There are many Horde pvp communities. You can find them in the in game community finder. Sort by pvp.
Yeah, I’m looking but this comment isn’t very helpful. It’s seriously concerning how dead these communities feel no matter how many players they have. 1000 members and maybe 20 active when I log on but there has not been a community message in 2 to 5 days!? Either these people forget they are even in these communities (very likely) or they private message the ones they already know.
Many communities means little when they aren’t active or well managed. I get the sense that only a small number of communities are still active with the vast majority being forgotten corpses floating through time. Most of them are auto-invite but one has had me on pending for 2 days now.
Using the standard group finder tool there has not once been a group forming for regular bgs when I looked. So meeting people that way is unlikely. I’m about to start my own group and see if that gets any traction but given how there is never groups there I doubt people even check the group finder anymore.
I even joined a large guild that is suppose to be about pvp but maybe only 10% of the 900 players are level 70 and most have notes saying they are only 300 - 330 ilvl. I pray they mean outside of pvp but in a pvp guild why would you list your pve score? Either way that’s not even honor gear ilvl and it only takes like a day to get honor geared so I’m simply left confused (are they too lazy to update thier note weeks later?). This guild has 2 or 3 messages a day on average. That’s absolutely nothing. The discord was not better.
Whether it’s a 1000 player guild or a 1000 player pvp community, dead is dead. Finding a good one is actually way more challenging than I would have thought. So far the Iron Triangle has actually been the most promising despite it being mix faction. About 60% of the 720 players are level 70 and there is some small amount of community chat to make it feel alive.
NGL, it’s a bit discouraging sifting through the corpses of what were presumably once active communities. It feels wrong to even type anything there, like you are disturbing the peace and sancity of a cemetary.
Feel free to add me if you want a geared (423 ilvl), decently skilled healer and you play late as hell. Idc much for arena though. I only do solo shuffle to make vault
- stratis#1317
Well I’m not gonna advertise the others, but Corpse Corps runs Davey Jones Locker. We play every night.
There was a Davey Jones Locker 1 and 2 because 1 is full. I applied to 1 anyways and it’s pending along with that Shadows of Death 6 I’ve had pending for a few days. Should I apply to the second smaller group?
Idk anything about Shadows of Death but they had 5 full communities already and every note said to apply to SoD 6 so I did.
I’ll check it out when I log in tomorrow and we’ll get ya in.
I like the worldofpvp reddit. Less blizzard parenting over there and the conversations seem less trolly and toxic.
Yeah I know. It’s just the state the game is in…everything can be done on your own.
OP could just join SOD/Ruin/CL or if he’s Horde SAS.
Could join WSB horde side. Lots of casual rated pvp groups going along with WPvP against other large alliance groups such as RUIN.
You could apply to join SAS. Hundreds of active players every day in there
what do you keep calling “late”? If you had to put it in say EST? I play usually 9pm est - 1/2am EST. I do que with SAS for 40 mans but the queing process takes too long for my liking and I do miss smaller bg’s.
I pvp’d really heavy during BC-Mop but fell off after that, mainly when blizz broke the oqueue addon. People I played with are classic andys or just quit. Right now theres 2 of us steady.
I get off work at 10 pm EST. So 10:30 and later. I am east coast but on second shift. So pretty late.
I queue with corpse corps sometimes since they invited me to join. Mostly just weekends since they log off as I get home. It’s ok but mostly pug stomping
Cool. So like, now
Whats your bnet?
Does your guild on illidan happen to need a Guardian/Feral? Been looking for an active pvp guild for a bit now. I have prevous 2k experience, shot calling, etc.
I find your comments disconcerting and insulting. You are often more focused on your own ego and will quickly insult those that welcomed you with open arms, all for the sake of self gratifying flagellation to feed that ego of yours.
lol lol lol
You can have the negative Nancy Toothless He’s been yeeted.
What for
I find your comments disconcerting and insulting. You are often more focused on your own ego and will quickly insult those that welcomed you with open arms, all for the sake of self gratifying flagellation to feed that ego of yours.
What are you talking about? How was anything I said there insulting? All I said is I have been playing with you guys lately and it has been pretty fun or I wouldn’t keep showing up and trying to join as yoy guys are finishing everyday… I’m confused
You can have the negative Nancy Toothless He’s been yeeted.
Wait, you guys are kicking me? I didn’t do anything and I didn’t say anything negative about the community. I have just been looking for people ti queue with and he bumped this old thread
Do you guys just personally hate this Egostroker guy or is it cause he said he plays with this SAS group that I know nothing about besides hearing you guys occasionally mention it?
Didn’t expect to be booted. I thought you guys liked me