HOTFIX applied: All talents reset? WTF!?!?!?

Thanks blizzard, now I gotta set this all up again. WHY?!


Just alpha things…

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They’re applying a hot fix, and part of that would probably require resetting talents to prevent issues from cropping back up?

How is this confusing?


I know – it takes a lot of work, energy and effort to click some buttons.
You might get push-button-idas if you are not careful.


Why? because it’s buggy so you need to do some extra steps for the time being. If you don’t want to be part of it, come back later when most bugs are gone, addons updated, etc etc.

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Having to google [Class] [Spec] build and flipping between game and web browser AGAIN while I apply 50 talent points is unfair and evil.

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in the time it took you to go make thread on wow forums and type this out, you would of been done with your talents. Some people really want to cry about anything.


This is what I’m doing.
I logged in to make sure $$ was there and I’m good. This weekend or next week it will hopefully be mostly sorted out and I can start messing around again…

I’m not going to have a cow over some bugs nor am I going to die I can’t play for a few weeks (been off since Feb anyway).

Be a blizzard apologist. This is straight up trash.

Pretty sure they reset talents each expansion ‘back in the day’, anyways. Fact…think they reset them anytime they made massive changes to talents.

You sound like trash. Want them to leave it broken ? Cry moar

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You sound like a dumb @#$@ to me, but that’s just me. Feel free to block me clown.

I just spent the day redoing all my toons, these absolute numpties, why are they still employed!

Oh no, not the 30 second process all over again


It’s not 30 seconds first off, then on top of that people h ave multiple toons and specs. You’re an absolute dip do if you think its 30 seconds.

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You’re right, I think it took about 20 seconds on my warrior. This game is cookie cutter city, you should already know what your talents are.


False. You can lie, but no one believes you.

lol like it takes more than a few moments to pull up whichever site you got your talent build from and copy it a second time

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A tip for you is to know what talents you don’t want to take, then you’re just filling in talent points. Will make it a lot faster to fill it in if it resets again.


lmao get beamed noob