Hot take, BFA was better then Shadowlands

I said it.

Story may have flaws, but I was more engaged with it then what’s going on in Shadowlands, especially the sheer amount of Cinematics that came out of it.

We had way more regular updates of Content that came with it. Remember the isle of Mechagon? And the Mechagon Dungeon? That was epic and fun.

Expac also gave me a lot of cool mog sets and mounts, this armor I am wearing was what I’ve always wanted to look like as a Human Warrior or Paladin.

I even prefer the Azerite grinding over the grinding we have in Shadowlands right now. There I said it. It was far more simpler to manage and to farm Azerite and changing traits with it and such imo. I do agree that corruption was adding another thing on top of it.

Raids were pretty great. Ny’alotha should have been its own Expansion, but the raid as is was actually amazing


Odd they had similar issues.

I liked BfA when it wasn’t all “THEE WOOOONDS CHAMPION”

I liked Shadowlands when the story had nothing to do with Sylv and her Sugar Daddy


While BFA had a number of problems, Shadowlands has many more. I spend more time in BFA, Legion and Draenor than SL at this point.



I never thought that BfA would bring such a high level of nostalgia, but everything about it besides having a PvP vendor was better imo. I still go back to hang in Boralus


So you want to look like every single other male human paladin during bfa? It doesn’t even look like a paladin set, you just look like a stormwind guard on steroids


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Well, if they give me an HD model of Uther’s Paladin Armor in the recent patch, then I’d replace this one.


The shoulders at least still look really good with a lot of sets. They have held up nicely

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Not a hot take…just facts!


Sadly, I haven’t logged into retail since 2 weeks into SL.

That is how much interest I have at the moment for the expansion.

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8.3 bfa, definitely

8.1 bfa? Err…


Really like the Arathi warfront sets for my orcs, half of the set this character uses come from it.

And I’m not sure whether or not I’d agree that BfA was better than Shadowlands, but it certainly kept me engaged more and I personally enjoyed playing it more.

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BFA’s music/ambience (especially), zones, atmosphere, and story were all better imo.

Shadowlands feels “small” and “empty” compared to BFA, it’s hard to explain the feeling.


I think BFA was the worst point in the game’s history.

Until 9.1 happened. This is an all time low point for the game, it’s so unapologetically bad.


Better, I don’t know. But things (mechanics, gearing, etc.) were somewhat simpler in BfA (although almost everything is RNG based).

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I agree with that! I believe that content was coming much faster. There wasn’t always this dull period.

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Shadowlands is mediocre.

BfA was just bad.

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I’m having a very hard time not doing the thing: duh, told you so, crud

Not you personally :wink:

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Everyone misses the previous expansion and praise it like the golden egg it was

They will do so with SL coming 10.0 expansion

I have shown General Discussion that even during MoP, that people swore it was the holy grail of expansions, had people bashing it on the old forums


We could fly in the “current” zones of Mechagon/Nazjatar, just that alone makes BFA’s flying patch better than the Shadowlands flying patch (9.1)

They really missed the mark by keeping us grounded in Korthia/the Maw. Both zones would be way more fun with flying due to the high concentration of trash mobs in between treasures/rares.


Maw zones aren’t difficult to go through on ground

If it was Nazjatar like map yeah you could be right