Hot Take: Westfall is Trash

do 50 laps around the zone and compete with 300 million other people to kill 30 of every mob except coyotes while you stare at a highlighter piss yellow pastel through the whole zone and listen to a boring sad trumpet. Westfall sucks.


I don’t think this is a hot take


True but Deadmines is kinda cool at least.


The only saving grace of westfall. dont get me wrong. the whole story of the humans uncovering the defias and their connection to lady katrana and onyxia n all dat is cool, but westfall still sucks

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Pretty sure it be the player’s n not the zone mostly

Or go level in Loch Modan or Darkshore with less competition and come back when the level gaps aren’t so painful so you can clear Westfall in fewer laps?

Like I get it, but you’re by no means stuck there.

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you forgot the bots…

This isn’t hot take at all.

Even in the post-Cataclysm rework, Westfall sucks.

Westfall is a good zone with a good story. Dont hate the zone because it’s naturally overpopulated at launch.

Now if you want a terrible zone, look no further than Ashenvale with its massive size and spread questing. Any attempts to take shortcuts will also backfire as you encounter walls of terrain designed specifically to slow you down.


I really enjoy Westfall.

It reminds me of places in coastal California.

That being said, I can understand not liking it.


Most of us only quest in Westfall to get the Deadmines quests.


Westfall is a great example of a zone that is mediocre to bad mechanically but people still love it for the story and atmosphere

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only thing i don’t like about westfall is fighting over the messenger :expressionless: sometimes i get lucky though and that feels good.


I agree. It’s not my favorite zone.

Exactly this!


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In other news, water makes things wet.

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Westfall is great and very unique visually, the soundtrack makes me nostalgic. The quests can be very annoying though when the zone is crowded I do like how you can buy a bunch of quest items off the AH


I mean, this isn’t really a hot take in the slightest, ANY area where you’re competing with a lot of people to kill anything is trash, I’ll give you the sad boring trumpet part, hell I don’t even have music on in this game since it’s usually lackluster at best.

But nah, any area you end up getting stuck in for a long time is gonna feel like trash if you’re constantly competing for the same mobs and you’re there for a long time. It’s all the worse cause it’s got one of three dungeons everyone can do, excluding RFC and Stocks because they’re generally only gonna be run by their factions, also Stocks rarely has much useful besides random green drops, chests and maybe the lucky rare boss drop, I think there’s like two?

I actually like Westfall normally, when it’s not a headache to get the mobs you need for whatever quest, I also like to hop around between Elwynn and Dun Morogh, then Loch Modan and Westfall, so there’s a bit of variety in surroundings.

yeah ashenvale is a pain

I’ve always been horde, but I rolled an alliance character this time and was surprised how horrible Westfall is compared to the Barrens.

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Westfall IS crap, but I have so much nostalgia for it that it gets a pass.

You know what zone also sucks? DUSKWOOD. The Graveyard and town are so far from each other and it’s such a marathon…but it’s my favorite zone because of the atmosphere.