Horde's coolest themes, best credit and appeals will go to the Alliance

Losing every og racial leader but thrall is not the slap on the wrist you think it is.
Our roster is so small they had to give us alliance blood elves during shadowlands at racial leader meetings.

Never mind calia.


You know that’s happening. The reasons Void Elves exist is to study the Void and make sure that Quel’thelas has every tool possible to defend its borders. When the Void comes for Silvermoon it will be the exiled Thalassians who will have the knowledge, the skill and the powers need to save the city. Not just Blood Elves, but Void Elves and as Midnight comes. Metzen promised the unification of the elves. That means Night Elves, Nightborne, Thalassian Elves of all kinds will be converging to save Silvermoon.

I’ve said before that has always seemed to be the idea behind it. Almost everyone I talked to outside the forums seems to agree.

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You killed our allies. You are KOS when you enter Quel’thalas ever again.

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Here’s the thing. They wrote themselves into a corner with the horde. They completely changed how the horde works, and they are mostly ignoring it, because they don’t known how to write themselves out of that corner. Anyone in the literary field would agree. They jumped to some ideas that sounded cool at first, but then realized they didn’t have an ending that would work.


You should know by now Blizzard doesn’t write the story for the Horde at all. There is a reason why Anduin and Alleria are the protagonists of the world soul saga while Thrall will just be background noise at best.


What corner? I feel like they out of the their way ignore the horde. You can see examples of this in every expansion where horde is ignored.

Legion - orcs had a history with the legion and kiljadin but they weren’t included. Blood elf’s shouldn’t of gone back to dalaran after the price again that plot was ignored.

Shadowlands - shamans and orcish culture of taking to their ancestors and spirits is ignored yet again. Also don’t you think forsaken would have some insights into the realm of the dead?

Dragonflight - we are fighting dragon whom control the elements yet shamans are not involved… but with the blue and green dragon flight mages and NE involved.

Again they had plenty of chances to involve the horde but again to me atleast it seems they went out of their way to ignore them


I’m all for the Horde getting some good story arcs. I don’t mind the Alliance as a villain, but it needs to be done well, not the painfully cliche revenge or fanaticism story beats.

Every story beat for Alliance villains is revenge or external corruption. Even the AU with Yrel’s group has an element of that given what the Iron HORDE did to them first.

One also has to note that positive development for Horde races doesn’t have be to, or even should, come in terms of Horde v. Alliance. Have them do something to save the world.

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Is this Erevien’s new sock puppet account?

It sounds like it.

Take an Alliance complaint. Replace “Alliance” with “Horde” and pretend like you actually said something of substance.

Let me know when a Horde race has entire part of their culture siphoned off and turned into a neutral party for the Alliance to engage with.

Let me know when a Horde race has entire part of their culture siphoned off and turned into a neutral party for the Alliance to engage with.

I’ll do you one better than this, an Alliance race being composed of traitors to the Horde (Void Elves) and Dark Rangers, something very integral and iconic to the Forsaken now also being part of the Alliance.


Wild to say that anyone who wants stuff for the horde must be a sock puppet for erevien


Ad hominem attacks are for those who can’t actually make a real argument. They are one of the listed fallacy.

Have the plot be affected by Horde races? Rather than the Horde being ignored when not being the villians? Sign me up.

Not having to deal with characters that have denounced a Horde race in front of members of that race? Sign me up.

Not “wild”, it is a standard trick to use in “debate” when you don’t have a real argument. Not even any points for originality.