Hot take: Dragonflight is actually a decent expac for pvp

  1. New talent trees > old talent trees
  2. Solo shuffle is actually decent
  3. Gearing is easy/ don’t have to pve
  4. Damage seems to be in a good sweet spot
  5. Crafting is fun and fits into pvp well
  6. Devs are responding to feedback, eventually at least
  7. alt friendly

And yeah sure you can talk queue wait times or MMR deflation, or sub rogues not getting nerfed enough, etc. etc. but overall this expansion feels the most interesting, I find myself switching between solo shuffle, normal arena, and world pvp quite seamlessly instead of logging on for 1 game and and then instantly ragequitting


you’re not wrong. except for the whole ret fiasco. and some other small things. its pretty decent.


Never happened :shushing_face:

Sounds decent on paper, implementation has felt very different.


First time since Legion I have had PvP be my primary focus. Ease of gearing and the RSS playing a role in that. Even got my old lady to do some 2s with me and start grinding that pvp gear.

Though its not been perfect. I quit in season 1 after only 3 or 4 weeks into it. Not sure what changed from then to now, maybe my sanity broke…im having fun now at any rate despite season 2s flaws.

dozer, whats wrong with your mog?

how is this a hot take… i have not ran into a single person upset with DF then how poorly they made evoker… cant even mog right…

If I wasn’t playing during the Ret fiasco… did it really happen? :dracthyr_hehe:

damage is horrible, the meta is as bad if not worse than Shadowlands. Counterplay is almost nonexistent with how fast people die still. i’d agree if burst across the board was addressed and brought down for starters.

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It’s literally a slow paced damp meta tho


Had it not been for RSS and Blizzard’s weird decision to nuke MMR this expansion would have been good, barring a few tuning issues.

RSS was awful for the game, regardless of how many people love it because they got rating in it last season. Blizzard should have made systems that made finding arena partners more accessible, not took the social element entirely out of the game.


sub rogue, boomy, even lock say otherwise. classes do way to much damage during cooldowns and during a single global.

its only damp if you dont line up cooldowns and cc, if you do its gg p much. hp bars ping pong instead of a steady up and down.

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Biggest issue I have seen for me is with RSS.

You can go 2-4 and lose 40 rating, but go 4-2 and gain 20 rating. Just seems way off to me. I do love that they made honor gear actually matter again, make BG great again.

its dope.

but would it kill them to give us a new battleground?

the last BG we got was seething shore in MARCH 2018!!!


The primary issue with two out of those three is how tanky they are.

and damage, specially sub.

burst and times to kill over all feel awful and frustrating (specially for new players looking for get into the community) its so demoralizing to die so fast with little counterplay possible unless your micro analyzing which most players near the lower end do not do, and so they quit which spirals the pvp community further and further down the loss of participation tree. feel free to disagree but the pvp participation has gone downhill since the meta has sped up drastically. Legion felt way better, bfa even in some areas and your seeing it on twitch with stream viewership and even in game.


You’re drunk. It saved pvp, despite its issues.

Ya it feels real “saved” right now.


Time to kill in general seems pretty reasonable right now. It should be slowing down even more with the 5% mainstat nerf to dps coming on…Tuesday, I think?

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