Horde vs Alliance

You forgot to add /sarcasm at the end of your post.

Not in game they didn’t. Notice that we had to suffer through Teldrassil quests and the loss of our civilians.
Horde are protected from in game loss.

Ion said that it’s a serious problem.

Why? I too hate horde, but earlier today I set one of my toons on a flight path and went afk to help the wife for a few minutes. Then, when I returned I found a horde had killed my toon while I was afk. Sigh.

Mind you, I did find him at a nearby quest site and promptly got revenge. But man, some horde…

You in your 346 ilvl gear. Lol.
Never happened.

Alliance has been falling apart for quite some time, it is best for you to go and join the Horde!

Why not just delete the Alliance on NA servers and delete horde elsewhere and have a continental faction war?
Simply allow all races to be either faction. If you’re NA, you’re now horde. If you’re somewhere else, you’re Alliance.
Keep your races.

Ion says the faction imbalance in favor of the horde is a serious problem.
Check yourself.

I just miss 10-20 man WOD flex raiding… The time they brought back 20 man forced mythic raiding… was a very poor time IMO, 20 man maybe makes sense for a thriving 10 million sub player game with a thousand people on each server and guilds with thousands of people… 20 man content for the 1% when you’re not guarenteed to know more than like 2-3 people a server or have the job schedule to raid until cross server mythic pugging open ups make raids feel like dead content on arrival to me. Why are we spending so much time on raid tiers that 95% of the player base will never have a group or reason to play with??

Why can’t we have 10-20 man flex raiding, with the stupid lockout bs removed or limited to the first few weeks. Anyone who’s ever watched Hearthstone or Esports know that a player is more likely to be less interested in content that’s unrelevant or kept out of bars from them. Look at Kripp, dude plays arena, a mode anyone can access and he gets more viewers during a daily routine 25-50k viewer stream playing a game that all enjoyment is gone, like a soul sucking card vampire 5 years later, and people get a thrill about the goose hunt chance of randomly quing into a game against him and being on the stream or learning from his tips and advice.

What point is there in watching a meager paultry 10k viewer world first race that locks content out for 3 months if i can’t even or don’t even have a reason to care until pugging opens up. and then spend 4/5 attempts either locked out due to job schedule on a mythic lockout or watching pugs bleed out all the time from a ‘dirty’ 18/20 as 1 person leaves, 2 more people follow, the guild leader attempts to reform and a rapid bleed out occurs as no one wants a ‘dirty lockout’, and then anyone with employment or a job or real world life responsibilities or alliance can’t raid?

Dum dums, we don’t NEED 20 MAN raiding, we need flex raiding, bring back 10-20 flex raiding for Mythic. Designing it around 20 man teams just to see people strategically pick say 13 players for x encounter for a first progression, then take on more people and core for the loot and being able to hop in and play was SO much better than today. Removing flex raiding was a terrible decision imo with the population decline of the game. if WoW still had 8M+ subs, SURE, MAYBE, but with 1/8th the population and dead servers forcing hyperpopulations by virtue of the game design only dictating 1 or 2 high pop servers can play the raid tiers that takes months, it’s just silly IMO.

You’re literally designing content that players, even if they wanted to see, can’t see at rewarding levels because the populations can’t support that. That isn’t a faction flaw, that’s a game design flaw when your game is losing too many players to support a healthy 20 man population when flex raiding exists fine when your attempts at casual games for the PLAYER FIRST, esports follow motto (Starcraft, dotas, hearthstone, fortnites, Overwatch casual, etc), did far better than ESPORTS FIRST, player last motto. (Overwatch league, Starcraft 2, WoW)

It just doesn’t take a genius to see that every successful e sport has A: Primarily a easy to enter access point (F2P, hop in and play, fresh install, $$$ are microtransactions, players can be competitive and mostly equal)
B. Players can play (potentially) against the e sports players, hoping to get in a stream. (Etc, HS arenas, Fortnite 100 man games, Dota 5v5 games, 2v2 arenas, etc)
C. Content doesn’t expire when completed. And then there’s a 9-12 month content drought (World first race).
D. People can’t even play the content that’s being advertised, so they don’t care about it.

