Housing easy fix and wouldn't take an Expansion to do

They claim it would be an entire patch to do this… I offered them an easy solution. would fit in the game right now, and does require special zones or phasing or areas. you have set Flight paths for Gryphons’. So why not just let people build small islands into the sky depending on your home size you could even let guilds lock islands and build a community around their Guild House. One guild house could be a refinery type… another for X, and so forth and so on. Tailoring, leatherworking, etc.
Even having a guild lister in your Guild house that lets you put stuff up but not buy from.
Could even decay and and disappear if you let your account go or don’t log in enough.

They proved in Nevergrand they can make floating chunks of earth,

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Sounds pretty wild, tbh.

Are you suggesting we all have the ability to create physical floating islands in the non-instanced overworld?

Although it’s a creative idea, I don’t think the spacing is really a big concern because they could always just give everyone their own phase. I think this was actually their plan for player housing with the removed portal between trade district and old town in Stormwind, to let the portal take everyone into their own little house instance.

Wildstar had houses that were on floating chunks of ground. Like a Goblin couldn’t do the same thing? AND the housing dude Phineas T. Rotostar was green too and loved money…I wonder if he like escaped Wildstar and made himself anew…as GALLYWIX DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

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What happens if a player flies into your guild’s restricted airspace? Sudden falling death I hope.

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That’s easy enough to stop. Invisible wall.

Hello, I see you made a post about player housing. This idea was delivered by the developers we knew as garrisons, where a chunk of the player base ended up disliking. The developers have also stated themselves they wish to not input traditional player housing, yet the local minority we know as the forums continue kicking the poor dead horse, haha!

Thank you for your post and have a great day!

You want a bunch of invisible walls all over free airspace because some guild decided to plop their islands-fortress in the middle of X zone?


Yes. And you’re the one who complained about the flying thing and I offered a solution. There’s invisible walls in lots of places already.

Hard no on profession buildings. That’s what made everyone AFK in their Garrisons.


There are a lot of different takes on housing. We’ll have to wait and see what Blizz comes up with when they finally implement it.

They wont.

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You just need to convince devs that player housing (and all the content that would be made for it) will drive engagement month after month and players won’t get bored of it, or that it won’t just be amiable to just a niche sector of the playerbase.

Uh… good luck with that.

My own idea is even simpler. Spread out town services to more locations so that just about any little village anywhere could function as a home. Then all we need is a way to get there and back. A new special type of hearthstone would be all it takes. The difference between a current hearthstone and this one is that it could teleport the user back to where they were again. A town portal type of thing. So, if If I wanted to make the hunters lodge in Lock Modan into a home, using this, I could. But there is no bank there, no auction house and the shop keepers have low lever gear. THAT could be addressed thou.

I don’t really care if they ever add player housing, I just want new professions if they decide to. I want new professions anyway. It’s been too long since the last one was added.

It’s my understanding that the devs have stated the main problem is players dictating hitboxes. Garrisons did not allow object placement, it was all slot in place. Toys can be placed arbitrarily (but not precisely) but they do not stop movement and are temporary. According to the devs the current engine would not support players dictating where functional furniture would go and saving the design.

Creating the system to implement a flying island in the sky would take up so many of blizzards resources, it would definitely take two or three expansions

Can’t wait until… roughly 15 minutes after this system rolls out, when 4 or 5 bored gold-barons build impenetrable bubbles over every capital city.

Yes… sorry Ive been away for a few weeks and was in a car wreck… but that’s exactly what I’m thinking… you have a deed… fly up, as long as No flight path or town below you or path going through you, you could place a flying island on a spot of land there. If people don’t upkeep it disappears… upkeep being Taxes I guess lol.
This would allow your home to be built in the world and you don’t need special zones or anything of the like. The island size would depend on how big a house you purchase… a guild hall would be really big but really expensive.
either the guild could be such a big island it would hold t30-50 hones other than the guild hall. This way people could put their house on the guild island or right next to it. but that’s just an idea in passing. And I don’t think that would take an entire expansion as they have been telling us, but maybe just a couple of patches.

I figured with housing you could grow Herbs… have mines that npc’s work in… I’m thinking for Guild Halls. grow cotton for tailors… etch. As professions for the guild hall…