Hottest female race in wow?

Probably female orcs, can’t say no to those muscles.

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Yah. Your faces will melt like in indiana jones and the lost ark, that is how hot iron dwarves are.

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You know which category the other races cannot come close to competing with Dark Iron females in? Big, full, beautiful flaming-hot beards:


female humans look derpy. The hottest race is female draenei

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They have a resort called a Pleasure Palace. You do the math on that one.

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Orcs and Goblins for Horde and Dwarves for Alliance.

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Draenai. Curvy without all the steroid muscle

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yaknow whats sad, theres not a single nerd playing this game that if a troll chick walked in and wanted to get it on that would refuse…as long as she wasnt trying to eat them. and still half of players would still go for it


Humans, Vrykul, Night Elves, Dwarves and Kyrian.

High Elves

Night elves to me

Tauren for me would easily rise up to at least second or third place right beside Pandaren/Worgen if they weren’t so flat chested for their body size ratio… also being cows.

(weird, my post got removed. there was nothing wrong with it. if there was then most of the posts here should be removed, lol)

i think the blood elfs are prob the hottest. viold elfs if your into gothic girls. Draenei are also nice to look at. they loose a point because of there accent, never found it “sexy” (maybe caz i work in a halal butcher and hear it all the time or/and caz im tone deaf to some accents and have a hard time understanding them)

as for humans, no. there in the uncanny valley for me. almost looking like “real humans” but just a bit… not. same with gnomes. in the cinematics they look really cool. ingame there faces are just to fat for me to like…

when sl comes most of the classes will be getting massive upgrades so my vote might change then



There is an even greater beauty. These sea dragon goblins hold beauty beyond most.

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They look amazing, let’s be honest.
Also, they are our own species!

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I want to say Tauren because the women who play them are secure enough to not run a cute race and are probably cute themselves irl. As a minimum they’re not playing sexy for attention which makes them more desirable to me even if we’re just game friends.

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Hmm I find the human female to be the most attractive race in the game. They are the best proportioned imo tho chest is a lil big.

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The hottest females, no matter what race they are, are the ones that are secure in themselves and don’t have to flaunt it just to get attention. lol

So whatever race you play, make sure it is one you resonate with and you will be seen for your confidence, not your body build.

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Easy. Tuskarr.

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