Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

It would. This would be purely a lore statement. Like it being canon that the Night Elves won Darkshore does not change either the Darkshore leveling questing or the Darkshore Warfront world quest phasing or add a third new gameplay phase on top of either of those two.

Just a nitpick on the word contested. It isn’t really contested if it’s co-ownership.


another question, for gameplay purposes, does contested even exist/matter anymore? warmode removed pvp zones.


I’m not interested in having Ashenvale. While the Orc vs Night Elf conflict can be fun if done well, it hasn’t been in a long time, and I’m indifferent to Night Elves having pretty much everything north of it. The only exception being Winterspring because of the neutral goblin outpost.

The only expansion I’m interested in seeing from the Horde is south towards Un’goro and all that.


Annoyingly, I do get flagged for PvP if I go to Darkshore’s world quest phase while the Horde hold it, even if I’m not participating in Warmode, so the contested mechanic still seems to exist.

Oh yeah, that’s right. It seems to only be for the Warfront zones though. And they still don’t work like contested zones did. It doesn’t flag the faction in control.

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As a Horde-leaning but not full Horde player I think Ashenvale should go back to the way it was in Vanilla, as contested territory mostly held by the Night Elves except for near Warsong Lumber Camp and that fortress on the coast near BFD.

What I MOSTLY want for the Horde is new writers. Ones who played Warcraft 3 and Vanilla WoW and whose views on the ‘monster’ races are more nuanced than those old AD&D 1st ED Monster Manuals.

“Oh, that player chose to play as an orc/troll/goblin/minotaur/ghoul? Those are Chaotic Evil, so we need to give them quests where they #### a dozen children to death and then skin them and make a dress out of the skins and put it on and dance around chanting 'For Hitler! For Satan! For the Horde!”


Well, since we apparently lost both Arathi and Darkshore, yes, I’d definitely like to retain Ashenvale.

Though I think the Horde should have kept all it’s captured Kalimdor territories, and the Alliance taken Tirisfal instead of getting back Darkshore. Hell, the Alliance should have taken Gilneas too.

I want Ashenvale to be split between both. It can be 2/3 alliance and 1/3 horde if you want. I just want the part that surround Orgrimar.

If Blizzard really want to push us to go in the faction capital instead of going in other racial capital, they need to polish Orgrimar to make it stand on the level on Stormwind.

Also lore wise, the wood in Ashenvale is important to the horde since the alliance cut every tree in Durotar.

For the rest of Ashenvale? The night elf can have it back.

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The Night Elves let the Horde use Azshara’s lumber undisturbed in exchange for staying out of Ashenvale. The need for wood has not been a factor since the end of Siege of Orgrimmar.


Oh didn’t knew it.

My first point still stand. I just want the part that surround Orgrimar to belong to the horde.

I think we already talk about that not long ago? But i am even ready to make it 2/3 1/3 instead of 1/2 1/2 like the other time.

For me its all about Orgrimar. It our capital faction and it should feel like a safe place. Ashenvale is big enough to allow the small part next to Orgrimar to be horde.

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Also to note, the Horde also cut down the trees, as Thrall’s advisor in Cycle of Hatred allied with the Burning Blade to destroy the forests to frame the Alliance to try to promote war between the Horde and the Alliance.


In an ideal world, I’d split Ashenvale into two zones.

The area west of the Warsong Lumber Camp and Splintertree would be Ashenvale proper, and would be an uncontested Alliance zone. It would have story and questing to do with night elf-centric stuff, and all the themes of being the night elf heartland. (There might be a handful of Horde-related quests near the border with the Barrens or the logging area, but they would be the type of solid night elf victories that players get against enemy faction NPCs in their core zones, like Horde players fighting against Tiragarde Keep. And it would not be the focus on the zone.)

The area bordering Orgrimmar and Azshara would become its own zone, not sure on the name. This would be a contested area, with the story focusing on the constant back-and-forth between night elf defenders and Horde lumberjacks/warriors. The faction questlines in this zone would be fairly balanced, with each side getting an equal set of victories and defeats.

