It means more then yours has. As it is at least gives some kind of insight into what most are seeing in terms of game play.
And you know this how?
Best thing to do is just not reply to Void elf players. On this forum they seem to be the most idiotic people who play this game.
10% is overwhelming?
So 44 v 40 is too much to handle?
Give your head a shake.
It’s not a conspiracy theory when it happens constantly. It’s happening this very moment.
Do you even understand the concept of sharding?
It’s amazing that the Horde whining is getting worst.
Your just salty. And almost all your post show this. You cry, then get called out and it is everyone else that is the the problem.
Almost every stat that has been posted counter your claim.
Yes, From the look of things during assaults Blizzard places more players into the same shard, that’s why the world is pretty dead outside of them. I don’t think there will be more than a few assault shards at the same time, if there is even more than one. If there are excess players on the Horde they get placed into a new shard without or with few Alliance.
As for LFG You can see groups listed that are on all shards. not just the one you are a part of.
You are outnumbered 11:9 and need a 30% bonus to join. It’s pathetic.
This is true. I have done my quests where I don’t see a single Alliance player. Other times I solo they deathball us the same from the top ring with a chair and a sap. It’s all good.
86% of people know that only 12% of 74% of facts are true
Your salt is showing.
I love this
Horde dominated when it first came out. They all kept sayin “Lulz git gud” but when we camp them it’s “Hey dis is bulls***! We wuz kangs!”
I find Horde salt to be rather amazing when tables get turned and we do to them what they did to us.
Like, look at the new raid for example. The Horde openly mocked us when they destroyed Teldrassil but when the Alliance wins the battle of Zuldazar, they’re getting so salty over it. Lol.
Is this iodized, sea or pink Himalayan?
Sea, because their tears make an ocean.
Congratulations on turning on war mode after 8.1 coward.
Congrats on turning on WM after 8.0.