Horde Is The Evil Faction

I know this because, as an undead warlock, this is the only place that accepts my… unique charm for what it is.

I used to twirl my moustache before it fell off. I burn down houses in my free time, kick puppies, and laugh at orphans.

I even once put pineapple on a pizza.

Horde is evil. Prove me wrong.


Completely unforgivable.



It wasn’t even my pizza.

I simply snuck into someone’s house and put it on their’s.

Kicking puppies is one thing but pineapple… on pizza… YOU MONSTER!


Yes! We are monsters! BEHOLD! I have in my hand, a genuine Forsaken fart… HOT POTATO!
*throws fart at poster below.

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Slaying the faction that essentially sterilized us (prevented us from reproducing via Valykr nonsense in Legion) CANNOT be evil in the slightest. Regardless of their movites for it and the good that came from it, they had no idea the repercussions of the act and still went forward with it simply due to old agressions and faulty intelligence during the literal endtimes where we were supposed to be cooperating. Imagine if Blizzard plot armor hadn’t saved us and we suddenly needed thousands of new soldiers and weren’t able to because Genn misses his son.

Imagine releasing a plague upon the Alliance that kills reproductive cells. That would be heinously evil.
That is what the Alliance did to us from the point of view of the Undead.

Burning thousands in Teldrassil was just a small part of the whole vengeance we must enact to be even with the Alliance.

Anyone who has seen the horrors the Forsaken has endured, and still sides with the Alliance (Baine and Saurfang fanboys I’m looking at you) should be chained in Sylvanas’ BDSM room under Orgrimmar and tickled in some very sensitive parts for a long long time.


After this abomination we don’t want you either.


Was it your pizza I put them on? Seem to remember it belonging to an elf…

It wasn’t mine though. That’d be gross.

Horde is the Good Faction.

Alliance is Evil and Corrupted now by Racist Night Elves, Blueberry Void Elves, and other kinds of cringy edgy races within the Joke of the Faction now.

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Lies and false truths! How dare you say that to me.

Speaking of… why haven’t we done that yet? Sounds fun!

Pffft! So? None of that stuff is all that evil.

Gasp How could you?!


If the Undercity was still there I’d be headed to those caged humans and dwarves and beginning some… experiments…

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I mean… they’re still in the cages, right?

cackles maniacally

Now my true evil is on display for all to behold!

Behold it!

I cant imagine the bits I need to experiment with have been preserved sufficiently.

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Pfft. Details…

I look too good to be evil.

I’d say prove me wrong, but I don’t want you to waste your time being horribly horribly wrong.



Sylvanas, Sargeras, and the Lich King have nothing on you, you…you hideous monster!!

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I seem to remember you not taking our Lord and Saviors gift of the all seeing eye.

Can you truly call yourself evil if you don’t receive his gift?

I look good too an I am clearly evil.

I, Göstav Von Felbottom (hush) am absolutely thrilled to announce my new plan for world domination.

Pineapples on every pizza.

Fear me!


Sargeras was pretty evil and I’m pretty sure that he was allergic to tentacles.

And the colour purple.

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