Horde or Alliance for PvP?

As I continue to gather my data before picking my first class/server for classic I have to wonder if it matters between picking Alliance or Horde. Battlegrounds and World PvP.

Break down on each BG and world PvP would be huge!

Also info on que times when picking each faction.

any input?

Thanks as always!

Roll an ally. They need some help on pvp realms.

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Alliance needs people, rolling Horde is so yesterday.


You kind of missed the boat when it comes to world PvP or AV. If you enjoy WSG or AB id probably go ally just for the sake of queue times. AV has devolved into a 1 sided stomp for the horde to the point where ally largely dont queue for it anymore so you can either choose between a 3 hour queue and a free win or an instant queue (barring a small artificial queue) to a nearly guaranteed loss and very little honor. AB and WSG are still great tho as long as you go into it understanding that as a solo player you have a good chance of instant losing when you queue into a premade.

As alliance, in random BG’s you’ll find at least 2-3 healers in a pug. As a horde you’ll find 3-4 classes in a pug that could heal, but would rather go shadowform, enhance, elemental, feral, or boomkin. Also alliance paladins are usually healers by default because their other specs are gimped. This is all considering you get a pug vs pug match up which is currently almost a 5% chance of getting during prime time hours.


So if I’m a solo player I’m going to run into premades constantly? :roll_eyes:

Almost definitely.


That Is def not what I was hoping to hear :slightly_frowning_face:


hate to be the bearer of bad news but if your idea of a fun endgame is playing solo battlegrounds I would suggest finding another game. There is maybe a 40% chance overall that any game I queue into will just be an afk to lose as fast as possible due to premades with some nights being close to 80-90%. Its supposedly even worse for horde.


AV is completely broken and has been for a long time. Alliance lose every game. They don’t even try to win. You might try to win your first 10 games, then you realize it’s futile. Usually there are people that try to get rep by farming at SH t loot rep turn in materials, holding the druids, then doing turn ins later. A lot of times even the rep farmers end up wasting their time when Horde skips up to SP, caps that, goes into the base and kills the quest rep turn in npcs too, or kills the person holding druids, while Alliance stay at SH. I’m pretty close to revered in AV, have yet to win a single AV as Alliance, or see a single tower destroyed as Alliance. In one game we got IB GY for a few minutes, in another we got SF gy for a few minutes. So in total, over all those games to revered, zero wins, zero towers destroyed, zero Galv kills, and 2 temporary gy captures, that’s it. 100% broken for months, not a peep from blues on the issue. If you are really unlucky you’ll get cave camped at the Alliance spawn cave when Horde caps every gy on the map before 30 minutes are up.

AB is iffy. Sometimes you get a fair match, most times you’ll queue into a full or partial premade. If you get a pre-made, usually they 5-cap and camp the Alliance spawn point. Otherwise they 4-cap and camp the Alliance spawn point for a while. The last game I got into was a 4-cap gy camp (so drawn out), complete with kekking and gestures, and the horde priests were tyring to mind control people out of the AB portal in the gy. People were still rezzing for some reason, maybe they were bots.

WGS is pretty much like AB, if it’s a pre-made they either quick 3 cap, or sometimes they farm the gy and hold off on the cap while doing the strange gestures and kek thing.

That’s from the Alliance perspective. I can’t say much what it’s like for Horde, I imagine it’s pretty much the same except they wait an hour or two for AV and “win” 99% of the time.

Faction imbalance is a problem. Horde racials are superior for PvP, and Classic is full of meta gamers, so most experienced and skilled PvPers went Horde. Conseqeuently their queue times are much longer. You get fast queues as Alliance, but whether it’s fun getting into a BG at all as Alliance is questionable. You could join pre-mades, but then you need to deal with mouth breathers on voice, socially mal-adjusted wierdos, and toxic metas. If you were planning on putting on some music and having fun, you gotta go horde, queue AV, and wait an hour or three in between games.

I solo ranked to 11 in vanilla and really enjoyed it. I’d say all in all Classic BGs are garbage and nothing like vanilla due to a combination of the make up of the community, streamers and e-sports culture, metas, pre-mades, and the poor quality of Blizzard itself as compared to 15 years ago. Unfortunately, despite many, many people complaining about it, I haven’t seen any blue posts even acknowledging any of this stuff, so it looks like that’s just how it’s going to remain.


lol dude all those are so much better than ret paladin though. Ret paladin is equivalent to a moonkin going up and just melee attacking. Holy paladin in a pug is like a unicorn.

Not sure why you wouldn’t pick the Horde for PvP. Blizzard has proven time and time again that they are the favored faction in this game. Why not go with the faction that Blizzard has programmed to win? Easy! :slight_smile:


My experience when it comes to wpvp and BG’s it’s honestly in the air. Except for AV, AV is just auto win for Horde for some reason. But then again, alliance has a lot of afkers/leavers compared to Horde. I take screen shots and horde always, has 3 horde that afk/leave for av, alliance gets 20+.

Alliance queue times are near instant. maybe 10 mins at most for a wait. They happen to be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY faster compared to horde.

It’s just sad that most pvper’s went horde because of racial reasons, as well as shaman.

I’ll just say pick what you want and have fun. But know that your choice will add more time if horde, or more head ache for alliance in AV.

Queue times. I like everything about Horde from graphics to lore to zones to quests, but I chose Alliance for shorter queues. Would I do it again? No way.

Thanks for all the feed back!

Roll Horde on Heartseeker or Alliance on nearly any other PvP realm.

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alliance : instant Qs to 5 mins max
horde : 2-6 hours Qs

The hilarious thing is Holy Paladins are hands down the most powerful PvP spec in Classic, no other spec is as gamechanging as a Holy Paladin in BGs in this patch. But , despite knowing that, 9/10 random Alliance Paladins you encounter in BGs will be Ret… which is not only weaker than Holy, but also godawful boring to play too. It doesnt make a lot of sense but that’s the reality for Alliance pugs.

Everyone went horde, so if you go horde you don’t have to worry about world pvp at all, but your battlegroud queues will be terrible.

If you go alliance you will always be outnumbered unless you’re on heartseeker which is pretty much the only exception. Your queues pop instantly though.

Take your pick

Herod Alliance and never look back.