Horde RP - Thoughts and Discussion


Seems like a lazy thing for blizzard to not have updated the map for this 3 part expansion and given us another new character model update with it.

No reason we couldn’t have gotten another maybe lighter cata map update with a more streamlined and updated story quest chain for leveling.

Just make sure those Kor’Kron you kill arent wearing Black n Gold.

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We’re still waiting for our bridge.


Since BC I and other kor’kron roleplayers from WRA used to spam the “Suggestions” thing every single day asking for Kor’Kron Boots and saying the models in the game we just need a recolor…from then till about Shadowlands when it seems I lost touch with all but 2-3 other korkron RPers, we did this…never got a reply…never got matching boots -.-

I know what waiting is…but I hope you get your bridge.

The reason I tend to stick to folks of a like mind is that loud and popular sections of my government wants to kill people like me. Politicians openly discuss it. So when I hang out with people online, having fun, enjoying myself, I do what you call banner waving, I just express what I am as a person and a player, and if people avoid me for that, I consider it making sure I don’t have to get close to someone, get friendly with them, only to find out they agree with the politicians who discuss whether or not I deserve the right to exist in public.

I assume nothing if people don’t openly express any alignment or support in their TRP, I don’t wave that banner on every character I play, but I do like not wondering, not being worried, that if I casually mention anything about myself OOC I might suddenly get a cold shoulder, or if the person is particularly noisy about it, mocked and insulted. I like seeing those banners you find so concerning because it means those people won’t make me miserable when I’m playing a game.


Which, to be fair to them, they never mentioned they had any problem with. I don’t think anyone has a problem with inclusion, only when inclusion is used as a mask for exclusion. Not that a community promises to be safe, but instead, that they become vicious, petty and tribalistic in a way they consider beyond reproach.

It’s bad when anyone does it. Everyone just wants to have fun, not feel bad for being who they are, and enjoy their pretend fun times. A community trying to foster real and genuine togetherness needs to be truely fair in what it does or does not tolerate, elsewise it will only encourage tribalism(and thus, disparate tribes.)

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And I wasn’t saying they did. I was just expressing why those banners are waved, what they’re for in a crappy time to be queer.


More to the point of the thread!
I feel pretty good about Horde rp rn. There’s off hours, times where it’s not super active. But with some patience I often find really fun experiences with people.
I’d definitely like to see more folks go beyond Orgrimmar, I really like the sheer variety of Horde lands (and especially like the echo isles) and would like to be able to hang out there more.
They seem pretty active from the outside, I haven’t joined any thus far, but I might.
I don’t notice many community events happening at all. Or participation in the game’s own holidays.

Aside from Vulpera not being the most promiscuous demographic of players I’ve interacted with Horde-side (I get some spicy DMs from a lotta Orcs and Trolls when I play my elves) I think there’s definitely a big and understandable frustration in people’s rp, given how hard Horde lore got shafted. But I think there’s something very valuable we have aside from spite. Not being saddled with Man’ari. =P

More seriously, enjoying the cultures we’re given is something I think should be focused on more than the tendency for spiteful meta-jokes about where we’re at. It doesn’t OVERWHELM Horde rp, people actually do the cool stuff too, but it does make me sad how much of a common in-character thing it seems to be.


I have something like lgbtq player + friendly in my profile to show I’m queer and I’m also not gonna call you a slur :+1::sparkles:


I am an “out” Lesbian in real life, I have been out since I was growing up, in a predominantly intolerant state.

I think it is important to make LGBT as normalized as h’eteronormative lifestyles. So Sarsi is also an “out” lesbian, her relationship with her girlfriend is as open and plain as any h’etero relationship.

And I don’t consider visually seeing LGBT relationships as pushing anything on anybody, so much as making their existence normal to run across daily.

I think back and realize I never use “LGBT friendly” in my TRP, I think it’s because I assume LGBT friendly is the norm, even though it isn’t the norm, I think it should be the norm.

But I also have a lot of other whistles in my TRP to indicate I am a member of the LGBT both IC and OOC, and filling out your pronouns is just best practice so people know how to identify you at a glance.

I think it might be a good idea to normalize asking those who do not have pronouns listed what their pronouns are so we can A. Refer to them correctly, and B. Normalize pronoun use and normalize extra thought and care when dealing with a person’s unknown pronouns so we can refer to them as they wish to be.

One of the things that has helped me is writing Sarsi’s brother who is transmasc and AFAB, using body type 2 to train myself to not look at physical descriptions as a signal for gender.

Sarsi’s brother still likes his very femme leaning body despite not being a woman, and also not being a man, he falls somewhere in-between both and uses he/they as well as masculine titles such as Ser, and brother and son. It’s helping me learn more about being non binary so I can help be more inclusive to non binary folk as well.

So even those of us in the LGBT do not know everything and taking strides to learn about areas we might not have knowledge on is a great way to show our support for them.


I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily limited to one political mode of thought over the other. Using your beliefs to cudgel people who disagree with you is just kind of en vogue right now. And for the past ten years.


