Horde Wins. Can Alliance just /surrender and dissolve the factions?

She’s going to end up like Kerrigan, the one who was right all along and we will have to feel bad we ever hated her.


Uniting for a common enemy doesn’t dissolve the friction between two opposing cultures/nations. Has real-life History shown you otherwise?

People can have common ground, but that doesn’t mean they’re ready to drop their sectarian differences. If anything, merging the factions would be unforgivable from a writing perspective, because it’ll illogical. You can make an argument that this expansion has seen some bad decisions in terms of lore, but that doesn’t mean the contention between factions as a whole makes little sense, on the contrary it’s been the basis for the game since Warcraft.

They tried that with illidan the glorious and misunderstood and yet still flinched from the angry feedback.

Though admittedly i still don’t get the ‘morally grey’ and other nonsense they spouted at the beginning of this expac.


I heard that the horde gets cutscenes with information in BFA, where as the alliance does not. seems kinda stupid! theeeen again I disabled cinematic long ago because they get between me and my loot, so whatever.


More like the players themselves no longer belong to Horde or Alliance - a new faction under Thrall & Jaina or something. The Horde & Alliance still exist and can continue the conflict, but Blizzard no longer have to write Alliance victories like they’re at gunpoint and can just do whatever they want with the two factions because no one will care anymore.


I’ll only accept if the Horde do a /UnconditionalSurrender

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I don’t know how I’d feel stepping into Stormwind.

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Horde wins a free candy bar if the Alliance is written to be accurate to the lore.

There’s a limit to how much Sylvanas’ fart mode can save random point and grunt soldiers against the might of Elune’s Night Warrior, a powerful being who stood against Archimonde and Kil’Jaeden as their equal, a demi god, a spaceship which was capable of burning through the Legion’s walls and that’s just the beginning.

The Horde only wins and exists due to the mercy of fanboys who don’t like to listen to anything negative.

If the factions were dissolved, the lore friendly way would be the result of what Varian should have done in MoP.


I just wish we could pursue joining some of the other factions. Such as the Argent Dawn/Crusade. Heck, I’ll help rebuild the Scarlet Dawn/Onslaught too.


I’m all in favor of Finally doing away with the annoying faction divide, but blizz keeps milking the Faction transfers for all they are worth. We’ve gotten to the point where the game is So horde dominated, there’s no reason to keep the factions around in gameplay anymore. Keep them in the story if you want, but i think that’s unnecessary at this point.

Dude, Back in Warcraft 3, There were 4 races. Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, and Undead. The Alliance and Horde as you knew them didn’t even exist.

And any time you played the game, you could decide to be any one of them, with no arbitrary restrictions.

The campaign of warcraft 3: reign of chaos had all the races of Azeroth team up to defend against the Legion.

If you’re going to cite the RTS games, please remember that they we’re about putting aside your differences to work together. Just like modern WoW.


You guys have a space ship. Pack up and leave. This is Horde Planet.

It’s been for a while now.

The Night Elves sundered the world, created the Maelstrom, brought the Burning Legion.

Dwarves summoned Ragnaros and destroyed central Eastern Kingdoms.

Draenei come to Azeroth and bring the Burning Legion back. Again.

Tauren are to blame for Desolace, Trolls for bringing back Hakkar, but other than that, I’m scratching my head.

Sure, Orcs destroyed Draenor, but that wasn’t the original Draenei planet to begin with, Argus was. Plus, the Burning Legion was involved, again.

And the Forsaken have mostly stuck to their own lands to the north, keeping them as they are themselves, decayed.

Goblins did a lot of destruction, but they didn’t join until years later, and not even all of them, just a single cartel. And Gnomes could be considered just as guilty, see Gnomeregan, and the vengeful lepers that are pretty similar to the Forsaken.

MOST major catastrophes on Azeroth, ironically the Alliance are to blame. Most of this is pre-WoW, however.

But yeah, Horde has the cooler story, it’s more original.

What other game has a team of Orcs, Minotaurs, Trolls, and Undead working together against typical Humans, Elves, and Dwarves?

Horde was the underdog in Vanilla, and folks love an underdog.
Underdogs in both story and population.

Alliance was most fleshed out in Vanilla, with their quests and zones being finished first, and then Blizzard working on the Horde’s.

Over the years, that isn’t the case anymore.


The Alliance exist as a faction for two reasons in the current writing staffs mind.