(I’d switch Zoram’gar with a Horde/tauren camp along the north coast of Stonetalon. They can have the same or similar naga quests from there.)

That way, Ashenvale can have an area to represent the securely-held night elf heartland that many fans hold onto from the race’s introduction, giving plenty of questing to deal with normal night elf society instead of the faction war - and without Cata’s presentation of the Horde being ever-present throughout the zone.

At the same time, the forest can also have an area completely dedicated to the faction conflict over lumber, where the Alliance/night elves can make some offensive moves as well as defensive ones and lose battles that aren’t solely on their home turf.


It’s sad that something like this has to be discussed even because the Horde would have to return every single inch of Ashenvale if anyone in Azeroth still had a brain since they already took their part of the treaty which is Azshara BUT the writing is so absolutely atrocious and disgusting that the Horde keeping Ashenvale or parts of it is even a very likely outcome and a valid point of discussion.

Just wanted to get this out, now keep discussing


So once again everything you disagree with is bad writing… But of course a alliance player dont see the problem with having alliance npc being 20 feet next to the horde capital city.

So yeah it has to be discussed in order to find the best concession between both. But of course your definition of concession is probably having 100% of what you want and give nothing to the horde.


The horde was given Azshara like… what the hell?

You know that treaty still exists, just because the Horde broke it doesn’t make it undone.

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Yep because like Ashenvale, it was next to the horde capital. Also, unlike Azshara, we are not asking for the whole zone. Is asking for the part surrounding our faction capital to much???

If this is that much a issue, than you should blame blizzard for giving the night elf that much to begin with because this is where the issue start with. In a 10 and more race game, one race shouldn’t have got that much zone. You are whining about one of your many zone while a lot of race still dont have one zone…

The worgen have nothing, the gnome barely share the dwarf zone, darkspear have but a tiny island, gnome manage to get a bit of a zone and they had to take that zone from the night elf in order to have this bit.

I think that no night elf, human and greed orc should whine about losing zone. Losing a city is tragic because both night elf and forsaken probably wont have it back but losing some zone when you still have more than anyone else is isn’t tragic at all.


Why do you want it? The Night Elves won’t attack Orgrimmar because they actually hold their part of a treaty. I don’t get this argument really, it’s only the Horde that starts invading others lands, the Night Elves never attacked the Horde when they had full control over Ashenvale after MoP.

If the Horde gets a part of Ashenvale surrounding Orgrimmar, the Night Elves should get the northern part of Azshara back that’s not surrounding Orgrimmar, and Horde druids should regrow it.

After MoP, the Night Elves still had 2 zones for themselves, that was Ashenvale and Darkshore since they gave Azshara to the Horde so the Horde can get their lumber, food, etc. The Horde returned the favor, you know how? We both know how they returned the favor. With mass murder and genocide, and now you want them to get a part of Ashenvale in addition to Azshara ?
I’m sorry but I very strongly disagree then.


Its isn’t really about lore but mostly about immersion. Orgrimar is supposed to be the horde most important place. The part surrounded is should belong to the horde.

I dont have any problem with that but you shouldn’t expect the horde to be able to regrow it. When it come to nature druidism, the horde have never been show as capable of great thing. Tauren live in zone without tree and troll are druid only because of animal form.

You may tried as much to ignore it, but the night elf won darkshore and own it back. They still have strong presence in feralas and Valshara also belong to the night elf.

It would mean that the alliance would have Darkshore, Valshara, part of feralas, part of Mont Hyjal and we could give you a part of Azshara.

Tell me what race have as much that isn’t human, green orc or dwarf.

You and a lot of alliance players like to ignore the fact that WoT was mandated and made possible by alliance aggression in Silithus.


this thread just proves that people dont read, he said just a lore statement why are horde players worried about the questing experience.

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