Horde was justified in starting the fourth war

A possibility by anyone other than Sylvanas? Yeah. Now would it get anywhere? No, more than likely not. The point was, as far as escalation goes, it was end of Legion, “hey, we should totally fight these guys.” There was no middle step there that often follows these ordeals.

Have you ever just been sitting and relaxing on a nice hot summers day, a cold one in one hand and a book in the other?

Everything is nice and peaceful, and you think that this is a great way to end the day.

Then a guy with anger issues runs up on you and starts pummelling you while shouting something about “honour” and “his ancestors”.

Every so often this guy just does this. Just comes around and tries to beat the crap out of you. And when you successfully stop him, he just runs away, screaming “blood and thunder” into the distance.

This seems to be the relationship between the alliance and horde, the roles of “guy chilling” and “unhinged guy” changing over occasionally. It’s usually the Horde who plays role of unhinged guy lately


While you have your men do their best to exterminate a group of refugees fleeing their sinking island because of your "no witness " policy to your abduction of the World Shaman.

Or your equally unfounded detainment of a Troll princess. Or a mage going full tilt genocide on the Blood Elves of Dalaran whether they were involved in the Divine Bell affair or not.

Selective memory, much?

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That time when he opened an inter dimensional wormhole and punched your family to death and the house to ashes

Or burnt down your mates house with her and her family trapped inside. Or deployed chemical weapons on non combatants. Or started full blown genocide on their neighbours.

Yeah they ain’t so clean either, lest you forget

Also it’s a video game. Either faction is going to be written as the aggressor when it’s needed


What? We knew she was planning on working with Sylvanas/planning on exchanging her fleet for help. Why shouldnt the Alliance try to stop the person about to win the war for Sylvanas?

As I have proven before Jaina was planning on imprisoning those who did not resist. I would also point out said blood elves stole weapons of mass destruction, twice, and gave it to the Horde.

Blizzard is justified in banning you for advocating horrible things to happen to the Red Dragonflight.


Trying to consolidate all of Kalimdor under Horde control was a wise move. But in order to do so, they needed to be willing to completely give up any presence in Eastern Kingdoms.

The surest path towards a secure and lasting peace…is for these two factions to be separated by an ocean. Divvy up the continents between them, and then stay the hell away from each other, forever.

Whole lot of imperialist fascists in this thread. This community is the worst.


So some things to note

*The Horde pratices slavery, which the Alliance didn’t do ever besides the camps but it was either that or genocide the demon corrupted Orcs.
*Gilneas was attacked by the Forsaken without reason and thousands of their people were blighted and slaughtered to no.
*That was one group in Lordaeron and people tend to forget the Blood Elves abandoned the Alliance after the Second War and Kael did betray the Alliance as he sided with the Naga. The BLOOD ELVES are the ones who did that to the Amani so thats rather ironic.
*Putting people in prison isn’t a bad thing, to the Alliance Zandos have been rather hostile over the years many times, so it would be assumed this guys were too. Besides them being there made no sense and was just a random plot point to bring them into the Horde.
*Fourth point isn’t a point.


But i’m not banned

oh, so if we cannot enslave them, we would likely genocide them. So that justifies us enslaving them???

No it doesn’t.

Except Stormwind and Gilneas, lol

Minor correction. The Forsaken were ordered to take Gilneas by Garrosh to give the Horde a foothold in Lordaeron. They then pointlessly kept dying against the not destroyed Gilneas Wall until the Shattering actually let them get in.

Whether or not that’s considered a justified reason is another thing entirely, but they were ordered to take Gilneas.

You are right it did not justify their treatment in the camps, but at that point the Alliance was in a situation of making bad decision or a worse decision. They chose the bad decision and if I’m correct the camps weren’t supposed to be dens of squalor but well, good intentions don’t always end up being reality.

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There was really no other option. Give me an option that allows blood thirsty Orcs to live in a world where they just turned a City to ash and destroy many more. There were no good options, but the only reason your able to play Horde is they chose bad option number 2.

My bad with the Gilnean thing but it wasn’t an Alliance city and the Forsaken were Lordaeron to gaining a foothold would have made no sense.

… the kingdom of Stormwind was involved in the Troll Wars against the Amani 2,800 years ago? 1,600 years before the kingdom of Stormwind was founded?


I hate that damn Varian comic so much for establishing that the horde was practicing slavery too.


Its also shown in Cata as well…I guess in Orc zone as well. I wouldn’t say ‘too’ though as they are the only one of the two doing it.

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I think those quests were inspired by the Varian comic, which started coming out some time in TBC.

The orc internment camps seem to be part of this weird quantum alliance state where nobody wants to agree which side should take accountability for that. People will quickly point out that it was Lordaeron’s idea and most of those are now forsaken, which is true. But then I think that begs the question of just how much of Lordaeron’s history is meant to be claimed by the current alliance if the game wants to keep calling back to it as Stormwind’s past but not any wrongdoing.

Not to mention Gilneas only not supporting it because they wanted to execute all of the orcs instead, but you’ll never see the story bring that up as criticism. And the faction wars played out in a way where you get players unironically saying that genocide would be a good thing in this case.

It’s depressing.


People have to keep in mind the ‘internment camps’ weren’t like the IRL ones, where innocent people were killed. They were camps for people who had killed millions of them. It was Lordaerons idea yes but the nobles idea and the monarchy, not the people of Lordaeron so the Forsaken wouldn’t have had anything to do with it. So for once the Forsaken aren’t responsible for something. But the Orcs children were raised in them as well and there were unsanctioned arenas because some people viewed them as animals.

I’m referring to Tanaris where the Horde enslave Ogres on the most part but yeah.

Also most of Stormwind was wiped out so many of the people from Stormwind these days come from the other kingdoms so Stormwind is in all the factions lore.

Fyi before its misread I don’t think Internment Camps were good in any fashion, it divided the Orcs and humans more then anything but the Alliance wasn’t in a place where they could have made any other choice, best bet could have been is talk from a place of power and make a truce but these are Warcraft 2 orcs we are talking about.


Oh, my bad. I didn’t mean to imply that you specifically were taking a pro-genocide stance, if that’s how I came off.