Horde should retake the Red Dragonflight and turn them against the alliance

Erm… Loosely on the topic, there’s going to be a dragonriding mount that shares the same skeleton as wyverns, a species that the Horde formed a genuine bond with. I expect them to be pretty popular with orc players, and they even have the option for a stinger!


Just report for trolling or inappropriate and move on


The Alliance didn’t exist back then. And in fact one side of that conflict is now part of the horde (blood elves)

You guys used the Dragon Soul to rule over the Red Dragonflight. You did not do it because of “natural rights”. Get over yourself.

I’m not gonna touch this.


No he didn’t

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It got restored, like I assumed it would be. Trash mods.


The Dragonmaw orcs used the Demon soul to coerce her consorts to rape her. If she did not comply they would murder her children. They used the dragons to murder innocent civilians such as those in Hasic. Also, you have severely messed up the definition of the morality; which if you aren’t simply trolling, you would be perfect individual to live in 1930’s berlin.

Furthermore your explanation is terrible.

  1. Yes, what happened to the Amani wasn’t good. Horde isn’t clean of this. Blood elves were apart of this.
  2. Natural right to rule over them, sounds very much like a racist ideology of eugenics and racial superiority of the germans in the 1930s and slave owners.
  3. Self-defense trumps all and you are victim blaming.

Blockquote1. The Alliance stole the Amani trolls land and are guilty of killing innocent trolls during the troll wars.

No… just no. So the high elves (later Blood Elves) landed in, and planned to settle in Tirisfall glades but due to Tyr’s corpse some were driven insane, they left and founded Quel ’ Thalas. The Amani Trolls had an empire and were pushing against the human nations and were making inroads, They had been harassing the High elves lands for generations, the High elves and humans teamed up and the elves taught the humans magic, and with their combined might pushed the trolls back and took their land as a result of the war the trolls started, the humans ended up eventually settling everything south of Thalassian pass with everything north belonging largely to the High Elves, parts of what would eventually be the ghostlands was in danger from the Amani empire but the elves magics easily kept the weakened empire at bay. No one stole anything.

Again, no, their “natural right” was given to them by Deathwing when he told Zuluhed where to find the Dragon Soul and use it to control Alexstrasza and force her to have children so they could tame them, when they became too strong to control they were killed which is why they needed a constant supply and why you never see an elder dragon among their ranks (well elder red dragon) and in no way, shape, or form were the orcs the good guys during that conflict, they restarted a war and rampaged across the eastern kingdoms again destroying Stromgarde keep and the Arathor kingdom in large by the time elven and Lordaeron reinforcements arrived.

Well they certainly killed orcs upon being freed, but, it was Rhonin, Vereesa, and Falstad who freed them and returned the dragon aspects to their true power.

I find you saying a slave being freed and killings it’s captors as it is escaping as ‘being guilty’ quite disgusting… makes me genuinely sick.

Also, you made such ridiculous statements as if they were solidly true… you’re whats wrong with the world, you know so little but you think you know so much… even with such an extreme amount of knowledge a quick search away, it’s been a minute since I read the books you are spouting falsehoods about and had to refresh myself and found the info in less than 10 seconds.

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So, OP, here’s a question for you since no one has actually bothered to ask this yet and have just made assumptions.

When you say ‘they should do that again’ what exactly are you advocating for? Are you advocating for torture? Enslavement? Forced breeding? All of these things happened to the Red Dragonflight after the Dragonmaw took control of the Dragon Soul.

None of these things are good (although I could see certain races of the Horde, such as the Orcs, Mag’har Orcs, Forsaken, and Goblins not caring about using torture or enslaving the red dragons with magical compulsion) but the forced breeding act is especially problematic. No dragonflight deserves to deal with that (not to mention that post-cataclysm it would be completely ineffective as the ability for the titan-blessed dragonflights to reproduce is completely gone unless Blizzard has retconned that, which I don’t believe they have).

So are you advocating for all of what happened to the Red Dragonflight to happen again? Or are you just advocating for the magical compulsion part so the Dragons can be used as a weapon against the Alliance or whatever big bad the Horde goes to war with?

