Horde to Ally Transfers, Everyone Wins

Just making another post to shed light on an easy solution to many of the problems plaguing tbc right now.

we dont need merc mode. The solution to que times and faction imbalance is to enable free (or very cheap) Horde -> Ally transfers. one way only.

This is a solution that should make everyone happy. Lower queue times for horde and increase ally population. everyone wins. lets keep the game alive.


First I would like to thank you for recognizing it is a video game.

Second for recognizing the shared goal of keeping it alive and thriving.


I don’t want filthy horde traitors on my team and in my groups. I don’t win


Horde to Ally Transfers, Everyone Wins

Sounds nice on paper.

Reality? - All the horde players decide not to transfer because they enjoy the vibrant green grass on their side and overwhelming population disparities and overpowered racials. They sit there waiting for suckers to faction xfer to alliance in hopes itll reduce their queues as horde.

I’m up for this, but you’d have to close all the loopholes for abuse.

  • A player who transferred their character to another server during ANY point in TBC would be unable to receive a faction transfer.
  • A player could transfer horde to alliance but never in the opposite direction no matter the server, no matter the population.
  • You would be able to choose your race within your class but cannot choose DR/BE unless your race was DR/BE upon transfer.
  • A player that transfers their faction has to stay on the same server they are transferring.
  • A player that transfers their faction can never transfer to another server until WotLK.
  • When we advance a couple of phases, this option is turned off completely.
  • When WotLK prepatch happens, this option is reopened but in reverse. Only Alliance are allowed to transfer to horde with the same exact restrictions.

I agree with pretty much all of this.

I think the majority of players would agree with this. just gotta get it in front of blizz team so they do something.

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Another option that allows you to keep your horde progress is to start an alliance character.

If you want to be on the same server you can even start a second account and it comes with another boost if you so desire.


This is an abysmal solution and won’t fix anything.

Asking players to faction change never works. It’s like asking nicely. But changes nothing.

Players want to play horde. It doesn’t matter why they want to play horde. Accommodate that reality, or suffer the consequences.

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It makes me wonder that it isn’t a matter of they don’t want to it is a matter of they can’t figure out how to. Maybe making faction transfers in BC isn’t easily possible so they just don’t want to bother with it.

If this is made free, then I would say yes. It should be a balancing service that isn’t monetized, and is done solely for the health of the game. It would absolutely be paramount that people can swap their mains, alts, and banks with their friends/guilds without worry that there will be an exorbitant amount of money to throw down (a reason I’ve seen people get mad on retail about people telling them to ‘just faction transfer’… because it’s not a small amount of money for a lot of players).

For the sole reason of ‘it can’t be paid if they want it to be effective’, I don’t think Blizzard will do it. They would absolutely monetize it.


how does it hurt to have the option? people will transfer. even if its a small amount, its better than nothing.


The people who want to play Horde can play Horde, and they’ll have to deal with the repercussions of their choice. Those willing to be part of the solution will transfer. Allowing a one way transfer is the only reasonable answer to the population issue, and at the end of the day if Horde players are unwilling to be part of the solution then they have no business complaining about the problem


glad you agree

Its ok… horde will be extinct when Every Man For Himself comes out.

I mean Alliance is dominating arenas… what a bunch of weak horde.

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I think people are too invested in their sports teams if they act like someone wanting to play with their friends or just play a race they really like the looks and/or lore of means they should “accept consequences”.
The game was designed with factions with distinct flavor, which includes race selection, and has racial abilities as a favor. One faction happening to have stronger racials is simply something that can happen in such a system, and even later rebalancing doesn’t always fix the self-perpetuating disparity. And world PVP is always going to have problems with the reality of such a system (people like being wolves, not the sheep).

If this was not a big deal in terms of PVP matchmaking back then, it was probably because the sheer player count could make up for it. Its a design flaw of the game that just became more apparent now that there isn’t such a massive playerbase to help overcome it. What well designed game would offer two factions to choose from and seriously list “you will struggle to get PVP matches” as a reasonable choice to force people to make?

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If you want to pvp then you will switch, i switched many times back in wotlk

Accepting the consequenses just means quitting for the vast majority of people. Blizzard can fix this with faction transfer. People do not have the time or energy to start from scratch. They arent invested in a sports team (faction) they are invested in their character. Im not gunna lose progress willingly.

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I rolled my eyes so hard at this

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Good. Let them in your groups. But anyone that even hints they were horde and transferred is getting kicked from my groups

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Let them in everyone’s groups. In fact, to really redress the balance, they should make queues quicker for anyone who has at least one horde member in their group. Or even just have a mandatory horde spot for all alliance groups.

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