor would be added to cash shop if other cosmetic things are already there.

I really wasn’t expecting this route at all so I love everything about this so far and pleasantly surprised. Time will tell tho, it’s still early and things can change. Trying not to get my hopes up just from their post, but unfortunately I’m…mega hyped.

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The article did say you can have a Horde and Alliance home, AKA you can have a house for your Horde Character and the other for your Alliance.

You underestimate the community.

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Its exactly what I thought it would be I’ll be happy if I can just ignore it

Horde living in Alliance territory? I know relations have improved but I don’t think they have improved that much.

That doesn’t really solve my problem, though.

I am worried about two things, specifically.

One. If my guild chooses Horde for our neighborhood I will have to buy the house on a Horde character I wouldn’t otherwise play. I know I can access it on my Alliance character, but it is still annoying.

Two. What happens if we already have a house in a guild area and the place we actually want to be opens up? Do I just have to abandon my guild just because I don’t want to live in same area, or would I just be able to have two houses.

I do not really want a ton of alts. I prefer to play the one character. I am just so tired of being forced into one of two races styles depending on which faction you chose. :frowning:

Neighborhood is neat - it would be really fun if at some point you could have one house for your account with all of your alts being able to be represented on it somehow.

Bel’ameth would be awesome.

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Nah. They should rebuild auberdine and make it a housing community. Ooh, or astranaar! I would love so much to actually be a night elf in ashenvale again.

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There isn’t enough information to speculate about this. I’m glad they gave us the core ideas of what they’re doing, but that’s all we’ve got.

Have to wait and see how it plays out.

After reading the article, it gave me pretty much what I figured the base kit would be. Two types of housing to start based on factions, in fixed locations. I was not surprised by the neighborhood, but pleasantly surprised by having public or private options.

It is an evergreen feature that will grow over time, and eventually I will get my Gnomish tech house and my Gilnean Victorian.

Need more information on how decorating and house placement works, not to mention a look at house designs, the limit of how many houses you can have per account, and if furniture is unlocked once ore you need multiple “unlocks” on your account to place more of it. Immensely disappointing that they couldn’t squeeze in zones tailored to all four vanilla starting zones to launch this with. Unsurprising that there’s bound to be furniture items on the cash shop.

I love those digs at ffxiv lol

Cautiously optimistic. The shade they threw on FF XIV’s housing system makes me feel a little better about it, too. Still, we need more information, and I’m sure we’ll get it as time goes on.

When they say “Everyone gets a house” my only thought is “Everyone gets the smallest dirt cheap house but if you have gold or real money you can then get the nicer bigger houses”.

Prove me wrong Blizzard. I doubt they can but you know.

I have a long list of other disappointments too such as forcing more human and orc slop on me when I main blood elves. Not being able to choose the zone I want is also upsetting. It seems architecture is still planned to be limited to orc and human slop, again(sigh). I could go on but it’s pointless, they are not taking feedback. The blueprint shown today is what is set in stone no matter what.

Well if its like Fallout 3/4 housing, then I’ll be a hoarder again.