This is why war between the factions being used as story in the game needs to be never touched again. At least until Blizzard finds a way to do it properly, which I don’t think they can.
They don’t know how. [:
Thing is, Blizzard disagrees. Anduin’s forgiven the Horde. Jaina’s forgiven the Horde. Genn and Tyrande haven’t, but they’re the minority. The rest of the Alliance leadership? Forgiving or at least silent on the matter. The narrative going forward (so far at least) has no further repercussions for the Horde.
When Saurfang died, the war ended. No more bloodshed. No more fighting. No more war. His death narratively absolved the remaining Horde of any crimes they had committed, so Blizzard doesn’t have to address those crimes further.
I’m not saying this is a good thing, or a well-written thing. I’m saying from an in-game perspective, once Saurfang died, everything was fine. Except for two leaders, who apparently don’t take action any time in the near future.
Thus Saurfang died for the Horde’s sins, so they can be forgiven.
Surprise surprise. Because Blizzard doesn’t like nuance. They like to tell the big explosive moments, and then move on.
^ This is garbage tier writing; it’s why I don’t care for the ongoing narrative.
Maybe for players who like being spoon fed by Blizzard, but I’d, personally, rather keep a semi-mature and well developed sense of narrative sequencing, and meaningful resolution.
BFA’s ending was ten steps below garbage that I’d find in an alley; I am not content with it, and it’s my choice going forward to stay far the hell away from what Blizzard releases. I’m okay with that.
Horde favortism.
If Blizzard can bother making a whole sequence for Horde’s wet dream fantasies then I should be getting something of at least some comparable value.
I’ll grant you that not all or even most (not even close) of Alliance players are using the Alliance/Horde conflict to jerk off some weird race war fetish, if you’ll grant me that all of the people doing that are Alliance posters.
Again, I am not saying “this is how I want it” or “this is how it should be”.
I’m saying, this is how the game’s narrative is treating it. He died. War stops. No further repercussions. Because Saurfang’s sacrifice.
Because player like you that like their race genocidal fantasy got catered to obviously.
Several times now.
What sequence was that?
Pretty much everytime the Horde nukes and kills alliance things for their enjoyment.
This ranges from simple questing at lower levels, to special scenarios and even expansion launch events.
You name it. You got it.
Not all the Highborne left to form Quel’thalas. Some of them did just stay as Night Elves. To be clear.
You seem to connect sexual desire with violence an awful lot, Phae.
Just so you’re aware, we’re not all like you. My wet dreams don’t involve anything WoW related. 'Cept maybe trolls. They’re also never violent, definitely don’t involve murder.
But hey, I’m not here to kink shame you. You do you girl.
Do you mean on this board, or in general? There was and is plenty of mass appeal Horde fan boy people who were pretty happy with burning Teldrassil and made knife ears type jokes.
Again, not all Horde players have this ‘glorious’ view of BFA that you seem to think they do.
I get that for sure; I’m not coming at you personally or anything.
I just don’t think it’s satisfactory.
The great majority liked it and wanted more.
You are the minority.
That won’t stop them from trying though. I give them Shadowlands, which will probably be WoD2, and then a Legion repeat expansion, before we’re back at it again with MoP3/BfA2.
WoW has essentially become a revolving loop made of poo.
Yet that false and dishonest narrative will never be put away.
Do you have some nifty sources and statistics you can point me towards to back up your claims?
That is true, but I think it’s fair to suggest that it’s kind of different and uniquely uncomfortable when Alliance players do it, due to the Horde’s status as exotified and othered caricatures of either specific real-world racial minorities or unspecific ‘savage hordes’.
Like, the eagerness to RP racial discrimination against elves in fiction is a little weird, I’ll give you that, but it pales in comparison to the way people talk about orcs and trolls and stuff.
The upvotes on Sylvanas warbringer?
And the many cheers she shows up in Blizzcon?
Because they are genocidal monsters.
Holy cringe batman.
So… what minority do you associate with the orcs?