Horde Is The Evil Faction

This has me dying

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Was he truly evil though? I seem to remember he was doing all that save the universe from the truly evil tentacle Lords.

Think about it.

Pineapple BELONGS on pizza.

Lok’tar ogar.


Ah good. So you are evil. You had me worried there.

Pats orc boi on the back

Easily. There is no such thing as evil. It has only been created by mortals.

There is Light and Darkness

Right and wrong.

No evil

What… WHAT?!


/you and I have a Walk Off
/you, using your good looks for evil
/me, just being good looking
/David Bowie is there for some reason

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Thats what the Government wants you to think!


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I like to think of ourselves as more Chaotic Good to Chaotic Neutral range.

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Better to be a gnome, than a pineapple pizza eating heretic. I mean, that’s just wrong on all the levels, and then some not levels.

slowly chews on a piece of pineapple pizza in front of Bipzi

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The pizza is the true victim here. It doesn’t matter who it belonged to. I mourn for the pizza you desecrated.

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I think the only horde individual who is currently irredeemably evil is Nathan Blightcaller. Sylvanus is evil, without a doubt, but you could argue that she is not acting of her own free will and is a victim of a Dark God who twisted her into the thing she is now.

Blightcaller on the other hand, does not appear to have been touched by a Dark God. He’s embraced everything of his own free will.

It just got real.

swaggers with David Bowie

Yes. YES! Submit to the evil within.

You are clearly not evil.


I will stop at nothing to prove how evil I am.

Highfives Fenshire while staring at Bipzi

Waves hand, setting the entire Pineapple Pizza ablaze. Left behind, there is only ash that then blows away with the wind.

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The Horn of winter has come!
You… disgrace the Name of the Horde with such treacherous words!

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tries to catch ashes and fails

My plans for world domination! You get out of here before I throw felfire at you!

I’d be crying if I had tear ducts.



So I was just questing in Silverpine last night and the dark lady asked me to slaughter an island full of hooman refugees and raise them as scour… I mean forsaken.


And it was with this action, the purging of the abomination that is Pineapple Pizza, Bipzi has proved the Horde is good.

Glory to the Light! FOR THE HORDE!

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