With the news of the timer/Death counter. Than they should move everything together.
It would fix most of the hard set problems with M+.
After you hit 70 Normal dungeons should as hard as M0s. The only gear you can get form T8 delvels to fix the jumping in at 7s for the casual players.
Heroic dungeons should be around (M+6-8) M+ now. You have to unlock each level of dungeon before you move up for EACH dungeon.
Mythic 0s starts at (M+ 10-12) Every level of difficulty have the same mechs just faster casts. Everything below this has no timer.
M+ starts at (M+ 13) as M+2 with small or no affixes. Just harder as you go WITH THE TIMER!
This will fix the casual base jumping in at 7s with no idea with delve gear.
Fixes the timer problem for whom that can’t handle it or don’t want to. Unless want to push the higher content.
Fix the 90% of people who don’t want the timer.
Makes people learn the mechs before jumping into something they just can’t out gear.
People really don’t want affixes to deal with on top of winging it to do something they dont know. Leave affixes for this M+ so the meta for them can change week by week.
Normal (vet) heroic (champ) mythic 0 (hero) mythic +(myth)
I don’t disagree there should be a better ladder working towards going into mythic+ to prepare players for it. I feel your jump in difficulty is still too high tho. Normals should be heroic difficulty and then heroic can be like a light mythic. Since mythic 0 currently represent a much high difficulty than it did in the past, it can stay the same.
Heroic dungeon to mythic dungeon today is a shock of difference.
Yes, they’ll walk into a heroic (equal to current m+7) Stand in everything, die, and complain on the forums. Getting better or improving is not an option.
Meanwhile the OP can do a m+0 untimed and finally get a mythic track vault after 6 hours.
Yes to the premise but absolutely hell no to the specifics.
The skill floor for normal and heroic dungeons is absolutely far too low and keys overall are far too brutal for the item level that drops especially considering their comparable content pillar counterparts but that is entirely because Blizzard refuses to leave the natural key scaling in place but renove fort and tyr affixes.
Thats the thing I don’t care. Its idea that would fix the problems. Heroic/mythic0 is where 8s are so whats the difference. Its just remove the timer for them not for you oh god player. why do you care so much?
XD really ? this would everything harder for the casual player. So easier?
No bring lower content having the same punishingly mechs to make people learn sooner so you don’t have bob in M+ keys having no idea.
Thats the point. They they would have to learn and gear though normal (mythic 0-3) and cant just gear out to do a mythic 0 (10) instantly
the idea is the level of skill play doesnt start in m+ Its starts in Normal (as mythic0s now)
the gear wont be like that. Its myth would be where mythic plus starts (mythic 10-12s now)
the gear would be like Normal (vet) heroic (champ) mythic 0 (hero) mythic +(myth)
The content would be overall harder for people and for the top players can still do mythic plus as it is now . It wont effect the players who already doing 13s+. The mythic plus number would start at 2 as 10-12s now so whats problem.