Horde VS Alliance

In my opinion you can have conflict without a faction war. Different races have different ideals and morals, a tenuous peace can be written really well.

It could be, aye.

However, I still do not trust them after Shadowlands.

Now that Metzen is back, I think he might be our only saving grace. Green Jeebus ftw.

Yeah, the key word is “can”. I have seen same great quest lines from Blizzard, but that was probably a small group working on it, where as an expansion could have more people putting their say into it.

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If only there was a place, in game, where you could swing swords and cast spells at the other team.

Like, whilst you capture their flags and such.


If only right? :frowning:

Killing players is hard I want to kill enemy NPCs.



I too yearn for the days when we brought justice to the Horde for daring to exist in our world.


Filthy. All of them.

The reason for Warcraft existing has been played out!


Horde Vs Alliance all day!!

I’d say enough with these big bads every expansion, that’s nothing new except the characters they introduce for one expansion before they’re killed off or forgotten about until 7 expansions later.

Horde vs alliance should be the focal point of this game not dungeon run simulator.

a game with the word “WORLD” in it and you teleport into an instanced event to defeat a big baddie for only the…how many patches of big bads has there been? And people on here tell me they’re bored of faction conflict…I’m bored of the same story of you log in raid and log out. That’s your game YOU have created and it STINKS!

Bring back world of Warcraft, bring back alliance v horde.

Everything else is just fluff


There should be an epic bg… 50 vs 50, 200 points for each side, 1 point loss per kill. No objectives, no assists, just all out force-on-force in an open field of battle. First team to hit 0 points loses.

And no AoE :smiling_imp: (except healing)


If the only thing the Warcraft universe had to offer was Horde vs Alliance the World Soul Saga wouldn’t be a thing.

I hate pvping on most my characters but this sounds epic


Queue time to get 100 people might be an issue though :dracthyr_crylaugh: