Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Sure, then give the other part of Azshara to the Night Elves again.

If the writers wanted it, anything could happen. Catapults could fire from the coast above the top of teldrassil and then land their loads on Darnassus.

So you’re saying that they should take 2 alliance zones and give each faction 1 to make it fair? It just doesn’t work like this. Just because there are some other races who have less land doesn’t make it any less stupid that the Horde gets to keep Ashenvale after all that happened.

As I said, if you try to convince me that the Horde should get Ashenvale or parts of it just like that, then your attempts are in vain because there is absolutely no way to convince me of it. We can agree to disagree.


Maybe i have miss it, but i dont see anywhere in the OP post that it was only about lore.

Did you bother to read?? I’ve already told you that i had no problem with it.

Remember when i said that i wanted the whole zone??? Oh yeah its never happen. Once again read what other people said. So it wouldn’t 1 zone for each as you somehow read somewhere. It would be 1 whole zone for the alliance, 2/3 of a contested zone and 1/3 of a zone that was horde since cata.

Way to avoid all the capital city issue that i mentioned a couple of time…

Yeah i already know it. You are way to suborn to agree on anything. The only part that we can agree is that you cant be convinced.

Now since you already confess that you have no intention to really discuss and listen to other, what are you still doing here??? Its a place for discussion, something that me and Amadis was doing. If you have no intention of listen to other and just gonna said that everything you disagree with is stupid, than you have nothing to do here.

Uh, it kinda does. That’s how treaties work. If one side doesn’t abide by them, then the other side doesn’t have to either.

It’s just kinda moot because even if the NEs no longer agree to let the Horde have Azshara, good luck getting the Horde out of there now with how built up it is.

Soon as you give back our half of Arathi.

Willing to give up Ashenvale to the Night Elves? Sure.

Willing to share Feralas and Stonetalon with Night Elves? Not possible since every Night Elf both NPCs and players wants to wipe out the Horde because of genocide. Still willing to share, but not willing to give it up since it is well … giving area to a race that wants to wipe us out due to genocide. Honestly find it insulting to call Stonetalon Night Elf territory since it is more Tauren territory.

Now … willing to give an inch of a soil of Azshara to Night Elves? I’d rather begin the 5th war. Giving up so much of a soil of Azshara to a race that wants to wipe us out because of genocide is the equivalent of giving up Orgrimmar. Azshara is right on Orgrimmar’s door step, literally, and only zone closer to our capital than Ashenvale.

Honestly though the only reason to not give an inch of any land at this point is that I see that every Night Elf, both NPC and player, wants to remove the Horde from all of Kalimdor. From Hyjal all the way down to Uldum, and remove every Horde race from Azeroth completely because of well … genocide. That is even including taking Tauren lands, like Stonetalon, and not sharing Feralas. So giving up land may not be a wise move for the Horde’s future.

I mean, so’s Ashenvale technically. Orgrimmar has 3 entrances. And the West entrance is, like, 50 feet from Ashenvale.

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It’s simple. The Horde getting any territorial reward out of breaking a treaty, starting a war and commiting genocide against civilians is something that is (imo) simply not acceptable. They already had their reward of demoralizing and almost wiping out the enemy, I don’t see how they should get an inch of Ashenvale in addition to that after they already got the whole of Azshara.

I mean I respect your opinion, it’s just that I very very strongly disagree with it.

It’s only really the Horde who wants to wipe out everything that isn’t part of the Horde. In the lore, most Night Elves have already forgiven the Horde for everything even though they didn’t make any amends, now imagine if the Tauren walked up and apologized for example, that would be enough to clear everything up.

Ohwell, this thread is about if Horde players want Ashenvale, so I guess I should find my way out. Don’t want to derail it too much


True but at least there’s a bridge between Ashenvale and Orgrimmar that can be torn down and put a hamper on things. Azshara is connected right to the gate.

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Oh bull****. That’s not true and you know it.

Tired of dying fighting against ≠ forgiven.


Why do we want any part of Ashenvale? Claiming any part of it after the War of Thorns will only cause friction and hinder any possible peace.

