Horde Need To Boycott BGs Until Mercenary Recruiter Is Accessible

Merc mode is available for alliance.
They don’t need horde players to queue up. If queues get long players will merc and it will even out again.
If you don’t play the only thing you are doing is halting your own progression.

Ironically they only added the mercenary feature after alliance complained about long queues because the populations were even more skewed in their favor.

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Not a boycott, but I’m not playing anything but blitz anymore.

Far superior experience.

Alliance racials have been the same since Wrath and horde have still dominated 90% of the game’s lifespan population wise since then.

Just have free for all ques. There’s no good reason why they shouldn’t be. Rated is already this way. People want to be able to play the race they want without having to make their friends be on the same faction. We already have cross faction guilds.
The horde and alliance should only be a part of the story, nothing else.

Nope, most people value playing with their friends over some low IQ football dorks need to have a “team”
Factions only relevant to the story and honestly, we’ve been working together in the story more often than at odds.
World PvP is better as free for all.
your guild is your faction.

All my characters are on Horde since vanilla and all I do is PvP. I literally haven’t been logging in to play because it’s just not fun any more. So +1 for me on the boycott list.

Have y’all tried some epic bgs? On my Alliance solo Q, well, the Alliance ain’t to well. So if u need some wins to feel better, try those, maybe.

Edit: In an IoC atm and we got rolled at Hangar, Alliance kinda running around like crazy people. Horde almost certainly gonna win another. Happens…

Edit edit…we won hah! That happens too.