I personally wouldnt mind continuing the topic in a mature manner, but I have learned through multiple, exasperating, social networking conflagrating, nasal bridge pinching experiences that it is very difficult to get standard carriers to lower the banner so they can enrich themselves in the positive and negative experiences of dealing with the neutral.

The heart of human interaction is awkwardness, and learning more about each other and ourselves is necessary to broaden perspective as well as reconcile differences. Feelings getting bruised is usually a benefit in the greater experiences of social interaction, and cloaking/bolstering through fear and ignorance of the ‘others’ perspective will, unfortunately, lead to further radicalization and stratification.

I have had the blessed and cursed existence of swinging hard left and hard right throughout my entire life and it gave me, I wouldnt necessarily call it an ability, but a way to perceive the links between people and use them to form stronger familiarities between each other, and as a godsend for videogame communities, the ability to make communities focus on immersion and overcome their differences.

People are stubborn. The ones you fear giving a cold shoulder most likely got burned by a fringe. The perceptions you have based on your ingroup could, take this lightly, be so objectively far removed from reality that most of your formative perception stems from an age that fundamentally doesnt exist in modernity.

To dismantle the cliques that wall you out, you must be able to understand why the clique exists. To empathize and know why, to respect the opinions of others you disagree with, and to not rationalize every action as an aggression. Im strictly not speaking of reality here because real world perception of the events around us are so catastrophically controlled for the sake of profit that even the most asinine event is used to foster radicalization so an article writer can make a buck or vindicate their opinions.

Im not saying to remove the banners you carry-I mean technically I am, and you absolutely should but most just dont understand this-but you need to realize that if you incorporate ideology into roleplay, you will inevitably be creating and be a part of ‘tHe vErY ThInG yOu WaNt To DeStRoy’.

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I have seen far more people use hard left ideologies to push people out than hard right. Neither side, has a majority that is evil and extremism exists in both.

The thing I love most about this post is the call to leave politics at the door. It is a fantasy game, you do not need to bring your real life troubles into RP and it’s the one thing that has sent me away from RP as a whole. So many people use it as a platform for activism that is just thinly veiled gate keeping. Or pushing the same us vs them that exists in real politics.

Let people play their game without being inundated with current events and political ideologies. This is the most reasonable take of all, most people don’t have time to be hateful, and it’s not nearly as common as people lead others to believe on social media.

Thank you for having a reasonable take in an environment that’s likely to make the sword meme come out for it.


Someone saying they’re gay isn’t really “radical” or “real life troubles”. Queer people exist in WoW lore, so I’m not sure why people would have an issue with individuals saying they are as well.


I cannot leave my existence at the door. If you think I can, if you think I shouldn’t write trans characters, that’s honestly your politics bleeding over into a game. Who you are always informs what you write. (not in the sense of an evil character meaning an evil player but in the sense of it informs your writing choices and character ideas)

I exist as what I am, and people like me have existed longer than any nation. Any empire. Any language. We have been here since the dawn of humanity. Different words in different cultures, eras, languages, but the experience has lasted longer than the very foundation of your entire ideology. This is an ancient experience, throughout every nation, culture, we have existed, and always will. So, it’s far, far more political, to react like it’s some new weird delusion, when people like me existed before the language we’re speaking.

I’m honestly pretty casual about it. Bai here is a trans woman, I don’t even bring it up in those words because I don’t think she’d use the word “trans”. She’s just a woman, in a masculine body. That’s it, that’s the totality of the banner you tell me to put down. Someone misgenders her, she just shrugs, laughs at them, and keeps talking about her Loa. And if someone is oocly not playing ball I just ignore them, because I don’t have to give you the time of day if you’re trying to make me miserable.

Also, “the very thing you want to destroy” lmao. lol, even. I just wanna grill. All I want to “destroy” is the idea that it’s a political act to grill while trans. My only line is be chill with me being me or find another table.



Something 10char

It feels like you’re all talking about different things, honestly. I could be interpreting the prior two posts to my own sensibilities, and I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong, but I don’t think either of them are saying to leave your identities at the door or be anything beyond what you are.

I’m trying not to Get Into It like I used to, but sitting here watching people subtly conflate being queer with fringe political ideology with very little pushback is making my teeth itch.


I think it’s just about “moderator please close this thread before someone says something terrible time”.


To expand upon this I literally do not care what you identify as, what your politics are, if youre kinky or monastic. I have lived through the age of being called a devil worshipper and now I am living in the age of being called a transphobe for a mental position that has stubbornly tried to keep itself centered despite occasionally flipping to one end of the spectrum or the other through emotional turmoil.

I am specifically speaking of presentation and a public environment in how it impacts those around you. If you assume this is a personal attack on yourself. I have the unfortunate answer that you may be part of the problem of continuing this social stratification of role playing communities or you may have found yourself politically radicalized and not realize it.

My last posts were as clearheaded and as consciable as I can get on this very difficult topic.

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shrug that’s fine, I’ll just keep grilling.

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