Horrific Vision: Queue paused

Same issue here on all toons on my account across different Factions and servers. Not sure if this is part of it, but i just got main’s cloak to 15 and filled out Titanic Research Archive. Relogging multiple times had no affect.

Would appreciate a blue post acknowledging research into the issue. I have like 15 visions I need to do on raiding toons this week…


This is happening right now for me too (char: Aerdia-SilverHand). In a group with 1 friend, no matter which of us is the leader, if we queue for the Horrific Vision of Stormwind, it says “Time in queue < 1 minute” for about a second and then changes to “Paused.” Going through portals (e.g. back to Boralus) seems to make it unpause after a few seconds… but only for a second. So I guess we don’t get to do an HV this week.


Same yesterday was working ok but today its broken


Same issue here. Guess I’m going to log out of WoW and play other games.


Anyone from Blizzard gonna respond to this? Maybe let us know that you at least know about it, and you’re working on it? Did I miss a reply from one of them?

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Same here, on Stormrage. Also, yesterday my DH was kicked and lost a vessel.

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Same here. Visions paused. Stormrage server

This has been going on for at least two days and there is not even one blue post to tell us why?!?! This is really unacceptable.

And yes, just to add the many people here, I am also not able to get into vision. Unlike some people here that were able to get some done, I can’t even get into one.


Paused for me for a few mins, then queue popped and let me in. I guess waiting works. Frostmourne server.

that was me, wrong character selected

I have tried 3 different toons over the past 2 hours and it just stays paused and no entry into SW vision.

Tried it on both my Horde and Alliance toons. Keeps saying “queue paused”. Need to do these to boost my healer’s cloak!

Mine stated paused but it looks like this is a visual bug. After about 5 minutes it popped and let me in.

My recommendation is to simply wait, let it sit.

sitting in queue for 10 minutes stuck indefinitely in pause

I tried that and it did not work. My toon sat down I was afk so long and even after that I waited another 5 minutes. Simply waiting doesn’t work for everyone. Be grateful.


Have been waiting for over 30 min at 0230 est server for visions to pop. usually pop after a couple of seconds. For the love of god, fix this

Having the same issue. Friend of mine can zone in just fine but even grouped up with them it won’t let me in at all. Update: I finally got in. Someone said they had the same issue and they would just quit queue and keep retrying until it let you in. I did that 5 times and it finally worked.

Same issue on Dalaran. I noticed this post was started 2 days ago. Seems like a pretty major issue. At what point does Blizzard look into it and give an update?

same que just pauses

just spammed join and it finally popped! tried like 50 times lol