Horde's existential crisis

well you have me there lol

Okay can we have Jaina and Gen’s heads then? They’re war criminals too and it seems fair


Normally I’d argue they’re not, but screw it. Kill everyone.

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That would be ridiculously out of character for her though. Jaina’s aggressions against the Horde were never subtle…examples, flooding all of Orgrimmar with water elementals or flying her dad’s magic boat around, shooting giant, arcane canons at Undercity.

If Jaina was a threat to Lor’themar, he would know right away…and he would quickly brace himself to duck an ice shard aimed at his head.


That …could work let’s just hit the reset button mass execution for everyone starting with slyvanas and then followed by anduin. Don’t look at me that way we were all thinking it wonder boy has got to go


Sylvanas: But…but-

Thrall: Shhh quiet down. You’ll get your ice cream soon.

what kind of icecream?

Those wretched Alliance! Always trying to save us or forgive us! They’re always emailing us motivational pictures and sending those stupid fruit baskets.

I don’t even like melon!!!

Truly, they must be eradicated. Nothing short of total obliteration will do for these most heinous of actions.


I mean…

The Alliance wipes out a Horde zone in the opening patch, and roll through the Horde’s expansion capital, kills Rastakhan, and cripple the Zandalari in the current one. Plus Malfurion and Tyrande wrecking in the last patch.

I wouldn’t call the Alliance exactly toothless.


I wouldn’t either, but the story in the whole expansion so far (are we seriously only one patch in?!) has been about how the Alliance doesn’t want to do this, or how they’re only doing it because we made them do it. So I see where Kaleaon is coming from.



Immediately after sacking the Zandalari, they decided to withdraw because continuing the battle is “what Sylvanas would do and we’re nothing like her.”

Anduin took Genn to the vet and got him neutered, so he’s not a bloodthirsty animal anymore. Jaina is the most peaceful and compassionate “Warbringer” I’ve ever heard of, because if she wasn’t the Horde would already have been obliterated.

The Alliance are toothless, and it’s impossible to take them seriously as a threat after BtS. I’m seriously in awe of how quickly Sylvanas’ remarks about how threatening the Alliance are/were have been completely debunked since the start of this expansion.


I am amazed in how blizzard is now pushing the friendship is magic despite of the events of Teldrassil and Daz’alor. What was the point of MoP 2.0 if everything ends in friendship or a cease of fire until the next faction war that will happend in 2/3 expansions from now on.

All of this was a waste of time and they are using Azshara and N’zoth in an attempt to salvage this expansion.

To me, salvage implies that it could’ve been good at one point. The faction war can never have a good ending as long as 1. the Horde and Alliance can never be destroyed and 2. The entire story of WoW is based on defeating cosmic threats that try to destroy the world every 6 months.

Number 2 is important as it means the Horde and Alliance will always share the same enemies as both factions have to take part in it. They always will have to work together in the end.

Only reason for faction war story is because it hits the emotional cord with so, so many more players than any other story in Warcraft.


Honestly, if they use this to fix their mistakes with the story and then NEVER try the faction conflict again… fine, good, I’m all for it.

The faction conflict is dumb because there can’t be any lasting consequences of it - it also gives the Horde a massive degree of plot armour thicker than the shields around Mekkatorque’s mech.

Like, legitimately here, there should be every minor faction in the world that isn’t specifically allied to the Horde trying to break down the door and join the Alliance at this point.

Sylvanas is blighting the lands the Argent Crusade, Cenarion Circle, and Earthen Ring worked to heal.

Sylvanas is raising mass armies of the undead, something the Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade should take offense over.

Sylvanas is committing genocide against entire races and slowly elevating herself as a mass threat to the world (until Azshara she was the biggest threat), yet Dalaran is still hovering over the Broken Isles instead of swinging in with Khadgar at the helm.

The Alliance has access to a magical battleship and the frikin Vindicaar…

The fact the Horde is still a threat when their largest population is the Forsaken and every other faction is down to refugee status numbers except the orcs is insane.


Nah the real reason was because only now Blizzard has balls to actually make something with their villains. Sargeras was the first villain that actually damaged us, he literally set up the world to die even in his defeat.

Arthas with others guys like Illidan, Kael, Kel’thuzad, Garrosh, Thunder King, Deathwing and the others old gods were used as raid fodder without any dialogue or interaction outside of their encounter despite of being characters that loves to enter in any battle and likes to attend things personally, in fact Arthas should had killed Jaina and Sylvanas in Icc or Deathwing destroying half of the world would had been proper with them.

i mean, i knew that something would happen that would make us lose
all that we gained after dazarlazor in the “costly” victory that now means nothing.
but i didn’t expect that it would be naga deus machima the thing that would save the horde.
well, not really because apparently the horde fleet is also completely destroyed.

No, they are the hero’s. so i don’t see why they deserve to die.
you can have calia since nobody cares about her anyway.

What more do you want?
gilneas, theramore, teldrassil, like jesus didn’t you guys had enough already?

it would be fair if we can destroy cities as well.
only THEN i accept the death of alliance characters , not before.

i do, but the horde has done more damage to the alliance than all the world threats combined (except arthas)
and what we did to them? we dismantled them.

and yet here we are.

So let me get this perfectly straight. Gen is allowed to launch an assassination attempt on the warchief in the middle of a world ending demonic invasion while we believe that we are at peace with the alliance and have no repercussions for his actions, and jaina is allowed to murder and imprison sunreavers without trial and not have to remotely answer for her actions. But we should be answering to jaina and gen for our actions? The alliance is lucky saurfang wasn’t warchief for bfa or we’d already have stormwind by now.


Neither genn or jaina are responsible for the destruction of an entire city in an unprovoked attack.

All those wars were started by the horde. so that justify the alliance by default.


There’s a difference between, “We’ve been squabbling and skirmishing, but I guess we can go fight the common enemy.”


“Hey, I know these dudes just attempted to commit genocide, burnt a world tree, are actively raising our loved ones to undeath to use against us, and are still trying to burn our lands to ground, but let’s work with them because… common enemy?”


Attempted genocide?
They did.
The Horde DID commit genocide.

They just didn’t complete the job.

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