Horrific Vision: Queue paused

Same problem here. I can queue BG, DG, Scenario, but not Visions

Currently sitting in chamber room with a paused queue

Really annoying because I actually felt like doing visions, which is rare lol

Has Blizzard even acknowledged this issue? I’ve seen a lot of people saying this has been happening for days,and can’t find any response from Blizzard

Same issue going on in EU btw - I’m main EU.
Que paused - and Mind-Flay sometimes does 1-2 shot you (its rng).

Same issue…paused queue with no hope in sight.

Same issue.
Yesterday I was soloing one and got the “You are not in this instances group” message and was kicked from the vision. It wouldn’t let me back in. RIP vessel.

Same issue!

Having the same problem

Same issue here this morning.

Entire cloak questline bugging. Visions paused.

Yep, same here on Bloodhoof.

Also having this issue. Very frustrating that this hasn’t at least been acknowledged yet…

Still happening as of this morning Apr 16.

Bump .,… blue needs to post on this issue !!!

Still happening as of this morning 4/16, queue paused for SW vision.

I’m having the same issue on dalaran right now

Same issue here

same here.

Same issue this morning. Very frustrating.

Area-52 Same issue. Been broken for me for the last five hours.

Mal"ganis server, 7:30am, unable to join solo HV Stormwind. Was able to go in with a group Wednesday afternoon on a different character. Have tried everything I can think of to reset, it still just sits at “queue paused”.

Always glad to see wide-spread bugs affecting game play going on for days with 125+ comments and no Blue post/response of any kind, it really shows the love.