  1. To serve as a plot device for Horde development.

  2. To serve as the marketing and face of big hero expansions like Legion.

It is not a viable or actual faction in Blizzards mind. The whole faction pride is laughable, as there’s nothing to be proud about this faction.


This is some top notch Sunday level reaching. 8/10

Guy from RP realm wants factions ended. News at 11!

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As much as I hate to agree, it’s pretty true. The Horde is just where all the writing goes because it’s what the devs like to write about.

As much as i dislike it, all of the “Original” story does go to the horde. because 90% of the story goes to the horde, because 90% of the raiders are on the horde. It’s a self sustaining cycle, and blizzard benefits from keeping it going.


Belf player with ironic guild name denouncing Alliance players woes at every second of the day. More details whenever they reply about how everything is good and reply in another post about how everything with the horde is bad.


Let us calm down a bit there. That is some potent threat… even the Horde deserves better!

In all seriousness, removing factions will not make WoW a better game.

High level PVP and PVE are activities done by a minority of players. Let us call them the elites. They are the ones who spend the most time in the game to reach their goals. Some of them will go for the path of least resistance, but some will also seek to challenge themselves and go against the flow. The thing with those elites, is that there is not many of them and they are many who want to play with them.

Warmode is an easy to exploit, unfair and exclusive system that works against player progression. If Warmode gave me a PVP progression and NO PVE incentives, I would never leave it. Unfortunately, it is the opposite, resulting in a waste of time with regards to character progression. As much as I enjoy World PVP, my time is currently too limited to enjoy Warmode and do proper PVE progression. Since Warmode is worthless, I chose to focus on PVE and instanced PVP when my partner is available.

No. From a story perspective, a group of adventurers defeat the greater evil, with assistance from involved third party factions. The Alliance and the Horde never achieved any victory while working together. Siege of Orgrimmar does not count as it was rebel forces and not the actual Horde that joined the Alliance.

None of the issues above will be fixed with merging the factions.

Mythic raiding will be just as hard to get into (there are only so many Mythic raiding guilds). What would change is that if you are not the right class with the right race, you will under-perform, compared to one who took the right combo. Factions actually promote racial diversity in PVE. Why would any serious Paladin not be a Blood Elf? Obviously, any non-Blood Elves are casuals!

PVP will also suffer from less racial diversity and not significantly improve queue times. Remember that if team members must be of the same faction, the teams themselves can already fight within the same faction, whether it is arena or battlegrounds.

Warmode, as it is currently designed, does not support free-for-all PVP. As such, there is no difference between merging factions and Blizzard being forced to rebuild Warmode, and just Blizzard working on making Warmode a better system. I declare that point a tie.

Overall, I see no real benefit of merging the Alliance with the Horde.

Instanced PVP and Warmode would still be a mess (which is the real reason for lack of participation). Instanced PVP needs a return of the PVP sets, along with PVP benefits. Faction merge does nothing of such. Non-instanced PVP also need a progression system to encourage players to do PVP for the sake of PVPing.

Mythic raiding would still be an exclusive activity with chosen few players, with even stricter selection rules. If the pool of players is bigger, than elite guilds needs to weed out what they consider bad applicants. The bigger the pool, the harsher the selection process. Smaller pools allow for more welcoming guilds. Factions as they are allows for both options to coexist.

I say keep the faction and focus on making WoW a better game. Merging the factions would just give Blizzard an excuse to remain lazy and give them the excuse: “the faction merge took too much resources” on a silver platter for at least a year. Do not give Blizzard easy excuses to make the game worst.

Didn’t this happen like. Once? Ever?

Once again. I point to Legion.

They hate the Alliance so much, they are willing to work with the Alliance to rewrite the story?

Sounds more like “I want to be a victim” than anything.

Then put on your big boy pants, and stop looking for ways to be a victim.

Just had an expansion with basically zero Horde stories. And the entire Horde story of BFA so far is a combo of a rerun of MoP combined with “losing to the Alliance in every way possible”. Not really sure its an Alliance story writing problem.


Literally all the alliance victories in this expansion have been pyrrhic at best, or not even victories.


Undoing the entire Horde War Campaign, raiding the Horde city. Killing its leader. Not having anyone actually die, only get injured. Taking out the Zandy Navy.

All clear victories.

Both the Alliance and Horde state this war is just about over, with the Alliance winning on all fronts. Tightening the noose.