Hottest female race in wow?

all of’em. just, all of’em. even the undead girls… wait… maybe not them, they’re too cold-to-the-touch.

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except the definition of what is healthy is very different from generation to generation. the fact you didn’t say kul’tirans means that this eras form of “attractive” is what you subscribe to. healthy in your eyes would mean slender and colorful.


Wait what? But Kul’tirans are humans, I added human at the top of my list, I do like when woman have some meat on their bones and do not look like sticks where you can see their bones, there is a good balance between the two, its easy to tell if someone is in health or not.


all I’m really saying is you’re not very kinky lol


Dark Iron Dwarf

…jk I’ve never seen one. I’m gonna go with Mag’har

I guess? Well I think being into blue space goat alien with horns, face tentacles, a tail and hoof is pretty out there, I’m just not into monsters or animals like creatures, but I see what you mean. lol


lol I don’t mean to shame, I am really tired and sometimes I say stuff without thinking. I should go to bed.

Female humans 100000%!

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Lasses so hot they’ll literally scorch you!

:fire: :fire: :fire:

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I agree troll females got all the mojo!


Troll females look better than them, and have great personality too!


Undeniably the Draenei

Dark Iron Dwarves presumably have the highest body temperatures.

Troll Females.

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Draenai. Actually zero contest here.

According to R34, Draenei are the hottest female race.


Idk she looks kinda scary lol

Going by this characters name, you could make an educated guess as to my preference.

I think void

high elves are the hottest race. I refuse to acknowledge their traitor cousins in the horde.