Hot take on cross faction

If anyone other than the leader of a sync q epic bg community that’s ruining the game would like to debate cross faction Q and how it would be helpful, I’m open to discussion

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im A leader, not THE leader

Girla primarily solo q’s Van, he doesn’t like grouping up

Deva is good in a premade but struggles without heals/other melee

generally speaking I think that’s true for any role/spec though

Heals suck without dps

melee suck without strong ranged and a healer

ranged suck without a frontline (insert MM joke)

Everything is better with a premade, but yes… devastation is at it’s best when there is a front line to work off of. Still though, this is me solo queueing. Just need to specific queue EOTS from now on, I think. :wink:

Then most of your games are meaningless.

If you want meaningful games, play against your rival group in a war game.

Do you have a rival group?

Everything is fun in the opener with lust imo

It’s after lust where enemies can get globals off it sucks

J and I just faced tripple premade in AB

J globaled everyone in the opener, and then he just got single targeted down and died in .3 seconds every time he entered the fight

No and they’re losing members very quickly due to “mental health problems.”

their words not mine ofc :dracthyr_tea:

Were you pocket healing them?

Several of my multiple personalities have already quit the game, but I’m still hanging in there.


even J and I have our limits… 6 shadowpriests, 2 boomies, a windwalker, 3 disc priests and 2 fury warriors











Joker died on the 3rd or 4th cc

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Too difficult for Blizzard to implement.


Dis true. A lot easier to get in, do your damage and get out.

^ Look at that.

They’ll sabotage their random bg teams to let their friends win.

There seems to be more or more active Horde preforms than Alliance preforms.

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I like the core Faction v Faction element of the game.

But I’d be down with cross-faction nerf mode where everyone queues as the faction of the party leader.

This would make things worse, actually. ;(

It could be exploited by cross faction communities to make stacking premades even easier.

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there was one scheduled for tonight, but unfortunately the other team backed out and folded. we’re waiting for them to reform atm. i was hoping Bri here could prove to be a challenge, be she’s hesitant about epics because its not her forte.

What if they offered an “rp mode” where you could do that

seperate from reg bgs

sarcastic shock face

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encouraging people to take a break from the game and go exercise is not “losing members to mental health problems”

Eh just make it where u can grab the merc buff to play with the other faction idk why they didnt do that in the first place.

You can already merc with your friends, so I don’t See the issue with allowing 4 people to be on Alliance characters and the last Horde character could just merc to Alliance.

But having different queues for Standard vs “Story Mode” would just split the player base and drive up queue times.