Horde RP where?

Is horde RP dead on Grobb? I’ve been on this server on and off since day 1, recently came back after a break now that goblins dropped and hanging around Org, I’d say the rate of people I’ve seen with active TRP is maybe 2-3 out of 100. I joined an RP discord and it seems like most RP is happening blueside. Is there a horde community still or is everything just in-guild these days?

There’s a guild war between the Jackal of Stormwind and B I G P P V P. Some “RP Lite” stuff about that. The Jackal had come to the defense of Ironwolf Clan in IF recently, and have eliminated singlehandedly one of B I G P P V P’s death knights.

The Jackal of Stormwind also hired a certain secretary named Gabbatha(she can go by Gabby) recently. This “roguish” orc beauty was selected to oversee guild operations in the event the Jackal himself becomes so “fluid in time and in space” as well.

All in all, the Jackal of Stormwind, in usual goblin fashion, profited greatly from Tol Barad operations(almost never missing a day’s work) and grew to have a retinue of specialists, such as a demonologist, arcanist, armorer, clothier, apothecary, and even a forester!

I literally don’t care about any of that. Anyway…

Then you’re a hypocrite and you don’t belong in a RPPvP server. Kindly retire your toon and adjust accordingly.

Kindly blow me, you’re an idiot.

There it is. You’re the self-made joke who came to a RPPvP and doesn’t want to RP. Do you even PvP at least? Why did you choose Grobbulus?

Given that you’re level 30, you would only lose about a solid day’s worth of leveling. That’s not asking a lot for you to bench your toon and create a new one on a Normal or PvP server.

Yes, I don’t want to RP. That’s why I made a thread specifically asking about RP. I’ve been on grob doing RP PvP since day one on a forsaken toon until goblins dropped which is why I’m lvl 30. Before that I was doing RP PvP on ED probably while you were in kindergarten. Isn’t it past your bedtime?

Then that’s why I said you don’t belong here, either RP or RPPvP. It wasn’t an insult, because obviously, RP servers should be for RPers.

I creatively gave you a sample. You acted like it was the free sample of something that’s never going to sell at the grocery store lol. Something gross, like soy sauce ice cream.

I wonder how this walks back the hostility I got from you.

I love that you said this, because I was in kindergarten in nineteen ninety muther puss-buckin’ one. ED wouldn’t have existed as there was no WoW, unless you meant OG Neverwinter Nights or Shadows of Yserbius.

Setting that humor aside, I gave a MOST RECENT sample of the RP activity going on. I’m actually going to QQ for a while, because things have gotten so bad in Tol Barad and all that jazz. TWW is next Tuesday, and Tokens are over 9k. It’s not looking good for overall population engagement for Cata.

See “kindergarten in 1991” comment.

You’re clearly mentally ill. I’m not wasting anymore time on you. Please get help and leave this thread for people who actually want to answer my original question.

You’ve gotten out of line with your insults, so you’ve lost your welcome here. Anyone who takes RP seriously as a server would not have acted the way you just did, which is why I doubt you’ve RPed as long as you have.

A true RPer would not just say “Well, I don’t care about that” which was said in bad faith. You could have chosen to play along, or not. You could have chosen to say nothing. There’re nicer and politer ways of not caring than to just say it. You could have said “Neat” or “Interesting”.

You should be asked to leave if you’re not going to get along with others. That’s how it actually works. If you’re smart, I would also not try to make it personal than to insult my mental health and wellbeing because such is reportable.

No please, don’t tell on me. Anything but that :clown_face:

You cannot learn a thing you think you know.

You’re right. People think you’re really cool and definitely take you seriously.

Do they? I don’t know anyone who thinks I’m cool and definitely takes me seriously, because by your logic that means I should have my own Jim Jonesy cult of personality. Because people THINK they know, ergo they don’t LEARN. That’s the beginning of massed sheeple.

Where’s your proof I have such a grand following that validates this? Am I some Internet personality on YouTube or Twitch?

But if you think you know RP, you can’t LEARN it. You just got your first set of harsh knocks of what the REAL DEAL is like, because I myself HAVE RPed.

So you’re not cool and nobody takes you seriously?

Who are you asking? Do you even know who you’re asking? I could be Asmongold(who actually lives a few hundred miles from me IRL) on a hidden, secret account nobody knows about except him, and though he’s vehemently hated in the official places, he has untold thousands of views and subs as he is considered a voice of reason.

I think it’s self-evident that I’m not cool and nobody takes me seriously. I don’t fill in those blanks, but that still depends on who I am vs. who I am not.

But back to you, if you get OOC(and you should know what that means) in improper ways, or don’t carry yourself properly IC, there’s consequences. You can be shunned and reported on. Anyone who has RPed since the days I was in kindergarten(again, 1991) has no excuse of ignorance. These things that I know, I cannot unknow it.

Ok, I know I said I wasn’t going to waste any more time on you, and I know it’s not right to antagonize the mentally handicapped, but this is just too much fun; so screw it, I don’t even care about the original intent of this thread anymore. Please teach me the secrets

You still let that one insult slip, but assuming that I can borrow admin power to erase it and make it where you came to me in good faith, I have nothing more to teach right now.

You were already told about a guild war. You were already told about a certain guild in the server that has expanded its wealth and manpower. We can work more with this.

Despite the Horde fighting a losing war, the Jackal of Stormwind–which is both a guild and the guildmaster himself–has survived, thrived, and profited greatly. Garrosh’s Horde could not rely upon a sturdier bunch, as the hearts of many Horde heroes have faltered in the revisited past of Azeroth.

This would make the Jackal of Stormwind the crown jewel asset of the Horde, and one that would be used in the ongoing war against the Alliance that is set to extend beyond Tol Barad, particularly the Pandarian expedition and the return-return to Draenor after that. Though the Horde be losing now in the [Grobbulus] front, Garrosh is entertained by those not only of hardiness and savvy, but those who can exploit the Alliance’s interior.

The champion of the horde stood definitely on the battlefield, staring down the Jackal of Storm wind. “Nice work, but there can be only one” she challenged


Depends if that’s foretold.

“And I will make Stormwind City heaps, and a den of jackals; and I will make the cities of the Alliance desolate, without an inhabitant.”

Whoever is the true Champion of the Horde doesn’t matter. What matters is who truly rules the Alliance…