Horde VS Alliance

I miss conflict between the two factions. Even if it’s skirmishes between a few races. Everyone seems to have the exact same ideals with even the Forsaken acting like good guys. Where’s the spice? Things were more interesting when we weren’t all holding hands. Give me back my hostility!


My characters are kissing rn


Please no. I am so tired of the same story and formula that they’ve been doing for almost two decades. The contrived faction war/conflict has been played out. We’re fighting other things, Heck we’re being SMART and not fighting each other while fighting other things. Why would we want to go back to a war that served no other narrative purpose?


I’m glad it’s over :smiley:


It was gone the moment the factions started killing gods. Petty squabbles over territory is just that. Petty.

Could have been gone the moment the factions started to work together, as so far back as in BC or WotLk. But I digress.

Think about it. If you were horde taking down Sargeras, would you really care about night elves encroaching a meter into your land? Realistically Not really. You got the firepower to whoever did it to blast em to oblivion. You meet with faction leaders, and it’s all ‘okay. Yeah. We won’t do that again. How’s that tea I sent you? Gram gram makes the best tea. See ya next world ending event!!’ Thrall and jaina sitting in a tree

Bfa tried to revitalize the ‘war’ bewtween factions. Nobody wanted it. It was tired. The only good thing to come out of it was Saurfang’s story.

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I love the war between both sides because it kinda made some of the lore bits a competition too. I dont like the uneasy truce where no one really trusts each other just waiting for something bad to happen.

Only thing the uneasy kind of story telling is if they had a spy or betrayal option so i could get all my spacegoats to the horde or falsely keep them in the alliance to get info for the horde


It gets brought up a lot, but EQ had an amazing system for this. Added a lot of depth with also allowing player choice


Ive been saying that for years. I always thought it would be cool to have that hero who is spying for the side the no longer trust
Or making a brand new toon and playing theough a unique starting experience to prove your loyalties to the other side. It seems more fun then making everything just neutral


Part of what I liked is that it showed a difference in ideals, especially in the horde. And would cause a direct impact in how the factions developed. This expac with all the peace it has, have been real boring on the faction side. Although it seems like they’ve really made no effort to develop them this expac

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Personally, I think the “tenuous truce” option is generally the best way to go without leaning too far in one direction or the other (open war such as BFA, or the weird “we all get along fine now!” dynamic that DF seems to be pushing).

A lot of these races have suffered greatly at each others’ hands. As a Forsaken player, I like when night elf NPCs treat me with mistrust and wariness. They have good reason to.

We’ve seen plenty of lore examples of organizations and characters who work with the opposite faction, such that cross-faction guilds and groups make plenty of sense. But these do not have to come at the cost of maintaining that “cold war” vibe that we’ve seen in other expansions. It’s ingrained in some of these races (“Death to the living”, anyone?) to not like the opposing faction, and I have always felt that one of Warcraft’s biggest strengths was cultivating strong racial identities for races like the orcs, night elves, Forsaken, etc.


You can always goto BGs

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I wish i could be red and a sexy space Russian on the horde… but for now i will role play a traitor building up trust from a gullible old man who let me back into our race and his faction

I’m sorry, but… Warcraft 1 and 2 served no purpose?! If it wasn’t for those we wouldn’t have the basis for Warcraft 3.

With no orcs you can’t have the legion, or the scourge. No horde. No army of the light. No Outland.

All you are left with is humans, dwarfs, gnomes, and high elves living in a world where the big bad is Hogger. No thanks.


There’s a few reasons behind this.

Reason 1.) The factions weren’t part of the story. The story centered around the dragonfligths and the concept of coming together as a people to defend Azeroth.

Reason 2.) The faction war is over. There is a peace treaty that was brokered by White Bread, Turalyon, And the Fourth war and all the previous skirmishes has left the Horde and Alliance in serious need of rebuilding.

Reason 3.) The Playerbase got so wrapped up in the faction war despite the subtle message of ‘War is actually bad’. That it was spilling outside of the game. The Tribalism got to some bad spots for some people. So instead of subtle. Blizzard is now using a Sledgehammer to get the message across.

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idk… To me, it seems like a false calm before the storm.

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Very nice cherry pick there. Gonna do something with those Cherries or you just gonna hold onto them?

Warcraft RTS games are NOT World of Warcraft. The faction war in an MMO is not a long term Narrative that you can maintain. Because you are making one side the villain. And the players have hated that for a long time. Sure some don’t. Some get into it. Some make it their entire personality…but people have been calling for an end to the faction war since MoP. Next time…don’t cherry pick my words. Go for the whole pie.

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I’d welcome the deception. It felt lame that worgen had to team up with their original conquerors and didn’t feel like the main in their own story lol


This Turalyon is totally going to start a conflict here soon hes too antagonistic for his own good with the light and leadership and everything else in his life its going to blow and there will be many deaths


Or we have all move on and finally realize that there are more pressing threats to deal with. You know, ones trying to kill all of us. We know there are still some small skirmishes(we are getting a new battleground) but for the most part, this seems to actually be a more permanent peace between the factions. We will see.

The way his eyes lit up golden, back during Legion when Illidan lolrekt the holy windchime, was a prime indicator of that, yeop. It’s not something that all Paladins can do. It only happens with the fully submersed zealot type, I think it’s supposed to be.