Hot Take Remove Lone Wolf

Adreaver already stated how to easily fix this and give both, hunters with pets and without a solid option and it not be a stupid talent requiring a point. The only thing I’d add is the 10% leech should be base for marksman, not tied to a pet. Hunters have garbage healing anyways.

If you blow hero/ bloodlust or a special pet ability with your pet, it triggers the lonewolf skill build up, otherwise it should be instant. Waiting for lone wolf to get to 10% has always been ignorant and a pointless waste of time.

I love playing without a pet, but I won’t give up the 10% leech I get from my wolf.


I think move Lone wolf to the side of the tree however, I’m running a pet MM build. I’m just using the pet as a extra dot without fearing half my kit become useless if it dies like BM case.

Exactly. Why would I want to be a Hunter without a pet.

Well, it’s only silly when you don’t know what the MM’s pet is for.

They’re used for leveling and pvp and are pretty much ridiculous for raiding and dungeons when you have a competent group. What is silly is when people make off handed comments like yours. Try again.


literally a post about MM and you gotta bring it back to melee. The circus is in town.


for the class as a whole and taking the class and more importantly SPEC fantasy into account we can see that:

  1. survival hunter - yea sure a pet. they are surviving off the land and using what they can (wild beasts as pets) included for survival and to kill.

  2. beast master hunter - OBVIOUSLY pets

  3. marksmen - a sniper. a lone wolf. a silent killer. yea i dunno but i think having a 1500 pound bear grunting and growling or even some bird flapping or any other creature for that matter will give you away and flush the fantasy and spec identity down the toilet. a pet option is nice because at our core we are a hunter but within our spec we are snipers.

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Imo if you are MM and spec into LW, camo should be everlasting untill we attack or take damage. No vanish like a rogue but it would fit the sniper play style.


Then just reframe it from the start.

Present it such that Call Pet is an option that, in practice, sacrifices some of one’s own burst dynamics for the utility of having a second unit. Same sustained damage (outside of multiplicity in exploiting said burst), but less manipulable (outside of, obviously, BM).

Not, mind you, the utility of being able to access utility that has nothing to do with a second unit. Put all that —the options for Lust, CC-break, or defensive, and for leech, speed, or increased max HP— back on the Hunter.

Meanwhile, replace SV Kill Command and SV’s forced pet-dependence. It’s a wonky BM knockoff that, while not bad in itself, shouldn’t be forced upon a spec that has nothing to do with being a Survivalist. Let SV likewise have the real option of playing with/around a pet, while only BM is actually forced always to use it.

With that, pet use becomes as real an option as anything else nigh-perfectly balanced, forced only on/for BM.

Which is reasonable. Only SV should be required to make hefty use of traps, poisons, and other layered tools. Only MM should be required to use of ranged weapons. Only BM should be required to make use of pets.

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