Horde Or Alliance Looking For Laid Back and Mature Guild For TWW


I’ll keep this short and sweet. I am looking for a laid back and mature Horde or Alliance guild to join. I have a 70 of multiple classes as I spend most of my time leveling alts but I would like to see a bit more end game content (especially Mythics) and not have to constantly rely on group finder. With that being said, I am looking for more of a casual guild rather than having to reach some iLvl to push progression. I care more about having fun and a few laughs than I do progression (been there, done that).

I am open to playing any of my alts, I love them all, but I am not that familiar with my Demon Hunter or Evoker. I am going to level this character as he has been my “main” since TBC but I could easily play my Shaman, Paladin, Druid, or Monk. I am a bit rusty with heals and tanking but I am sure as I progress through TWW in that specific role, it will come back to me.

So if your guild is drama free and laid back (an older crowd would probably be the best fit) and you are looking for another member to join your ranks, I’d love to hear from you.

I live on the West Coast and starting in September, I won’t be available until 7:00 pm PST. I can’t make most Friday and Sunday nights.


Hey, Badshah,
I’m Ettyn with Chain Reaction. We are an AotC guild on Lightbringer running T/Th 7-9:30 pm pacific, which I believe should fit with your desired times. We also run a lot of M+, most of our team earning KSM/beyond. We are a medium-sized guild, mostly working adults, always clear heroic.
A consistent raider would be a great addition to our team, I see you posted on a warrior, which we are actively looking for–with all guilds now cross-realm and cross-faction, recruiting is more flexible, so it wouldn’t matter where/what faction you are playing from. If any of this sounds good to you and if I can answer any questions, please hit me up: Battlenet Rowanbeth#1291, Discord: rowanbeth

Hi Badshah, we are a West Coast guild who tends to get online later than average. PST if it sounds like a good fit for you! Hope to hear from ya!

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream, looking for more late night players for M+ and casual raiding. We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in M+ groups ASAP. Groups typically start forming 10 PM pacific, Midnight server time. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will eventually get up to myth track gear each season from M+ vaults, but keys are kept fairly casual, not pushing titles. Raiding even more so, with most members content to see the Raids…We are not an AOTC focused guild by any means. If you are a late night player looking for regular M+ groups, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522, or look for us in the in-game guild finder (make sure to check “cross faction”!).

hello, we are a new guild of old friends that have created a community together for TWW. We are filling all roles right now for our AOTC raid team and pushing M+. Would you be interested?
We raid tuesday/thursday 8pm-11pm. After AOTC we will do one night of reclear and 1 night of M+. We also have a good group of people that are into pushing higher keys this xpansion.

Thanks all for your replies. It is Starfinder night tonight, so I will touch base with each of you over weekend.

Thanks again!!

Hai! We may be a good fit for what you are looking for. I will drop my GM’s blurb below and just let him know Shadow sent ya!

Betrayed Saints on US Stormrage is looking for members to join our ranks! We are a Casual Social guild, with the main objective to build a strong and fun community!

Being we are a casual guild that enjoys all different types of content and building a family like community! We are small but as we grow have more people diving into end game content as the season progresses. Plus we have those who love chasing mogs, achievements, secret unlocking and mount/pet collectors as well.

Most, if no all, of us are working adults or parents with children that play when we can! Life priorities first after all!

Many people are finishing the grind in panda remix and starting to swap back to retail to preparing for WW within the next couple of months! We will be forming a raid team during War within, but for now just doing pickups here and there to try and get some gear and the awakened mount. We are also helping those interested in pushing keys to obtain 2k IO for the mount as well.

We run a monthly lottery that’s been a huge hit and you could win some dough!!!

If you’re a casual player horde or ally! Come on down! We accept everyone!

Feel free to reach out! Discord - jewbaccathehut or Bnet - subs#1886

FYI: He is out today so if you reach out, just give him some time to reply :slight_smile:

Hey there - we may be a fit for you. Check us out!