Hotfix that DHs need

Cleansed by Flame
Now can be used once in 30 sec.

Vengeful Retreat reduce chance to hit you with physical attacks or spells by 30% until you land.

The Hunt
Direct damage reduce by 50%.

Blade Dance
Final slash damage reduce by 50%.

Damage reduce by 50%.

Metamorphosis landing no more makes immune to damage or CC effect, but reduces chance to hit DH by 50%.

Mastery effectiveness reduced by 50%. (in full 489 gear in arena I have 95%)


woah youre good, i like it. i like it alot. vega for pvp dev like wtf name your price blizz pay em. les gooo


Ty, I’m still waiting for them to invite me to head the development department.


lmao they fr trippin waiting so long jesus. youre on one.


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do you know mastery is diff % for every class i could have 6000 mastery and only have 20% mastery shams can have 6000 mastery and have 150% mastery

For mastеry which purely increases chaos damage (90% of DHs spells) it’s too OP.

i mean mastery is just pure dmg for every dps spec so i fail to see your point mastery isnt a problem with dh the spells them self are overtuned

ive said this for years having vers buffing dmg and mastery buffing dmg is a problem ive wanted 1 ofthese stats to be removed for sum time makes the game hard to balance because boomkin can stack mastery and hit 400k full moons but only a few people do that but qing into that is beyond toxic

vers could be removed added to the pvp trinket 2set or mastery could just be removed and they rebalance specs

but untill they do that its just tuning balance that needs to be done to many modifiers in the game for it to be sum what balanced

Here’s a suggestion:

  • Remove Glimpse
    Anti-cc + defensive removed
  • Remove Demonic Imprint
    Overall damage nerfed by 10%
  • Erratic Felheart nerfed by 75% in pvp
    Mobility reduced in pvp to help kite

This + the nerfs it will get next reset should be more than enough.
All without without touching pve.

Lets push the spec to A tier, not to Fury/Enhance tier.

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Naw, way to big of nerfs.

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The idea of glimpse is actually really good design and adds depth to the class. The only problematic part is that you can extend it for way too long. If they just reduce the max amount of time you have have the buff to like 1-2 seconds it’d be completely fine.

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It’s also problematic that you use vengeful retreat for non-utility reasons so you can accidentally glimpse things for no reason. The all-in-one buttons should go. Granted, this isn’t a huge issue since it means you can also waste it, but it’s pretty annoying. Make these utility buttons (iframe buttons especially) be an intentional skill press.

Agreed, trents for resto should be pruned.

I mean, it’s not the same thing but I agree anyway. Treants are garbage.

I mean most of the time they use vengeful retreat without the intention of preventing cc it’s really obvious. Do they have cd’s up? Might press it for the crit buff. Out of mobility? Press it as a gap closer. Other than that the only reason is for the wall/ cc prevention. Getting your cc eaten by a random one is kinda on you.
And if they use it for one of those reasons they are now down a defensive making them more vulnerable. If all the button did was prevent cc/ a wall it would be infinitely stronger since there would now be no other reason to press the button.

Most classes have defensives that have multiple uses that’s completely fine. Since using them for anything other than a defensive makes them more vulnerable. The biggest problem with vengeful retreat is the frequency of them being able to proc glimpse and the duration. If it was a 30-60 second cd with a set duration it would be pretty balanced.

Those aren’t fine either. As I said in my post, most (if not all) all-in-one buttons should be nerfed. You should never, imo, say “I would cast this ability even if the utility part of it were gone.” Klepto on fire breath for dragons is a good example.

Infinitely stronger for people who have good skill expression to use it properly. Which is the entire point. It’s why you see 100x the amount of demon hunters on the ladder versus something like outlaw rogue even though they’re pretty similar in terms of brokenness when played at skill cap.

Ok lets use your example. So what would you want instead? When you take the talent you just get a button that casts klepto?

Outlaw is one of the hardest specs to actually play efficiently. Not because of how players use their tools but because actually getting out effective pressure is hard. If that part was a bit easier the tools it has are just as braindead as dh. Having all your defensives have practically no cd’s is pretty op and easy to use. If you want dh to emulate that it would be to keep all it’s tools but complicate it’s actual rotation.


Imagine if rogue just had all their rotational damage buttons attached to things like sprint, evasion or feint and all they had to do was press kidney and evis (generators also passive). Evasioning that bash now also gives you a 5proc of rtb and AR automatically.

If something is going to be broken, it should at least take some semblance of skill.

Like I don’t disagree a lot of passive effects being tied to their own buttons again would be a lot more fun to play, and infinitely stronger. But there is the fear of just having too many buttons.

I mean it does? Joe shmoe isn’t logging on dh and getting #1 in 3’s. Even if it’s easier than rogue, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some depth to it.

Yeah I don’t really know the best answer to reconcile this, but I know for sure it isn’t “just throw everything into a single button”. Globals exist for a reason.

But on average Joe Shmoe is doing significantly better on DH through no play of his own. Which sucks for both: Joe Shmoe who doesn’t want to play DH and also Joe Shmoe who plays against the Joe Shmoe on DH and gets decimated, again, through no (relative) fault of their own.

And this is all because of skill ceiling being 50 miles below the surface for some classes and not others.