Hot Take: Westfall is Trash

I’ll take Westfall over Barrens any day.

It’s MUCH smaller.

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That’s what she/he/they said.


I found a large hill in Westfall nothing on it save a few small trees, then a big tree at top, I sat there and watch the sun set. Once.

After leveling horde 60s in 2019 classic, my fiancé and I made alliance alts. It was the first time either of us had ever played alliance. We rolled into Westfall, started questing, and immediately said “this place really sucks”.

The harvesters appear to have a longer than normal aggro radius. Mob level is randomly scattered around, you’ll find 13s next to 17s. The mobs seem to hit a bit harder than in the Barrens and murlocs, need I say more?

The barrens in comparison seems so well crafted and thoughtfully laid out

Even without the bottlenecks, Westfall is still a doodoo zone

Don’t you dare diss the comfiest zone in WoW.

Seriously, I used to hate Westfall in Vanilla but it’s now one of my favourites. It’s very peaceful and serene to walk over the rolling fields of yellowing grass while the waves crash against the shore.

For levelling, though - yeah, it’s pretty mediocre. You’ve got to supplement it with some grinding.


I’m sorry to hear that. Not everyone can have good taste.


I mean, it’s a leveling zone. There are quests to complete and mobs to grind, and resources to collect. I was fine with leveling there :man_shrugging:t3:

Not a hot take, westfall sucks.

leave westfall alone. it doesn’t want you.

westfall is love.


This “hot take” could be used to replace the ice in an ice box.

It may be a bad leveling experience, but…

Have you ever rode through it mounted as a level 60 at 3:00 AM with the ambience and music sliders turned all the way up? Otherworldly experience.

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turning the ambience all teh way up with other sounds down is soooooo cooolllll

Westfall is known for two things:

  1. Deadmines

  2. Secret Chicken Pet

While it sucked questing there in the first few days on CS, that’s not an issue now. I enjoy the zone. The animal quests can be done throughout the whole zone while you are on the way to do others. shredders drop items for future quests that you can hold while doing the quest to kill them. The Defias quests are quick with how many of them are around now that the zone is not overpopulated anymore, same with the gnoll quests. Merloc quests are also fine, rewards us with a nice wand for casters.

The only thing I dislike is how bad most of the quest rewards are, but it’s worth it for the deadmines quest at the end of the quest chain.

Loch Modan is also good and I personally dislike Darkshore.

I was leveling my Horde Warlock with a friend last night and I must say I have the Forsaken zone for lvl 11+. Westfall is so much better.

It’s 2023. People can’t just express themselves, they have to add “I feel like,” “hot take,” etc.

Westfall kind of is crap. Leveling kinds usually don’t have you go there and on HC, SO MANY of the deaths come from that zone.

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I don’t know if it would be an option for you, but I get up around 3 - 4 am EST most days and have an hour before I have to start the day, and Westfall is fairly open at that time.