Horde hypocrisy

I am ok with the 30% increase for the baby fur seals. If that gives them the courage to confront the big bad bully horde good for them. What I dont understand is;

  1. A weekly quest killing horde for 370 gear
  2. A plethora of 120 guards in every outpose alliance has
  3. Quests that autocomplete giveing said gear without doing quest
  4. wars having quests in THEIR city where they dont even go outside

I mean Blizzard how much do you want to gift to the baby fur seals?


@OP I played on a PvP server the entirety of my time play this game starting in 2010. I didn’t do so for any kind of incentive. I did so because my friends said PvP was fun.

World PvP used to be fun because you could outplay people 2v1. I got 2000 kills on the timeless Isle in some situations on my Ele where it was 3v1.

Because of the pruning that is now impossible to do. If 2 players fight one players the 2 players will win. Incentives only bring people into world PvP because they want something easy and not because they are interested in PvP. Throw in Blizzard’s artificial balancing and its just going to lead to the Horde turning off War Mode.

When I’m out doing my dailies/WQ like I’ve done for the last 8 years I’m not joining a raid because I got poor sharding. Thats bad game design.


There is no minority with sharding. Stop invoking this straw man. You’re not fighting a group of every single horde subscriber, so stop talking as if you are. You enjoy outnumbering your opposition and you’re puffing your chest out because you’re winning. (winning where you are, against horde, where you are)

The funniest part is even with all of that they still talk as if every time they toggle on warmode a Horde butt whoopin miraculously falls out of the sky directly on to poor defenseless them.

If you shardhop then your a coward.

Nearly everyone is chasing the shinnies. How few people do you think would waste time on arena or raiding if they removed the rewards? PVP is fun, just spent hours pwning Horde in Drustvar. While fun after getting the Achievements I wanted there is no real reason to stick around.

Honor is pointless, we need a transmog set or a saddle tied to a honor grind every season so we at least have something to gain while pvping.

The main reason I use WM now is that the population difference is not so bad compared to how it was in 8.0 but the extra gear really makes it feel like WM is worth the extra time spent for players that want to improve their character compared to before where it just greatly slowed you down. more than 1/2 the Alliance I see in warmode don’t even need 370 gear and the 30% is not much with the current rewards from WQ’s. All I even do in WoW right now is WM Assaults and a bg here and there.

I have seen some people say that but in my experience we have pretty much dominated Horde (most of the time, it can go back and forth which is the best time to pvp.) and I roll solo most of the time. It really depends on your shards Only real problem I have seen was when raid after raid of Horde (not even in proper raids but had 40+ players each time.) where going for the wq a few of us needed. Only had around 10-20 Alliance trying to get the kill compared to that but I blame Blizzards crap shard system.

aint gonna lie i dont care that alliance gets 30% to our 10%, i just dislike the freebie 370 quest they get that we dont. make us kill 3x as many players in a week if you have to idgaf.

I agree with the post above mine! I’ll kill 50 or even 75 alliance for a 370 (I think the Alliance quest is 25 kills), just give us some version of the quest!

What? Shards are still overwhelmingly Horde dominated, an alliance raid appearing once or twice a day doesn’t change that. You still have a 10%+ population advantage.




No… what he said is exactly correct . Blizz has desperately tried to balance shards to save alliance but what it has done is put solo hordes players on shards with alliance raids . It’s just a matter of numbers , more horde are in WM and solo at all times of the day . Every time an alliance raid appears it shards the solo horde ppl to ‘balance’ the numbers. The same thing happens less on the other side as relatively compared to Horde very few alliance players are in the world out of raids with WM on.

I say forget sharding … let all players on WM play together like a giant PvP server . If alliance is outnumbered so be it. Perhaps Ruin can use more multiboxers to even the numbers .

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Nice conspiracy theories there.

It’s a matter of nos… it’s undisputable that there are more horde players with WM on solo while there are more allaince raids . How exactly do you think Blizz ‘balances’ the numbers in that case …?

Edit:- it would also explain why we seldom see solo alliance out and about.


This is just wrong man. There are more Horde raid groups, last night Alliance was pwning in Drustvar and the only raid in LFG the whole night only had around 15 players.

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It’s kinda funny that you’re taking your personal experience and applying that across the board. The alliance in your shard might have been “dominating” for whatever particular time you were there, while 4 other shards could have been completely the opposite. Also, you’re actually looking at the LFG for raids for an entire night? You’re either making the point for him, or talking out of your butt.

I don’t think it’s quite as much numbers as much as it is that alliance are overwhelmingly classes like paladins that have enough self heal and panic buttons to last long enough to regroup constantly.

It’s hard to kill even a 15 man alliance group when 10 of them need to be killed three times (two bubbles and a lay on hands) to stay dead for 15 seconds.

You’re slightly over-exaggerating how Paladin “save me” cd’s work there, unless something drastic has changed since I last played one in Legion. But yes, they are a pain and Alliance does seem to have a ton of them.

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I did look for raids, Alliance side. I found it odd how things where so I decided to check a few times.

When I got to the zone Alliance and Horde where battling at the WQ right outside of the main Alliance hub we pushed them back to the WQ at the other farm and after people completed both wq’s and left Horde would push us back to the town. It happend over and over with large numbers on both sides so I decided to check for raids. Even asked in chat if their was kill squads a few times (I was farming honor for the Achievement last night.) and found none.

From the look of things (for the most part.) it was just new players on both sides joining in for the loot before leaving the zone just for more to join in shortly after.

I don’t think it’s quite as much numbers as much as it is that alliance are overwhelmingly classes like paladins that have enough self heal and panic buttons to last long enough to regroup constantly.
It’s hard to kill even a 15 man alliance group when 10 of them need to be killed three times (two bubbles and a lay on hands) to stay dead for 15 seconds.

It’s the same with Horde players trust me, There are tons of Protection paladins and other annoying specs running around right now.

Really comical to me that people somehow think farming honor is efficient in raids. It takes anywhere from 10 to 16 kills in a raid to equal 1 kill while solo.