Horde Wins. Can Alliance just /surrender and dissolve the factions?

It’s time to end the factions - if for no other reason, so we don’t have to suffer through another one of these terrible written faction-based expansions again.

I’m so done with the faction conflict. Because there is no conflict. Horde has won - both in-game and out-of game.

If I want to raid past H EP, I’m 4x more likely to get a raid spot if I switch factions, because something like 24% of the guilds with Mythic clears are Alliance. Let’s talk about how 72% of level 120 characters on PvP servers are Horde and how top-loaded the end-game PvP scene is with Horde. On Alliance, you’re lucky if a handful of Arena groups are even running at any given time.

Let’s talk about how War Mode is not-so jokingly called Horde Mode, where Horde get greater EXP benefits for free… whereas Alliance just get swarmed and die. It got so bad, they needed to give Alliance quests to try and get more of them to activate War Mode… so what happens? Alliance players form bands of flying, geared premades, and farms Horde for 5-10 minutes a week - leaving as soon as they’re done and doing nothing to add to the overall health of PvP.

From a story view, we always unite to fight the greater evil then go back to this dumb, arbitrary faction conflict that apparently is so important to WoW… according to Blizzard. Going back to MoP, we’ve had quest-lines that involve us controlling a Robot Cat to see all the cool things Horde’s doing - we’ve had to politely remind Blizzard that being forced to help major Horde NPCs while they belittle us is just stupid writing. And even now, how many versions of the Night Warrior story did Blizzard have to make before they even got something resembling a satisfying Alliance win - if you consider annoying Nathanos satisfying. And then apparently, that’s good enough for the Genocide of the Night Elf race. We’re now even steven, revenge is over. Yeah okay Whatever.

Every Blizzcon, they go out of their way to mock Alliance players, talk about them as if they’re as incompetent as the characters they’re writing in-game. I just don’t get it. What’s the point of faction conflict, if you’re just going to make one side awesome and the other side suck? Heck, it feels like less like conflict and more like bullying at this point.

It’s time to bring this nonsense to an end and just merge the factions. It’s clear Blizzard doesn’t like the Alliance - they are not interested in making them fun to play, they are not interested in creating a parity between the two factions. So what’s even the point of the farce? Just create a neutral faction under Thrall and Jaina that all players now belong to… make the Horde an NPC faction, make the Alliance an NPC faction… when they do, they can write the Alliance to be as boring, incompetent and reactionary as they want. No one will care anymore.

I really don’t want to suffer through another year of this horrible faction conflict writing and watching a bunch of bad jokes about Alliance players while watching Blizzcon this year.

I’m just basically done caring at all. What about you folks?


10/10 would read again!

This pretty much sums up the Alliance vs Horde these days!


Horde bias confirmed. Horde players on ez mode.


Water is good at dissolving things

All hail the Sea Queen and the God of the Deep!


I like faction conflict so long as it makes sense for the story, but the way things are going right now… Why should the Horde and Alliance ever fight each other again?


Blizzard…go all in and let us join N’zoth if we kept its lovely gift. Thanks.


Alliance , surrender ? Ha! rediculous!


Reading posts like these are depressing, but you’re not incorrect that to be on Alliance side is suffering compared to what’s available to you on Horde. Especially if you like doing battlegrounds you have to suffer through loss after loss until you’re lucky enough to get that one epic BG where Alliance wins for once so you can get that daily reward of conquest you wanted.


If the faction war ended, the ONLY way I’d still play is if it was because the horde won and more or less enslaved the alliance.


The Alliance isn’t losing the war though?


Super conflicted. I don’t want factions to end. It is World of WARcraft after all.

But at the same time… Well. Even their “Faction war expansion” followed the same exact forumla all expansion stories take. So no real reason to keep them if we are all gonna forced to be neutral anyways!


I would okay with the factions combining and that does not mean that the faction conflict has to end. Just because some leaders end the war does not mean it ends for everyone. There would still be fighting because hatred and distrust does not die easily. There could even be branching stories where players are either peace keepers or stokers of flame.

Depending on your choices different factions would open up to you or be hostile (not kill on sight) to you. Something like this would also make the replay value of content higher because people would want to see the other options.


The truth has been spoken.

After getting through the allianciest of alliance expansions in Legion, a Horde leader character is the villain again (assumedly) and Alliance players are here poo-pooing again.

Not flaming or even criticism, just an observation.


I agree the faction conflict needs to end. That doesn’t mean there can’t be contested areas (battlegrounds) or some ground fighting in some areas but allowing players to group cross faction would improve the game immensely.

As for the story and the writers, their open disdain for the Alliance is getting old. They say the Alliance is boring to write for… well the fact they are the ones making it boring and they don’t see that is kind of mind boggling. Their running out of time to finish Alliance stories and quest lines is also getting really old.

Anyway, those are my random thoughts so far. I need a cookie now along with a lot of caffeine.



the “War” of the tittle is about all wars, not only Alliance vs Horde. The War against Burning Legion, the war against the Scourge, the war against Twiling Hammer, the war against Nagas and many other wars and local conflicts. In fact , some of these wars are very more important than Alliance vs Horde


I never saw those as wars considering what the Horde or Alliance is going for is dominance (save for Sylvanas and possibly even Garrosh towards the end there). Not to mention there are values in those wars, something to be proved or made right. Where as the burning legion, the old gods, deathwing, etc. Thats not a war. Thats a fight for survival. All those aren’t looking for dominance. They want eradication. There is no life if they win, so you dont exactly have a choice in fighting that war. It’s like saying you’re fighting a war with a tsunami or a plague.

Yes, technically it is a war, but considering your alternitive is… well, death. It’s not exactly one that can be avoided. Nothing being proved, no point to it. It isn’t war, it’s survival against those forces.

What do you mean dissolve factions? You think any race any faction is cool? I do not. Not at all. Horde and Alliance are how they have been since RTS games, and that is what made it a success. It is good how it is, if you want factions to mean nothing then ESO is ready for you to do that in.


Pretty much what this guy says.

I wouldnt mind if more races were “crossfaction” as in Thrall/Saurfang Orcs or Baine Tauren for Alliance and well uh angry Alliance races? for the Horde (honestly I cant think of any race from the Alliance that would split and join us.)

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Horde assisted in the defeat of the Legion. I doubt many would be wanting to hold a grudge after that.

Gnomes and Goblins already assist one another via Steamwheedle Cartel and the one couple that I can’t remember the name of.

Pandaren are, well, Pandaren.

Dwarves/Worgen/Night Elves/Humans would be a bit more difficult.

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