Things need to go smoothly for the western negotiations because the Eastern negotiations is going to be anything but smooth.

We have to be willing to show each other that we are capable of coming to the table for peace. If you all are worried about defense, then task the Mag’har and the Breakers with securing Ogrimmar and the Ashenvale/Azshara border.


I probably classify more as a troll poster than a Horde poster. Therefore this is very simple.

All land is Troll Land. Get out.

Night Elves are just the freaky mutated children of the dark trolls.

Ashenvale is historically dark troll land.

Therefore night trolls should keep their beloved troll land.

So as usual my argument can be summed up as:

Dis land be troll land~
Dat land be troll land~
Hey what’cha doin’ mon?
Get de Heck off me troll land~!


You should go easy on her. Elesana is…not taking any of this well. She’s frustrated like we all are about how screwed over Night Elves were and continue to be but takes it to the nihilist extreme.

There’s upset and there’s “get away from your computer for a few weeks”.


girl is passionate and doing her best ain’t nothing wrong with that


I think the world needs another update ala Cataclysm. Ashenvale should go back to the elves as a gesture of goodwill. However, the botani that got loose, as well as the other wildlife from Draenor, should turn the Barrens into a half jungle hell not unlike Gorgrond. Now orcs have infinite wood to cut, and will need to lest it get out of control. Everyone wins.


Night Elves can get 80% of it back no questions asked. It’s a section of land that I don’t particularly care about and narratively has little value to the Horde.

I enjoy having Mor’shan Rampart as a “turn around or else” and watch post, Splinter Tree is kinda iconic and would be nice to retain. Demonfall Canyon has a lot of sentimental, historical, and cultural value to the Horde. I’d even argue more so than the Night Elves who’ve been in this forest for 10,000 years. The Warsong Lumber Camp has always been a nice point of contention going forward, and is a nice Stronghold on Ashenvale’s way to Azshara, who runs right into the rear gate with no other posts to stop an advance. Maybe a quarry you need to walk around?

Beyond anything above, it can all be Night Elves. Have it. I’ll personally sign the deed myself.

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for being the story forums, so many people dont know what happened at the end of mop

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This will always be to much. It’s not the Horde’ sacred land. It’s not their forests. If they didn’t want the enemy on their backdoor they shouldn’t have built their capital next to it like a bunch of chimps.


It’s “Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice” not “Should you get Ashenvale with the Armistice.”

Do I want what I said? Yeah, I feel it would offer some great story telling and my reasoning is well grounded in the lore rather than just “gibme.”

Is it what the Horde deserves at this point? Absolutely not.


Alliance got Arathi so while it sucks for Night Elves, Horde holding on to Ashenvale would make sense.

Functionally as well the Night Elves need the advantage only having to protect the strip of coast at Darkshore and pass to Felwood would bring with their diminished numbers.

From the Horde side there is also the positive of wanting the resources of Ashenvale is often how new wars against the Night Elves look good, and having it would make long term peace on Horde side more attainable when they don’t want for lumber and farmland. Nobody in their right mind would want to start a war for Felwood or an already harvested Darkshore.

As noted to other posters, this isn’t about gameplay or in-game changes. As far as Orgrimmar is set up, going out the back gate will still see the hostile Night Elf NPCs from Cataclysm all the same. This is just about a lore statement.

Before the Storm had Gallywix’ Goblins be hostile to the Explorer’s League before the Alliance sent anyone else down there. The SI:7 were even relying on the Cenarion Circle for intel in the book.

Players have no say in the story. And no Night Elf NPCs have brought up wanting to wipe out the Horde, as even Tyrande is focusing only on Sylvanas, so your post seems rather baseless.

Interesting enough, it doesn’t look like Ashenvale was ever non-Night Elf Troll land, if we over lap western Night Elf Empire cities with the territories the Trolls held before:

Then’Ralore was a Night Elf city in what is now the Barrens. Except for the Dark Trolls on Mount Hyjal, it doesn’t look like the Trolls ever really made it as far west as Ashenvale or even to Feralas before becoming Night Elves.