Horde or Alliance? Does it matter?

For casual play, including some pug Mythics, LFRs, searching for a guild, old-school epic battlegrounds, and random BGs, does it really matter which faction I choose for my main (if I ever settle on one)?

You want to join the horde. We have better races. Lok’tar Ogar! Remember the Sunwell!


No, it does not matter, except for how popular your faction is on your server for trade chat banter. Pretty much everything is cross faction now!


I have both and there’s really very little difference other than fantasy preference. I adore orcs and animal people, so the choice was easy, but I do play Alliance as well for the Draenei and night elves.


So “choose wisely” on a server :slight_smile:

Yes for Alliance it is Moon-Guard, I don’t know the Horde equivalent.


But that Inn…

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We don’t speak of the inn xD its really just a meme to most. Its a great server with constant chat going on.


heh, cool thanks!

That in is a tiny place in a very old zone that no one ever visits…except to go to the Darkmoon faire… or that inn.

Its very easy to avoid

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Nope. Boils down to whatever server you play on. Even then, it doesn’t matter as much as it used to.

Mythics are non-queued so you can group with Horde+Alliance.
LFR is going to make it so you can’t have the opposing faction in your party during Queue.
Guilds are cross-faction and cross-realm.
BGs I’ve no idea on though. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can add in there.

Really comes down to preference! I’d say come join the Horde! (But I’m Horde biased xD)

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Horde if you want to be cute lil’ vulpera.

Alliance if you want to be awesome space goats.

But - honestly - unless you’re doing something RP realms, faction barely matters anymore. (I don’t roll Horde on Moon Guard just cause in my experience it is soooo lonely lol).


Pick whatever race you like to look at. For rp, Alliance is Moon Guard, Horde equivalent would be Wyrmrest Accord.


These guys took the War out of Warcraft. It used to matter if you chose Horde or Alliance now it doesn’t really. Go pick flowers together.


Aesthetic wise, it certainly do think that it does matter. Not only from a perspective of “oh I’m a troll” or whatnot, but also environmental with all the blue lion tabards everywhere or all the red horde signs. As a community perspective, I also think it matters. But gameplay perspective…NO. It is nonexistent to find a reason.

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I do prefer Alliance cities over Horde (artwork and all), but what’s your take on the community overall? How does it compare between servers like Stormrage (Alliance) and Illidan (Horde)? After all, this is an MMO :wink:

Pick a race, not a faction.
Failing that, pick a city, not a faction.


Nowadays, barely, just go with what you think it’s cool and you’re sure to find a community on either side.

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it doesn’t matter unless you want it to.

Horde is best, though.

Alliance is great if you want to commit war crimes against the down trodden, drowning and homeless.

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Stormrage is the #1 Alliance realm and Area 52 is the Horde one