Ultimately I can’t see Blizzard going along with either, although you’re welcome to your opinion, provided that what you post doesn’t break the rules of the forum. It hasn’t yet since Blizzard restored the post already, so make sure to keep your words in check, unless you want to risk a suspension/ban.

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It wasn’t Tyr’s Corpse that drove them insane, rather it was the presence of the dormant C’thraxxi that was sealed in the vault along with Tyr’s remains. C’thraxxi are durable, much like the Old Gods themselves, and it takes a LOT of effort to kill one permanently, otherwise they slowly recover from their wounds and will eventually return. When Tyr sacrificed himself, he defeated Zakajz the Corruptor, and the surviving Vrykul built a tomb for the remains of Tyr and the body of Zakajz, before sealing the tomb with magical seals which would keep Zakajz from awakening. He’d simply stay in a domant, sleeping state.

But his mere presence beneath the earth was enough to drive the elves who attempted to settle in Tirisfal mad, which is why they moved to what would become Quel’thalas. (Although, funny story there, there’s a C’thraxxi buried up there too, underneath Zul’aman, the other C’thraxxi that hunted Tyr alongside Zakajz, but the trolls made sure that Kith’ix was actually dead before they built Zul’aman on top of its corpse).

Zakajz remained dormant in the tomb until Thoradin broke the seals during his search to learn of the origin of humanity. Thoradin and his party delved into the tomb and discovered Zakajz, who even in his awakening state wiped the floor with Thoradin and his followers. Not wanting Zakajz to awaken fully, Thoradin impaled Zakajz’s head with his sword, which forces Zakajz to slumber until he was awakened again during the Legion invasion.

I get why people thought that replacing Dragons with Wyverns as the stereotypical Horde mount was lame. But guess what, you can ride and even be a dragon now. So what you’re proposing is kinda pointless. :dracthyr_hehe:

I fully support this. We need more weapons that a strong enough to make the alliance admit defeat.

Wyverns are crap. Dragons are much cooler. We need the WC2 Horde back in function. Without lame losers like Thrall.

All of this could have been avoided with friendly, playable Illidari in TBC. Imagine Illidan supplying the entire Horde with Nether Dragons!

Anyone who finds this a good idea should be required to look Alexstrasza in the eyes and calmly explain the point to her in person.

Let me know how it goes.


She will have no choice. The Horde dominates their enemies.

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Good thing I didn’t say that it was a good idea then isn’t it?

I merely asked the OP specifics on what they were advocating for, rather than assuming what they were advocating for and going into shame and blame mode.

Assuming we ignore the multiple moral reason why this is awful, the various enemies the Horde would make by doing this, and the fact that they would once against splinter their own faction by making yet another awful choice in the pursuit of starting a war that leads to no one being better off than they were before (like the last war)-

How, exactly, would they accomplish this? Somehow I doubt that the Horde possesses another Demon Soul. Or the means of acquiring one. Nor would they find allies willing to help them I expect.


This is a good point. While it certainly is possible to tame dragons and use them as mounts (the Vrykul did this with the proto-drakes in Northrend and the Storm Drakes in Stormheim and the Pandaren tame Cloud Serpents to use as mounts in Pandaria) it would not be possible to enslave an entire dragonflight. The Dragonmaw were only able to do so originally because they had the Dragon Soul which gave them power over Alexstrasza.

That artefact has since been destroyed permanently. Rhonin destroyed it with one of Deathwing’s scales. The other version of the artefact that was used to greatly wound Deathwing during his assault on Wyrmrest Temple was returned to the exact moment in time that it was taken from.

From what I understand there is no other artefact that conveys a similar power. So no, there will be no forceful taming of the Dragonflights, it’s logistically impossible. Could the Dragonmaw tame their own dragons over time and become powerful dragonriders in the service of the Horde? Yes. But it would need to be done with dragons that are not of the main dragonflights, such as the Proto-Drakes, Storm Drakes or Cloud Serpents.

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We actually are still missing the demon chain(the one used by Zaela) so on that tangent, I wonder what bad guy has managed to get their hands on it?

Proudmoores are rotten,
Amani are the same to the zandalari, silly troll trying to be friends with the horde by bashing the enemy for your own reasons, the dragons will burn your land… oh wait where is it?