Horde: Pick your last Allied Race

Wouldn’t Dragonmaw be a customization option for Regular Orc in Shadowlands?


Given the obvious addition of Wildhammer Dwarves and the fact that we know some anatomy changes are coming in with the confirmation that draenei will be able to choose variations in Tail Length, I would imagine this went out the window because giblin customization options will become a thing for normal goblins.

Half orc and Half Dragon. I forsee Light Forged Foresaken though.

i’d like eredar on the horde. y’know, the ones that we fought in legion. without sargeras, they’re out of a job, why not join the horde? give’em another back-stabby, scheming race.

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I don’t really want an allied race. I just want goblin demon hunters with mechanical wings and laser goggles.


Could be. But they’re also physically and culturally distinct from Thrall’s New Horde Orcs. More different from baseline than most Allied Races we did get.

Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn would all make me very happy to have as playable Horde races in some fashion! I don’t think I could pick just one, though. It’s a very hard decision for me. :japanese_ogre: :crocodile: :bat:

I would also choose Sethrak for Horde. Because I’ll be going wherever they might be added. :woman_shrugging:

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I could go for an undead night elf. Nelfs are my favorite race and I love shadowmeld. Would a horde version get that racial, most likely not. And as long as Undead Nelfs didn’t have bones showing every where like current forsaken I would be happy.

Ohh, also if Nelf jump flip, bounce, and hair styles were still available, and I could play as an Undead Night Elf Death Knight. So an extra extra dead elf

Saberon. I don’t want NEs on the horde, not even dead ones. I thought you meant San’layn and I don’t want them, either.

Goblin Illidan would like to have a word with you. I cannot post gifs, so this will have to do.

Mok’Nathal is my vote.

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You’re my vote :kissing_heart:

Alterac humans, maybe from the remnants of the Syndicate or something.

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Saberon, just so I can see a Worgen and Saberon in a brawl and laugh.

Also Horde havent had some tough big guys in awhile…yes please.

They hate the Draenei and are now without a leader. What more explanation do we need?

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I’d say Gilblins seem like the most likely candidate. Though I’d love to play as a Mogu or Saberon too.

Ogres is the only correct answer.

Unless we’re considering them a core race… then I dunno, Lizardman/Saurok?


Gil Goblin and San’layn/Forsaken Elves could just be Shadowlands customization.

I cannot see them adding another Elf race because ofc that merits another elf race for some reason.

Goblins already have a customization just for how their ears look like. I am sure you can just make the fins and option and just add that scaly blue skin. And a few different faces.

Sethrak for the Horde is what i hope for.


I swear those snakes are the most popular race for some reason. Wouldn’t the neck cause issues with armor?