I’ve been mainly horde since BC. I hated I mean HATED the horde story in BFA. Sylvanas and her lap dog were just insufferable. I also despised Dazar’alor. It is BY FAR the worst city in the game to navigate. The pinnacle of inconvenience.

I can also see none of them are end game. Don’t talk down to other players for being bad when you yourself have nothing really done


Lol. I was on my main, a 470 priest and was questing on disc at the time. With 531k stamina, and some insane corruption, the fight wasnt a big problem. Admittedly though another Alliance joined the rumble and we did a number on the guy, It was very cathartic.

Which faction is 2-0 in the last 2 wars?
Also who went 2-0 in the 2 Warfronts?


Whatever man. You guys who come to forums to pick fights and cause trouble. Jeez, man, chill out.

I remember when PvP was dominated by alliance before emfh was changed.

Where are you getting 17? We just hit 15 last year.

You are the OP here. No ones not being chill, mythic guild progress is done by less then 5% of the player base and yes they all went Horde long ago for racials on most bosses that were the meta at the time. Fast forward to today’s time and you got players who dont understand that, look at statistics and think one side is magically better and one just sucks. Its was a problem for years that was never addressed and its far too late to now.

But none of that really even matters, its just rude to say other people are bad at the game.

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Maybe it is rude to say Alliance is laughable vs Horde. But I used to do bgs a fair amount, and things have gotten steadily worse over the years–not that Alliance has EVER been good at bgs, but now the win/loss rate is abysmal. Nearly every Warsong Gulch I’ve been in for as long as I remember, except for some at max level feature Horde capping three in a row, basically with the flag carrier running up-field unchecked. At the typical WSG, Aliiance hangs out in mid oblivious to the flag carrier, running after stray Horde (at best–and if not being camped at the graveyard). Horde gets win after win after win and Alliance is clueless bg after bg after bg. And if you look at the gear, you see some slots without anything. You see slots with gear twenty or thirty levels below. You see greens and even grays, and never an enchant, nothing like that. Sockets are always empty, having no gems, ever–and this when there are gems on the auction house that can be selling for next to nothing and/or the cost to make one yourself is near nothing. I used to post enchants, gems and/or gear I’d made with an enchant added on the Auction house super cheap. These things were at or below cost–like when I was leveling an enchanter, jewelcrafter or tailor–and despite being given away, this stuff has never ever sold, man. Never ever ever–and I have nearly always just ended up vendoring it.

Not all, but a lot of Horde, on the other hand, have all of the great gear, enchants, etc. on their toons, the blue and purple socketted gear, the enchants, the gems, and all on the auction house and selling well and them wearing it. When I used to transfer stuff from the horde auction house with a couple of accounts, I used to go through to see what was on it. I was always shocked at seeing the best enchants and rare gear selling at reasonable prices, while on Alliance that kind of thing was never there, and in the rare case it was, the prices were insane–either for a few copper, or priced out of reach. Like back in the day, stuff like Assassin’s Blade and Shadowfang, man–this kind of good stuff was often on the Horde auction house, and priced reasonably. On Alliance it was never there. Occasionally you might have seen some good gear, some good blues or purples, but was always posted at ridiculous prices by resellers who had bought it for pennies.

And this has been the case pretty much since vanilla. As for raiding, just look at the stats. In my case, I have been pug raiding for a while now because the Alliance guilds on my server, man–I won’t go into anything but jeez, in at least some cases…

If you are wondering why anyone would post on this subject–in my case, it is to sort out where to go from here. Honestly, if there were no new Mechagnomes I would have made a Goblin toon. The question now is, do you stay with the faction that struggles a lot–albeit there are a lot of exceptional players on Alliance–or do you jump ship?

I stopped reading here. I am sorry but you just really have not been playing this game that long at all and I really don’t even know how to address you on this anymore, good luck.

Joining a faction because a tiny percentage of players you will never be apart of are good means you are just looking for a carry to have bragging rights.

You’ll never see that in game. Devs protect the horde from experiencing actual loss.

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