looking for people to play with I plan on playing priest most with alts being undead rogue and undead mage. Plz let me know if anyone has a place for this lonely priest. tag is neonlotus#1200
Pending on your availability we should be able to accommodate your raiding needs.
Guild Name: Asgaard
Server: Horde - NA - PvE Server – ‘w/ organized pvp’
Times: Flexible Raiding Schedule – ‘w/ Multiple Raid Teams’
Raiding: Semi-Hardcore & Casual – ‘w/ Social Community’
Loot Distribution: DKP – ‘w/ Loot Council (on 2 items only)’
" Please apply to our guild through discord
Raid Times : 40 Man Raid Schedule
:Morning Raid: # Wednesday + Thursday + Friday
'PST' 7:00 am- 9:30 am 'EST' 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
:Noon Raid: # Saturday + Sunday
'PST' 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm 'EST' 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
:Evening Raid: # Thursday + Friday
'PST' 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm 'EST' 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
:Night Raid: # Friday + Saturday
'PST' 9:00 pm - 12:00 am 'EST' 12:00 am - 3:00 am
# All raid teams have an optional day for 20 man content.
# Anyone is welcome in 20 man content to fill the raid spots.
About Us
- We are a multi-core guild & social community.
- Raiding will start casual and progress to semi-hardcore requiring more consumables during AQ40 & Naxxramas to progress.
- PvP premade BG’s will be hosted when they come out. (optional)
- We will also be running the Rathamus Strategy AV premades. This is an incredibly effective way to play the BG with an 88% winrate for Horde. This effectively allows you to farm a weeks worth of HK’s and PvP ranks within just a few hours.
- We plan on having a solid social community with fun outlets like: guild karaoke nights, role playing, and a variety of guild tournaments.
- We will also be part of a server wide community to benefit the server as a whole. For more details please scroll to the bottom of this post, or contact “VVAR” on our discord.
- Toxicity, Trolling, and Raging will not be tolerated. Punishments include: the bench, demotion, /g kick, /ban
- Only 1-3 characters per person are allowed in the guild at launch. Exceptions include: guild bank storage, summoning alt, or mage taxi.
- Our loot system will be DKP for all loot, except Legendaries.
- All guild raid teams will be actively raiding by the week of November 5th, 2019. Equates to approximately 2 hours of leveling per day to hit level 60.
- Any guild member level 60 prior to November is invited to join our makeshift raids through Onyxia and MC.
- Additionally core raiders that reach level 60 before November 5th, 2019, become attuned to Onxyia & Molten Core , and/or obtain revered status with Hydraxian Waterlord, will obtain bonus DKP for each of these.
- Core-Raiders must be at the raid and ready to pull to be considered on time.
- Core-Raiders must maintain 75% attendance per month or have someone cover for them.
- Onyxia, Molten Core, & Black Wing Lair will all be a casual raiding environments where if progression is halted on the same boss each week, we may require the use of consumables. (Example: Vaelastrasz and Ragnaros)
- AQ40 & NAXX, during this time we will shift to a semi-hardcore raiding environment at this time with willingness to use consumables as needed for consistent boss progression.
Loot Distribution
- Raid loot distribution will be DKP with fair treatment to both in-raid & benched players.
- Thunder Fury & Atiesh given to “The Guild” through loot council. These items can provide absurd raid benifits based on what class+role combination in the guild they are given to first.
- The Hand of Ragnaros will be /rolled on by only players with the crafted reagents or the hammer in their inventory.
Guild Leadership Experiance
- 10-20+ years leading gaming communities exp.
- Realm first boss kills exp.
- PvP Ranks 12-14 during vanilla exp.
- Leadership exp. in all guild types from casual to hardcore
- Leadership exp. of 1000+member guilds
- Leadership exp. in running 22 guild raids per week.
OPEN: currently recruiting | LIMITED: few spots remaining | CLOSED: all positions filled
Raid Openings for all four raid teams:
Raid Core-Tank
Warrior MT - limited (1 team)
Warrior OT - limited (1 teams)
Druid - limited (2 teams)
Raid Core-Healer
Druid - limited (2 teams)
Priest - OPEN (all teams)
Shaman - OPEN (3 teams)
Raid Core-Melee Dps
Druid - under consideration
Rogue - OPEN (all teams)
Shaman - under consideration
Warrior - OPEN (all teams)
Raid Core-Range Dps
Druid - under consideration
Hunter - OPEN (all teams)
Mage - OPEN (3 teams)
Priest - under consideration
Shaman - under consideration
Warlock - OPEN (3 teams)
Social Ranks
- (open) Social Member
- (open) Role Player
- (open) PvE Casual Member / Dungeoneer
- (open) PvP Casual Member / Battlemaster
Officer Positions
- (limited) Officer - Recruitment
- (limited) Officer - Guild/Raid Class Officer
- (limited) Officer - Dkp Officer
- (limited) Officer - Assistant PvE Raid Lead
- (limited) Officer - Assistant PvP Premade Lead
Guild Officer positions will only be attained through an extensive interview process.
Guild Officer positions will be evaluated once per tier to remove ineffective officers.
Also seeking skilled individuals or professionals to create the following: guild website, server community website, custom discord bots, custom art graphics, and custom banner/logo for the guild splash page.
– Thank you for your interest in Asgaard.
" Please apply to our guild through discord
What are you looking for in a guild? Grievance will be on both Horde and Alliance at launch. We are an 18+ guild that has been around since EQ. Real life first mentality but still plan to raid and have a great time getting there. Rolling on a PvE realm but plenty will be doing BGs
We are looking for likeminded people to join and just have fun!
give this a glance Delete old posting
Greetings pearlessant! Audax is a Horde guild being created on stalagg that has room for any and all of your playing requirements. From pvp to raids, and from theorycrafting to mastering the AH we have something for everyone - be they a first timer or someone that’s played since the beginning!
Our guild is currently hosting around 30-40 people so far - but don’t worry! We have plenty of room in raids, pvp and other vanilla activities! Many of us have played together since vanilla in guilds all over the servers. We are a fun community that views eachother as family, and we are excited to make new friends during this journey to the past.
Raid and pvp schedules have not been finalized - we are waiting until after release to make those decisions so that all guildies can have a say and we can work out what will be best for all of us!
Think our home might be for you? Add me on bnet - heavenswrath#1143 - and I will add you to our discord so you can get to know us and get involved with the community before we launch!
Not sure if we are for you? Going to be on skalagg but prefer a different guild? Again, feel free to add me for a discord invite! We are striving to make a fantastic community on skalagg and would love nothing more to have friends and contacts in other groups!
Either way we’ll see you all in a few days!
For the Horde!!!
Hi there!
I’m an officer with Pantheon. We’re a Horde guild on Herod. We raid M/T/Th 8:30-11:30. I’d love to discuss Pantheon further with you. Below is our recruitment page. If you’re interested, you can reach out to me on Discord at Aydriann#0478.
Thanks for your time!
Up to date posting [H] Guild Fairbanks LFM's See inside 4 details