Horde side Population?

So im thinking of changeing realms cause my current one is kinda dead. how is this servers population look?

I mean the RP on Horde side is definitely there. The population is there. But as someone that’s been on MG H and WRA H, bigger doesn’t always mean better. Please believe that in this case, bigger is not better. Quality over quantity.

But to actually answer your question: yes, the population is poppin’. But be picky.


Huge bud. Huge. WRA Horde is very similar in size to MG Alliance. Funnily enough the servers seem to largely attract one faction or the other. Bonus is that WRA actually has a reasonable Alliance community too though


WrA-H has tons of people. Most are also former Moon Guard, so you might see some old friends (as I did) who you thought unsubbed or quit RP all together. It’s also super cool to go somewhere new.

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We also picked up a lot of refugees like me from Emerald Dream when Warmode was added.

Major this.


WrA hordeside is solid, with decent RP, PVE and PVP going on. The RP is definitely there and the guilds are healthy. We’re not mostly MG, but we have a decent number of transfers from there and ED. As far as quality, I’ve definitely had the best RP this expact that I’ve had since…* thinks * …Legion? And I’ve played both factions.

So, bring your filled out TRP and come visit. Then stay awhile and listen :slight_smile:

I’d have to to completely disagree with this. I think Horde side RP is plentiful and while you can easily be bombarded with weirdness in the Valley of Honor, you can find great RP if you were to scratch the surface just a tiny bit. I come from Horde, and still dabble there quite a bit.

Best RP I’ve ever had has come from both sides of this server, especially over the past year and on Horde-side.


This server is like 65% Horde. You won’t find a shortage of people to play with.

Many Hordes, yes.

Come on down to Crazy Wyrmrest’s House of Horde where we’re running deals on Horde populations all summer long! We’ve got Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Taunka Tauren, a couple of Yaungol Tauren, Goblins and Hairy Goblins, Pink Elves, Blue Elves, Half-Elves, Fire Elves, Demon Elves, Half-Demon Half-Elves, Sand Trolls, Snow Trolls, Tree Trolls, Tundra Trolls, Undead Trolls, Underground Trolls, Rich Trolls, Poor Trolls, Middle Class Trolls, Forsaken, Fivesaken, Sixsaken, all the way up to Eighteensaken, Pandaren, Crandaren, Mandaren, Plandaren and Andaren, and Orcs, buddy we’ve got Blackrock Orcs, Thunderlord Orcs, Warsong Orcs, Burning Blade Orcs, Burning Fork Orcs, Full Torque Orcs, Wine Cork Orcs, More Pork Orcs, Horse Dork Orcs, and More Orcs, Of Course.

But these deals won’t last forever! So get yourself down here!


You forgot the Tusk Elves Enekie.

This made me giggle. Also. Is true.

You forgot vampire elves!


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I come from Horde. I’ve been Horde and Alliance since the server started. Alliance during WotLK, Horde since Cata. So not everyone’s experience is the same, however, I still stay firm on quantity is not better than quality. I’d say the same thing about MG Alliance. People that come just for the size are focused on the wrong thing.

EDIT: and by been here, I don’t just mean in passing. I mean I’ve made guilds, been in several guilds, and grew up on WRA H. While MG and WRA are certainly made up of the same people, they do not have the same kind of mindset toward problematic behavior and how to just have fun without ruining it for others. I’d say I have been subbed and active on WRA for 10~ years? Give or take 2-6 months in between due to being a kid without a laptop for that period.

Just be wary and as I mentioned, be picky. You don’t have to join the first big and active guild you find. Shop and ask around! Maybe even make your own.

Mogo like Horde. Mogo sometimes like WRA. Mogo combine them make one big Good.

I play WrA Horde and MG Alliance. Here’s the skinny I got from both.

Both: They’re both pretty sizable RP populations! :smiley:

Problems occur with both, though.

MG Alliance: Your RP will get trolled. A lot. My ignore list filled to the brim because “kekw, trolling RPers with toys” is a passtime on MG.

WrA Horde: Do you like the Wyvern’s Tail? No? No city RP for you then. The community is super solid, though, and you just need to find a guild. But that’s it. You RP with your guild and maybe, JUST maybe, if you’re lucky, you can find a walk up partner in Orgrimmar.


Have you ever been to Silvermoon? I’ve found it to be full of people in all districts pretty much. Orgrimmar has the MOST RPers at the Valley of Honor but in my experience it’s unfair to say Wyvern’s tail only. Plenty hang out near the pond area, and I’ve seen people RPing in the Valley of Spirits and Wisdom fairly regularly.


I have and it sucks and is full of racist elves.

ok but hold the god damn phone enekie has a FACE

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I have been to Silvermoon. It is extraordinarily difficult to find RP, at least in the times I have gone there to attempt it. I don’t really play blood elves, so maybe that’s why, but it honestly feels like I’m just knocking on doors half the time and no one answers when I walk up.

(I made that a part of Rhonako’s plot history too because it took me so damn long to find another person actually willing to RP with the lone vulpera in Silvermoon).

Other than that… you found roleplayers in places other than the Wyvern’s Tail? I should honestly hang out next to you to find people to walk up to, because I can’t find diddly or I get ignored. It’s starting to get really disheartening.