Hour+ queue for Crucible LFR?

Its emissaries chest not wq themselves.

Even with just a fresh 120 gear sources that don’t scale based on your ilevel are
AAO is 395/400
C2A is 360
Conquest cap is 385 upping to 400 10 weeks in and unlocking the weekly pvp chest for a 360
And I believe random arenas and bgs are 370(???)
Even the lowly heroic dungeon is 355

Shouldn’t be hard hitting that 350 threshold into getting the 400 darkshore quest and getting into mythic+ pugs and start unlocking higher emissary chests

Emissary chests still scale to your ilevel

But we like LFR because we get to “see the story” LAWL!!!


180k over 30 sec is nothing in grand scheme of things.

Good players will create a cancel aura macro for when they are in danger.

That trinket is amazing most of the on use items from CoC are (not all) and I’m glad they added these minor skill ceilings with them.

If it had 400 gear, more folks would queue.

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I just want to see how they did this for LFR. I am doing heroic now (downed the first bosses and 53% on the last boss) and the mechanics for both fights are insane. I am assuming the damage taken from things like the crown, the beams, etc. are like a tickle.

The only purpose it serves in my eyes all along and WoD showed this too, is that it is an easy way for players that don’t want to hassle of real raiding an easy way to get gear.

People don’t LFR for the story, they LFR for gear and if they say otherwise they are lying.

LFR has been a stain on this game since Cata and it has caused wide spread apathy towards WoW end game for a lot of players. Also, it pretty much KILLED casual raiding guilds which in my eyes were the glue that held this game together.

WoW as a single player game is not that compelling, it’s story telling and world content is an absolute bore anymore and it really can’t hold people that long anymore. At least when end game required socializing and some measure of skill, the game had more stickiness.

But Blizzard decided to chase non MMO players and they have been struggling with it since, because these people are fickle and generally don’t stay subbed longer than a few months in an expansion.

Also, it is impossible to keep up with their demand for content too, at least when raids took effort to see the content, it gave the developers breathing room to create new content. Now after LFR is released and people beat the last boss there really isn’t a lot of incentive for these players to stay subbed to the game.

This is why we have all these silly grinds and time gates now, which is also causing a lot of apathy in the game.


There’s zero reason to do any raiding right now. LFR/Normal/Heroic get outscaled by world quests, and mythic gets outscaled by heroic gear because its easier to get drops so its easier to get titanforged heroic gear.

And because we’re going full circle, that means world quests outscaling heroic also have a chance at outscaling mythic too, for .1% of the effort. The transmogs suck, the achievements are nowhere, the mounts are invisible, and none of my friends are enjoying/playing the game anymore because of how garbage this expansion is. What reason is there to raid anymore?


To be honest, as a tank I’ll hop into heroic/normal or 10+ keys anytime someone needs me… but if I jump into LFR for whatever reason I’d rather sit in the DPS queue and afk while I wait for it to pop then join as a tank (unless I queue up with another co-tank and know that I can rely on the other tank to do the bare minimum mechanics).

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Because honestly that place is a NIGHTMARE for LFR. There are a lot of mechanics that need to be done and that doesn’t translate well to LFR.

So, LFR then.

I want to experience the raid. I can’t do it otherwise.

To be fair … being a green, your ilvl, and then lumping a critique of LFR is essentially the equivalent of a millionaire trying to put themselves on the level of a homeless person.

This is not to say your opinion is not valid regarding the topic, or meant as an insult to you. How can someone pretty much at the top remotely understand what those at the bottom experience?

To provide my reasoning regarding LFR, it’s a matter of convenience in regards to accessing content I may otherwise not have access to solely because I’m a solo player. To the mention of the emissary quests loot ilvl being bumped, it’s few and far between for when loot is even offered through them. With LFR, it’s a more controlled chance at getting loot … meaning when you can access it vs waiting for an emissary quest, aka more control of the timeframe to access loot vs the actual receiving of loot (due to the RNG gods.)

As to the wait time, as has been referenced several times over … queue times for DPS are through the roof. It’s likely minutes for tanks/healers. Not many people are brave enough to face the wrath of the current mob mentality we’ve developed in this game, especially when it comes to new content. Everyone expects the tanks and healers to be full experts on day one of every mechanic within an encounter.

Hope this brought some perspective to the fore for you. I’m off to work.


I haven’t run LFR in 2 expacs now. Most folks I know, particularly tanks, avoid LFR because of the way the folks in there tend to behave. I stopped in WoD when I watched a hunter run into stuff on the ground and die deliberately in each encounter.

No weapon enchants, toys, or mounts…never going to bother.

Did it yesterday with 1 wipe on Cabal and 2 on Uunat. The gear drops are crap for my spec so the only reason I had for doing it was the quest (plus Xal’atath afterward) and just having done it.

I find this new trend of handing out so much loot that it is making raiding seem pointless disturbing. I don’t feel that this is a good direction at all. But :man_shrugging:

They are supposed to but only after the initial composition. In case someone drops. You probably still need two tanks though.

They need to be more intelligent about building raids.

I’ll do it once just to see it and turn in my quests. By far the expansion where I did my part in LFR the most was Mists, due to the Legendary questline and the stuff that needed to be gathered in there. I didn’t bother with the ones that required Normal or above raiding in Legion, and there’s even less reason to do LFR now except to see the story.

But I’m not sure which world quests are awarding 395 gear? I did the rounds on my 390+ iLvl characters yesterday and the best I saw was 370 from a world quest.