Hotfix in the Badge gear!

This is the operative meaning. Blizzard lacks consistency across all its own announcements, I’ve not disputed this.

Knowing this, the logical assumption is that anything not released yet will come tomorrow.

I’m not sure what kind of point you’re trying to make.

“Hey, we need to pay some guy minimum wage to field the incessant bad faith questions and whining on the forums and the rare gem honest question from time to time…”

“The general forums?”



I’m not sure how you’re having trouble understanding.

Having a list of updates, then making a distinction for some of those updates that they will come “with the release of Zul’Aman” unambiguously indicates that the changes NOT listed as “with the release of Zul’Aman” should have already happened. Every other thing on that list of updates has happened except badge gear.


I think Frasc might have been dropped on their head as a baby


Except we have a difference in how the information was presented by Blizzard itself.

The forum post: Burning Crusade Classic Patch Notes Version 2.5.4

And the big announcement post:

They aren’t 1-to-1.

They could get unpaid interns

I think California frowns on that.

its less than 24 hours, calm your tatas sweaty-magee

And you dont need to white knight for them. They are wrong, did bad, should feel bad.

You signed the right away to even say this… LOL

You’ll be OK.

boot licker


based GC

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Bwahahaha that all you got? I don’t share your emotional distress so I must be some kind of masochist?

And yet…

Here you are, crying about your own agreements.

Not much of a ‘signed agreement’ then is it?

Almost like erroneous patch notes being worthless, or an utter inability to manage their own 15 year old game.

Simply not worth much.

Oh its fairly ironclad, which is why your mewling doesn’t mean anything and you agreed to let Blizzard entirely ignore you.

Of course they will ignore us lol.

This place is just a holding pen, they only care about sub counts and their own self driven legal issues. :rofl:

LOL then why are you here?

Judge agreed to their settlement so that’s that.

Did you drink the breast milk?