Horde: Pick your last Allied Race

My top picks would be;

  1. Mogu
  2. Eradar
  3. Ogres

Mogu racial would be similar to dwarf’s stone skin.

Eradar racial would be a fel fire proc that adds a burning dot to any harmful ability.

Ogre racial would be a belly bounce that sends enemies reeling. (And a passive that allows them to shrink when going indoors)

Gotta gogu with the Mogu. Reasons:

  • If Titan artifacts ever come into play again, it would finally give the Horde a horse in that particular race, since that has pretty much always been a Gnome and Dwarf-exclusive thing, and it would finally give them a rival beyond “some blood elves cosplaying as Indiana Jones villains”
  • The Zandalari will be able to interact and cooperate with them without Zul’s empty promises building strained bridges
  • More races who we interacted with in Pandaria joining the fold increases the odds of Pandaren actually doing something (this is technically a point for both factions, though Alliance can more reasonably achieve this with the Jinyu than the Horde can with the Hozen)
  • I want to play as a hulking mountain of imperialistic mythical dog
  • The plot is literally taking us back to Pandaria to hang with the Mogu and play with the Engine of Nalak’sha, who’s to say we can’t take the time to help Ra-den reboot a Build-a-Mogu workshop?
  • The lore won’t feel weird if we ever fight the Mogu again because “killing other Mogu for any reason” is one of their favorite pastimes
  • The customizations would be dope (assuming Blizz doesn’t Blizz it up), we could have red, green, blue, and grey tones as well as a few options for stone bodies
  • I Just want to play as a hulking mountain of imperialistic mythical dog

I would not mind that in the slightest, Mok’Nathal are awesome.

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Darned tootin… It won’t let me swear.


Because I don’t want the alliance to get them (:P), and they are neat, and beast people fit in well with the horde.

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Amani Forest Trolls.

Not a re-skin of the Jungle Trolls; big muscular Amani. And their females should muscular too, not some waify Elf-looking Troll that stands upright.


Vampire cat people.

Why don’t the Forsaken come in all races at this point? Why would Sylvanas only limit herself to dead humans.

Maybe she would limit herself to only dead alliance races, but that would still open a bunch of options. And after Darkshore, undead Nelfs just makes sense.


A cat race like Saberon would be interesting, I don’t think I’d hate it.
But I would really love them to do the next allied races for both factions to be something brand new…something that isn’t in the game now…something we haven’t seen before.

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I certainly hope that the last option this cycle isn’t just a copy of an existing race.


human fogsail freebooters AR

Arakkoa. They are the most beautiful and unique race in the game and i think they deserve to be playable. honestly idc which side theyre on but I’ll take horde if i can.