Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Less so, true, but thaaaaat’s still smoldering. Smoke. Smoldering does mean it’s still on fire. You just don’t see visible flames.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: In response to someone saying they chose to side with the villains out of spite by the way:


A meme response? Wow, projection with your clown emotes, huh bozo?

Next you’ll be pretending to like Sylvanas :clown_face:


Nah, she’s still on the kill list. Doesn’t mean I can’t join the Horde side and then revel in the way the Alliance’s stupidity got them all killed instead of being dejected by it! But yeah, gives us a bad image, gotta go.

It’s a bit like playing GTA: I might hope the protagonists don’t get away, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a good time enjoying all the chaos, mayhem and destruction they leave in their wake in the meantime!

That was also a few patches ago.

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Smoldering also lasts a lot longer than open flames do. We’re probably talking something more akin to the centralia coal fire than any normal fire, and probably longer than that as well if we’re being realistic (but Blizz burned it with catapults across miles of ocean while it was still alive, so to be fair, probably not), because this thing is absolutely massive.

Seriously. They didn’t even bother to use Azerite.


Which one do you think was more absurdly flammable, Teldrassil or Stormwind? Because Alliance capitals seemed aaaaaawfully flammable that patch.

You’re telling me no one in Stormwind ever dropped a torch? Yeesh.


it seems less like stormwind itself is flammable and more like they leave a lot of hay/boxes lying around.

Could have sworn zul was lighting those on fire.

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Honestly, call that a “Win” is like 2 Heavyweight boxers going 12 rounds, neither one going down but one Boxer is declaring a “win” because he lost one less tooth.

Well, Stormwind has canals running through it, with probably the best Fire Brigades to keep any outbreaks in check.

Teldrassil probably didn’t even have a Fire Corp because no one ever expected that the tree would be attacked, much less by fire.
Element of Surprise against an Ill-prepared opponent.

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Even better is the Dark Iron /joke:

    A night elf laughed at me for living inside a volcano. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about my mountain burnin’ down, now DO I?! (laughs, then pauses) What, too soon?

… Magma… lava… burning everything down… That’s what active volcanoes do!

To be fair, I think we were all surprised by what those catapults accomplished.


Have you ever Lit a Fire at the base of a Tree?
Ever use an simple accelerant?

By the time the Night Elves knew it was on fire, the entire Trunk would of been ablaze.

… This sounds like something you’d need a lawyer around if you’re going to admit to.


Nah. I just know basic Chemistry and Physics (and studied a little bit of Fire Prevention).

You only need a fire to start burning on the outside of a Tree. Flames will move up the tree and will continue to spread across the surface, not even needing to burn into the wood. It wouldn’t start burning into the core until after the entire tree is engulfed.

All Sylvannas need to do is let the fire spread naturally, let it creepy up the side of the tree and in 10 mins, it’ll become a Fire-trap.

10 minutes? That thing was supposed to be the size of a medium sized country.

That’s what I mean. It doesn’t matter how big the surface is. It’s speed of coverage is based on surface area multiplied by the accelerant, Fueled by wind and Fire’s natural progression to burn across and UP before anything.

And 10 mins is how long it would of taken to be unstoppable, not to engulf the Tree, mind you. So much of the surface would of been ablaze that you’d be fighting against nature itself.
That’s what I meant by “Fire Trap.” It’s the point in which the fire is inescapable.

Well, unless it’s pretty high on the V.E.I., the volcano doesn’t really “burn down” in any way, certainly not a highly basaltic flow like Blackrock Mountain. Even those that do don’t really burn down because igneous rocks don’t burn in such a way.

I don’t think Teldrassil was covered in kerosine, Fae, it would have had to have been (love that tense) so to go up like that from a couple catapults. And even then, it would have taken longer. And even then, land based catapults should NOT have that kind of range.

Your question was phrased “Have you ever” not “Have you thought about”. One would, likely, be a crime. The other is just idle thought.

I think what I am recalling more was the Hawaii volcano news footage back in 2018.

They even told us their maximum range in A Good War:

    A short distance away, behind the main lines, was another group of siege weapons. One of the unit’s officers, an orc with a sour expression and a false smile, sat near a pristine demolisher.

    “How far back are we from the front lines?”

    “Several hundred yards, my lord.”

    Saurfang growled at the officer. “And what is the maximum range of these weapons?”

    The officer wilted. “A couple hundred . . . ?”