Horde Need To Boycott BGs Until Mercenary Recruiter Is Accessible

Its the same thing ever single day, loss after loss after loss as Horde. Try to go to Mercenary Recruiter and he is NEVER available. You cant use him.

Im calling on all Horde that are having the same experience to QUIT BGs outright until Blizzard stops breast feeding the Alliance and allows us to at least win a game or two by merc’ing.

Someone pointing out that its because of racials…well there’s another reason to Boycott this mess.

*Update: 8 in a ROW, Total Losses, Not close.

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Its a side effect of racials, alliance has a lot of good racials that are extremely useful in battlegrounds compared to horde. But its a dead horse at this point, Blizzard seems unwiling to simply give players an extra PvP talent where people could pick the racial they wanted (or a functional equivalent), so here we are.

Merc mode is only given to the faction with the highest population. its not based on win rates or anything else.

Then boycott out of imbalanced racials then. Either way, this is BS.

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i imagine that will go as well as when everyone decided to boycott game companies for paid DLC and lootboxes.

literally saw the merc guy for horde up the other night lol

Thats Ally Mercing for Horde…you said FOR HORDE…Not Horde Mercing for Ally. lol


this is sort of odd logic

Half of your team is already merc’d superior alliance players that you are so desperate to go team up with on their own faction.

You can boycott all you want bro. More alliance will just use merc lol. It actually doesn’t matter how many horde queue since merc will always manage the queues for alliance

Get rid of MERC forever… help the game out… Ask me if I care about your wait times for rando bgs compared to all the problems MERC causes… Drunk idiots running around “oh dude, I forgot I was horde on this one!” we had a group of ally brain surgeons last night in Wintergrasp attacking our own base with the demos… LOL! They had Merced to horde, qued with horde team and then were using horde demos to attack the horde base on defense causing no damage. :laughing: I guess forgetting that they merc-ed? but saw Horde banners on base? IDK

Plus there’s the never-ending cheating MERC allows via premades but I’m not even going into that headache right now.

Let me ask you this… Do you think the Russians, the Allies and the Germans and Japanese would’ve allowed “MERC” during WWII? No, of course not… Why? Because it’s a stupid and reckless idea that causes nothing but headaches & problems.

It’s long past time for BGs to just be cross-faction.

Actually baffling that you still can’t queue casual BGs with a cross-faction friend at this point, when BGs’ mercenary system was the first form of cross-faction play. Yet you can do almost literally everything else in the game together.


no, horde was mercing to ally. it was for about an hr or two 2 nights ago. normally i’d merc to horde for shorter q’s but i wasn’t able to. the merc guy changes based on current reg bg faction balance. more horde must’ve just been qing at that time, so they had the option to q alliance

You will see half of the tiny amount of casual pvpers left, disappear if & when cross-faction ever happens… Blizz will have MERC going 24/7/365 on both sides just for the people left to get an epic que to pop every 1 - 2 hours if you’re lucky… There’s tons of hardcore ally WPVP and PVPers that don’t want to start in the horde base in Ashran and Horde the same thing, and horde don’t want to start in ally base in AV they have a strategy and complain that it just basically ruins everything at that point. Its like… One kid on MMO said a great analogy “its like I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan for life bro, and I hate the Greenbay Packers. but now its like each que I have a 50% chance of popping into the Packers team. This is stupid” – or something to that effect I’m paraphrasing. It will be an absolute disaster for those of us left sticking around. The wait times will be laughable…

Random/epics bgs are fine. They have always been fine, they will always be fine. The last pvp game played in wow will be a random/epic bg, played as the servers close.

I have been on a losing streak like that as Alliance before, a number of times over the many years. Many times. 10+ losing streak, 20+ etc. Losing doesn’t bother me any more.

I play Horde and Alliance now. Sometimes Horde wins, sometimes Alliance wins. I have won and lost on both sides today.

…I think you are greatly overstating everything there, and presuming the tiny echo chamber you live in to be indicative of much more than it is.

Overwhelming majority of people would be happy to be able to queue cross-faction together in modern WoW, which you already can do in almost every activity. Faction partisanship is dead and buried in the mainstream.

And queue times would probably only be helped, especially for Alliance. The idea that they would increase, let alone substantially, has no bearing in reality.

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They should make interfaction teams for every PVP content, its now baseline but can turn this option off if u want.
Simple solution…

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That’s a good point. Optional is good. It’s kinda no diff than that one toy everyone uses to swap race. Can use it or not. I don’t think I’d use it, though, even having toons on both sides.

100% agree lol. Merc is a great solution to all of the problems that he listed involving the 2 factions remaining separate. as for his complaints regarding merc itself, its all just crying and probably mostly made up. I have actually never seen merc cause a clear issue in a bg, and ive been on both sides of it.

Have you tried not being bad?

Yes because being top heals or at least 2nd in heals, is being bad because we all know ONE player alone can win it or lose it for 9 other people.

Yes, now stop being a meter maid and play the bg properly.

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