Horde vs Alliance community? Is there a difference?

So I played alliance from vanilla up to MoP then quit. I’m returning for the new expansion with a couple friends and we went horde this time. Ive been shocked at just how terrible the community is. Day 1 I see a bunch of pro Trump racist spam in trade chat and some guy who was actually trying to sell stuff got ridiculed and told “shut up no one wants to buy your s***”. Day 2 my first dungeon with my demon hunter we wipe on the first pull lol I thought it was funny… everyone else I guess got butt hurt and left the group… okay. So I re queue, we make it to the first boss and wipe. Healer then says “good luck with this trash tank” and leaves the group followed by all the other dps leaving the group. Me and the tank just stood there like uuuh that healer died to mechanics.

Can this community not handle wiping? Gold is basically infinite in this game now, repair costs are less than pocket change. Why you so butt hurt over dying? One of the reasons I quit MoP is because I could smash my face on keyboard through every dungeon and win. I’m honestly happy my groups are dying.

Back when I played the community was not this bad. I mean, I don’t expect a heavenly community from a blizzard game but my experience so far has been disgusting. So I’m hoping to get some honest non biased answers here. Is the horde just a scummy community? Are people on alliance more mature, respectful, and tolerant? Or has the WoW community as a whole just devolved into this trash over time?


The Horde community can’t decide whether or not murder is wrong while the Alliance community is fairly united in the stance that you can’t just go around killing people you don’t like.


The Alliance community can’t decide whether or not WoW is a video game or real life. And the Horde are fairly united in laughing at the Alliance, as they fumble through this issue.


The alliance is the most toxic community I’ve seen.
I actually quit the alliance because of them.

Of course not all alliance players are like that, a lot are lovely people.

But no, don’t think the alliance is any better because they are so much worse.


Two things…

The Alliance has Goldshire.

The Alliance has Asmongold.

The Horde does not have these things, and this should tell you everything you need to know about the playerbase.


There is a huge difference.

As an alliance, it seems like if you say anything pro alliance, or if you just a positive outlook on the faction, other members of the alliance suddenly turn on you. I remember saying “I like the horse mounts” and other alliance members aggreviely told me how wrong I was, how I was probably a horde player in disguise, how I’m okay with being oppressed… it was the oddest thing.


There are more people on Horde than alliance.

groups are hit and miss. any 100k things could already be bugging one player that will get set off by a mistake. which chain reacts into the whole group giving up.

most of the time groups seem fairly durable. a few wipes wont stop them. just depends on why they were there. maybe they only have a little time. or maybe they have been wiping all day and so a new group that wipes feels like thats how things are going to go.

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You seem to think that being a video game would make murder less wrong.

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Which, by your definition makes you a murderer?

And, yes, obviously it isn’t a fair comparison. It’s a game. A GAME. The things we do aren’t real, and don’t matter. The people you kill aren’t actually dead. You’re being dramatic, and the Horde, didn’t personally attack you or hurt you.


You’re gonna have to use complete sentences if you want to communicate an idea.

yeah such a victim complex.
God forbid anyone actually be happy


That was


What ‘community’? Did you play on every server group and experience such things? I can’t expect anyone to take my personal experience on playing 2 Horde servers and 1 alliance server seriously. It’s anecdotal, it’s not proof of the behavior of the entire playerbase.


The Horde and the Alliance are equally scummy yet equally mature, respectful, and tolerant. Honestly, your post comes across as someone trying to stir up controversy. I don’t think it’s a genuine unbiased observation, but oh well.

I hope you’ve never participated in PVP because otherwise, per your standards, you’ve committed murder.


It really wasn’t.

I see you crying, I see you’re hurt. I also don’t care.


Political climate during MoP compared to now is a gentle stream vs. powderkeg. Both sides are enraged at each other (which I lay at the feet of media trying to post provocative headlines in order to get clicks).

People wiping during a dungeon seems odd at this point in the expansion (most people can solo them). LFG is always a toss up. I’d suggest playing with your aforementioned friends and if you do LFG, just add anyone you enjoy hanging out with.


I am doing neither of those things, and you still haven’t fixed your statement to be a coherent thought.

Your statement only works as a retort to something that was never said. It’s meaningless as it is now.

I’ve not seen any difference between Horde and Alliance, both have their elitists and jerks. The main differences are population, Horde has more people, meaning longer Battleground and Dungeon queues. But due to the higher population of the Horde, you are more likely to have very geared people, just due to the ratio. (More people = more geared people)

Alliance is when you want fast queues. An Alliance can virtually chain queue battlegrounds, and queuing as an Alliance tank is virtually instant.


Irl I don’t even like killing brown recluses. Just because you fear something does not give you the right to kill it even if it is dangerous. However in a video game I’ll be a violent psychopath who follows strange undead women and burns trees. The things we do in WoW do not reflect our own morality and it’s silly to assume so