Horde vs Alliance community? Is there a difference?

No there is no difference in communities, both sides have their toxic players and both sides have their helpful ones.

The only difference is Horde has a bigger player base so they have more high end players.

People forget that the majority of people have toons on both factions so saying one side is different then the other is pointless.


You mean, I asked you if what you’re doing in game is murder, and you refused to respond? OK, I’ll ask again, is what you do in game murder, and is it as bad as what happens in real life when someone dies?

Shouldn’t take you more than a second to answer this.

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It doesn’t matter if the consequences are fake. You’re real and you really made that choice.

This means nothing on it’s own, nor does it mean anything in response to what I said.

It’s a follow up question without anything to follow up.

What I do in game? No. Everyone I kill is a direct and present threat to innocent villagers, and I don’t take quests that don’t establish that very clearly.

And while it’s not as bad as RL murder because obviously no one real dies, that doesn’t change the fact that you choose to murder someone who wasn’t hurting anyone for a green item you’ll replace in an hour.

Mr. Grammar police: you are the one out here saying Horde players can’t recognize genocide simply because they didn’t quit their faction. Your statements are incredibly unrealistic, hyperbolic, and down-right idiotic. Get off your high horse and realize you’re playing a video-game.


When you play with the Horde, you’re not playing with WoW’s best. You’re not playing with people like you. You’re playing with people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to the game. They’re bringing toxicity. They’re bringing racism. They’re teenagers.

And some, I assume, are good people.

You’re so right!


I just… I just… I just… I just can’t stop crying, because of all those real life people I murdered in game.




The constant crying to blizz just annoyed the hell out of me


You just wait… the FBI is about to kick down the doors of 2 million+ Wow players because we’re parties to genocide.


I hate the Alliance for the toxic ness. But I really did not wanted to play horde which I thought they would see me as a noob. So I am still deciding meanwhile I’m keeping my heads down let the game speak for itself…
I don’t know what’s it like on horde. Now I found this nice little guild which will settle me down a bit…

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Ok great

I’ve had a good run. They didn’t stop me before I killed tens of thousands of Alliance players. I feel like they should have taken an interest in me when my murder spree started, but hey, that’s on them. Maybe I’ll kill a few more before they arrest me.

Oh, and Phlynch, you’re playing on a Void Elf, who used to be a Blood Elf. Blood Elves were introduced in a cinematic which showed them torturing an animal to death and smiling. You then went on to be corrupted by an old god that wants to end all life. I guess this makes you the bad guy, because you chose that character.


Asmongold plays both actually

His main is Alliance. His best friend is also Alliance. He’s almost always on his main.


You are going to get the toxic players on Horde also so if you are going to switch I would do it for something other then toxic players.

Bahaha this is funny lol I like it

Ouch touché : P

/forthealliance anyway :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m not joking.

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Horde has better players in the majorite. Alliance doesnt. Bout the only difference besides aesthetics.


Yeah, this is true. They exist everywhere. Though we don’t seem to have people like Phlynch, who believe you’re doing something morally wrong by playing a game.


So you’re saying the Horde is full of amoral lunaitcs?

Tell me something I didn’t already know.

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